w * t i: ♦ t 1 * f f * % 9 It T Canada's six suj^ar beet factories produced in 1940 about 221,000,000 pounds of beet sugar for the dom- estic market Egypt's Wafd Party geems to have been wafted to victory in the recent vote. The streets of New York are pav- ed with asphalt, not gold. Customer: 'Have you a bnok en- titled 'Man. '.he Mnster'?" Saleslady: You'll And that in the fiction department." The gross value of principal field crops produced on Canadian farms in li94g is estimated at 1,427 million dollars, down 16 per cent from the 194S record o<f 1,696 million. Cream Is Staying Up In Price CREAM is one of the Farm Products that is staying up in price, and is iikeiy to be a good price for some time. Our advice to the â- farmer is produce as much cream as possible and deliver it to Flesherton Creamery, where every patron is a satisfied patron. We are still paying top market prices for FOWL and CHICKENS, ALIVE OR DRESSED Why not bring them in and them custom killed? Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manage r Phone 66 FLESHERTON THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, February 1, 1950 VICTORIA CORNERS Three deaths are in our record- ings this morning and our sincere sympotihy is extended to ail involved. Saturday, Jan. 21st, Mrs. Walter Acheson received word of the death of heo- cousin, Mr. Bernard Hastings, in Toronto. Monday, Jan. 23', Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gallagher received news of the sudden passing of Mrs. W'm. Smith at Huritsville, who was the mother of Mrs. Kingaley Gall- agher and had visited the Gallagher home here on sevei-al occasions, the last being Thanksgiving week end. This Monday morning word reaches us of the rather sudden passing ot Mr. Wm. J. Talbot, in a Priceville nursing home, wtiere he had been residing since tihe first of the year. Mr. and Mrs. Walter NiehoUs and family were in Toronto Sunday to visit the latter's brother, Mhr. Andy Hamilton, a patient there following an operation during the week. Mr* T3. A. Rtt:iTi..JAti visitpd a dav recently with her parents. M!r. and Mrs. Bert Henderson, Corbetton, the occasion being Mr Henderson's birth- day. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Stinson and two sons, Don and Bert, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Al- ton Oldfield, Coitbetton. Mr. and Mrs. Kilbourne Magee received the glad tidings of the birth of their first grandchild, in the home of their son in the West. Mrs. Elwood Stevens was hostess to the Proton Statfon W.I. Thurs- day afternoon. At an early January meeting of the school board of S- S. No. 4, Mr. Elwood Stevens was re-appointed as caretaker of the school and Mr?. Forbes as secretary-treasurer. riiursday the pupils and teacher were "pictured" at the school. The Y. P. U. met in the home at" Walter Nieholls Friday evening. The ne.\,t meeting will be in the home of .A.rt Jackson. Sunday evening, Feb. Sch, at 7:30 p.m., they are invited to join other pastoral charge Socie- ties, as well as neigUoring Socie- ties, in Flesherton United Church at a Youth Rally service. A scripture and a musical item are to be Mip- plied by Indatioge Soci«;ty. Miss Doris Bannon and nephew and niece, Tommy and Donna Gail Bannon, Toronto, were week end visitors at the former's home. Messrs. Art and Ed. Badgerow of Saugeen Jet. were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Stevens. FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Thompson visited (the latter's sister, Mrs. P. Light, and Mr. Ligiht, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Thog. Scott, Missea Louisa and Lavina Black, Toronto, visited on Sunday with their brother, John Black, and Mrs. Black. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Poole, Mr. and Mrs. W"Itflr Poole of Col'jne- wood visiteo recently witft M(r. and Mrs. Hoiward McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Barry IVIontgomery and dauj^iters of DundaUc visited on Sunday rwith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Long. Mr. and Mrs. John McLean and Ruth visited on Sunday wiUh. his mother, Mrs. Allan McLean, at Col- lingwood. , .Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robertson and sons visited her father, Mr. C. N. Long, who is confined in Markdale hospital. Mr. Jack McKee spent the week end with his parents. at the same place February 10th. We are sorry to report the acci- dent to Mr. Harvey Boettger, who received a dislocated shoulder by a fall On some ice, aiftar tihe hockey gaone in WaUcerton Saturday nigitt Mr. and Mrs. Walter McBride of Owen Sound spent the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy jhfacMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Patterson and Bobby of Meaiford viaited Wednes- day with Mrs. F. Jamieson. Mrs. Wilfred Magee visited with Ml', and Mrs. Douglas Cairna at Ceylon <for a few days. Mas Ehrelyn Acheson of Mclntyre visited the week end at the home of Mr. Ernie Proctor. 8TH LINE OSPREY eiuchre. There were five tables in play, at which Mrs. Lloyd Stepihen^ and Mr. Thos. Stephens w«re winn- ers, (With Miss Elizabeth Murphy baking the consolation priza. Mrs. Jas. Otteweil spent a few days the past week with her mother, Mrs. Foster, at Vandeleur. Mr. Wes Lawler of Stmia is spending a few days with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawler. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens and family visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stefpihens, Dundalk. A number from this line attended the euchre and dance in MltxweD on Friday night, sponsored by the L.O B.A., wdten 17 tables of eochre -.-ertj in play. Mr. Kilboume Hawkins ot this line carried home the prize fui highest score for the men. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Somers enter- tained their neighbors to the weeikly Send in Your Renewal. EUGENIA .\ progressive crokinole party was lield u:idoi- chc auspices of the W A. in the rooms donated by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Boettger last Wednes- day evening. The winners were Miss Shirley Cairns and Mr. Geo. Clark. Next party will be a hard tim* social YOU CANNOT ESCAi-E INCOME TAX RETURNS BY DIEING When you die the Succesion Duty Brancli requires copies of your Lncome Ta.x Returns for the past five years. Ta.x with Interest and Penalties (if any) must be paid bete-e your Estate is released for distribution. Have Your INCOME TAX RETURNS Properly Prepared While You Are Living BRUCE E. KEILL ACCOUNTING AUDITING in attendance at L B. Lucas Law Office Mon. - Tue?. - Thurs. - Fridav Wed. and Saturd:i ,• MARKDALE DUNDALK PHONE 2 25 Years' Experience PHONB 180 Bookkeeping Systems Installed 4. ////#///// /////// ///// / S L A M ff /I ff ff S Ji/ £ IV F i/ r // fi A Af / a S s p E c r /I ff i/ I /I fi "a ff ff K £ r" £ m ^ / m £ s / ""V^ £f / /! £ /I \/\/ A y" H r ££ /I A - M A r / ff £/ ff / / £ JL * %•* .* jrf A m A GfeN£RAL MOTORS VALUS « r * ^ A A ♦â- A exciting new seriesâ€" the sparkling Rocketing into the Futurauiic Fifties â€" a fabulous new fleet of OldsmobilesI Two "76" aud the action-packed "88". All new and FuturauMc! See them at your Oldsniobile Dealer's! New Futuraiuic styling â€" fresh, fleet, free-flowing lines â€" wider, roomier interiors â€" more visibility all around! The cushioned comfort of the "Airborne Ride"! New safety, strength and durability in more rigid Bodi*^^ by Fisher! Beautiful new Futuraniic colors! Get the great story of tiie Oldsniobile "Rocket" â€" newest, most advanced engine in motoring! Whirlaway Hydra-Matic* â€" the new automatic drive that matches the smoothness of the "Rocket"! Plus a host of Futuraniic feature.'*! Plan to see the new Futuraniic Oldsmobiles today. Then you'll want to . . . 1:0 ahead â€" own an Oldsinobilr! *.Sfcim/orrf on "88"; optitmal nt extra <v.--l >m "7(>". **-â- > â- l-hwt-'*: D. McTaY^sh 81 Sons, Icsherton