Wednesday, February 1. 1950 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE T Small Ads, FOR SALE â€" 2, tii-tsse and gander. â€" Geo. Boycu, phone UCJ4. 35c2 FOK SALE â€" Little pips, 7 weeks old. â€" Bruce Peebles, phone â- tlw4. FDR SALE â€" Good crosscut saw.- T. J. Fisher, phone 5w Flesbcrlon. I'OUXl) â€" Good car tire neai- Port- law. â€" Earl Talbot, Maxwell, phono ♦a*-l Flcshtrton. 35p2 .VANTBD â€" A.uun»U *iili«ble foi luiix and fox feed. â€" Bert Mciulo&t Eur^ni*. i»hon« PwrfarsL*"! 6r26 FOR .S.\X,E â€" 1937 Plymouth sedan in good fiindition. â€" Harold Phillips Maxwell, phone 1" r.huitm; 121w3. FOR .SALE â€" Extension table and G ehaii-3; electric washing machine. W. Hamilton, phone 79. 35p2 FOR SALE â€" Quantity of hay in mow. â€" V. G. Gauthicr, Ceylon, phono 40rl Flesherton. 36p2 FOR .SALE â€" Pure-bred iJuiiham buil ^\^th papers, rising 2 years. â€" John \V. Weklrick, Fevensham. 36c2 !MR SALE â€" Pair of lady's tube >l\ates, size 5, scaively used. â€" Phone 117w Flesherton. ;3fip2 FOR SALE â€" 2 hogs, one 10 mos. aid, registered, one 2 years old. â€" Jas. Hardy, Swinton Park. NOTK E â€" Any type of steady work 'â- a::Uid in Flesherton or within coni'iiuting: distance.- â€" ^C. A. Bas- tin. FMsher Apt., Flesherton. HIDES WANTED â€" Highest prices paiii for beei, horse and sheep hides. â€" ^Frank Eagles, phone 41JS Flesherton. 36p2 FOK SALE â€" Will sell or trade a <iuaiitity of oat straw, good feed, for young horse abotiit H or 12 hands high, sound and right. â€" Jos. IJaciley, iV'i miles east Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Jersey cow, 8 yrs. old, due in 2 weeks, and Durham-Jer- sey cow, 8 yrs. old, due in March, will sell either. â€" R. McCarty, R. R. 3, Priceville, phone Flesh- erton 49 M 13 35cl HOUSE FOR SALE in Uundalk, 7 rooiUB, frame construction, and •table; also Hereford bull, 18 mos â€" W. C. McGutcheon, Proton Sta- tion R.R. 2, phone â- H.M4 Dundalk. FOR SALE â€" Baby budgies, all col- ors, guaranteed, males $12.50, baby hens $8.50, also young can- arioa^ iTeti! rollers, singers $10.00 Holland Rollers, singers $12.50 guaitrnteld singers; the" Holland rollers were imported from HoU and in Deceni'ber and are all 194',l birds; Metz hen canaries $2.00 and $2.60; complete bulk and packag- ed seeds, dog supplies, cages nad stand.<4, prices icasonable. - - Big- gart Bird Pet Shop, 860 Third Ave. E., Owen Sound. .'i.'lel FARM FOR SALE 77-aere farm, Lots 1,'}3-134, 2 N. K-, .Artomesia. Lai-ge brick house, good bam. Apply to Fred W. Smith, K. R. 2, Flesherton. 33c4 HARRIS & DUNLOP BARHISTERS, SOLICITORS, EU- Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- uiday from 6 to 8:80 p.m- CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK Office, Toronto Street, Flenherton Inner of Marriage Licenses convh:yancer WlUs Mortgages, et^. Teeds A^rreenients A comimisHioner for taking affidaviU Telephone 29w Local aod Personal Mrs. J. W. Cook spent the week end witii Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Sniitli in Toronto. Mr. lian-y Thui-stou of Torotjlo Normal School spent the week end ni his piiirental home. Mis^. Jean Duncan, Toronto, .spent the week end with her ]wrents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Uuncan. Leila Hiei of Port Hope was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Cairns on the week end. .Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Perigoe, Mal- Un, spent the wee-k end with Mi'. and Mrs. Albert Stewart. Miss Kate MlacMillan of Toronto and Anne .\kins of Rouge Hill were liomc foi' the week end. .Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Banks of To- lont-o spent the week end with tihe former's parents, Mr. and MIrs. Geo. E. Banks. .Mr. and .^Irs. Lome Fawcett and son of .Aldershot were week end vis- itors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar. Mr. Ray Andrew has returned to Shelburne, after spending the pa ,t couple of weeks with his sister, Mrs. A. E. Bellamy, and Mr. Bellamy. Mr. and Mrs. ,Ias. Walter and Jack of Owen Sound. .Mr. and Mr.^. F. G. Moore of St. Marys visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J A. Hutchison. Messi-s. .Mbert Blackburn of Ham- ilton and R. J. Blaokburn of Orangs- ville spent a couple days last weeic with their sister, Mrs. T. J. Fisher, and Ml-. Fisher. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. J. Brackenbury on Wed., Feb. 8th, at 8 l).ni. Roll call: A Valentine verse; Program. Mrs IMcKinnon, Mrs. Johnson. Lunch â€" cake. MesdamcR Thur.ston, Abe"- dein, McKechnie; sandwich, Lawler, L. Fisher, Hutchinson. Mr. G. W. Ralph has assumed his position as manager of the Flesher ton liranch of the Camidian Bank of Commierce. Mrs. Ralph accompan- ied him from Pickering last week and they are occupying the apart- ment in Geo. Boyd's residence, va- cated by Mrs. R. B. Heard. We wel- come Mi-r and Mtrs. Ralph to our village. Send in your renews! now. AUCTION SALE Credit -Auction Sale of farm stock, implements and household furniture, Friday, Feb. 10, 3 miles noitli-west of Ceylon. Offering includes team of mares, 10 cattle, including Here- foid-Durhani g^rade bull, swine and implements, including lO^S Ford tiactor with plow, tandem discs, manure loader, racor mower, etc. â€" manuie loader, tractor mower, etc. â€" n(jiiald Whyte, Proprietor; Geo. K. Picture Show TOWN HALL {FLESHERTON THUR.SDAY, FEB. 2 I'Vanchot Tone Tom Conwsy .Ann Richards in •LO.ST HONEYMOON" Sportsreel '•RasHlin' .Match" Extra: "Riding The Crrn'" THURSDAY, FFTBRIIARY 9 M.G.M. Presents "GREEN DOLPHIN STREET" Starring Lnna Turner She wanted the man her sister loved. also "(Joodbye Miss Turlock" SHOW STARTS 8:00 P.M. DAVID ADLAM PASSES (Durham (Jhronicle) David .\dlam, a life-long resident of the ')urhain district, and a highly respected resident of the town for many years, died at his home, in Up- per Town on Sunday evening, Jan. 22nd, after being bedfast nio^ of the time for tJlie past year and a half. . He* was in his 83vd year and was born in Bentinok Township on Feb. 10. 1807. His parents were George ai,d Martha Britton Adlam. He was m?irried to Mary Ann Bailey May 31, 1811.!. They lived in the Allan Park and Ebenezer dis.tricts of Benti'nck for 31 years before coming to Dur- ham where they have been resident.-; for many years. They celebrated ivolden wedding anniversary on May 31, 1943, when their family of nine children and their wives and hus- bands present. Mh-s. Adlam died in June, 1948. The deceased wa.s always fond of carpenti-y work and worked at it most of his life, even when on the farm. He was a meniber of Chri.^t Churrih, Allan Park, and in his younger days a member of the Or- ange Lodge. He filled the position of assessor of Bentinck Towmsbip for some years. Sui'viving are nine sons and daugh- ters: George, Windsor; Mrs. W. I. Vullet (Mary), Durham; Mrs. Fred Torry (Mildred) and Mrs. Edgar Fursman (.Margaret), l)oth i^ Ben- tinck Township; Mrs. George Male (Susan), Detroit; Mrs. Freeman Burtwhistle (Lydia), Toronto; Wil fved, Flesherton; Mrs. Stanley Mich iie! (Prva), Owen Sound; and Cla:- cnc-e, Durham. Wesley and Grace are deceased. There arc 20 grand children and 1,') jjieat grandchildren. Of a family of nine brothers and sisters, three are living: Mrs. John .^Idred, Durham; William and John Adlam, both of Bentinck Township. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon, with pi'lvate service at the Kress Funeral Home and public service in Trinity Anglican Chui-ch. PRICEVILLE ROCK MILLS Messrs. Joe and Ernie Williams of Toronto spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Will- iams, Snr., and Mr. and Mrs. Ehvood Partridge. Ma-, and Mrs. Ted Croft visiteo recently with her mother, Mrs. Elsie Shaw, at Ceylon. Mr. Bill Smith is in Toronto anvl will attended the Ice Follies at the Maple Leaf Gardens. The B.Y'.P.U. will hold their next meeting at the home of Joyce Por- teous on Friday evening, Feb. 10th, when Don Smith will take the topic for the meeting. ^Mr. Wes Smith was in Owen Sound this week attending a meet- ing in regards to high .schools. Mr. Ned Croft visited Thursday with friends in Durham. ^LMIl-. Don Smith will be in Gait for a couple of days this week taking part in a curling bonsjiiiei with two rinks from the high school. \ Ml'. Earl Holmkay of the R.C.A.F. at Toronto spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mr.i. tJrant Helmkay. We are sorry to report Mrs. Rus- sell Phillips not enjoying good health for .some time past, but trust she will soon be restored to her usual good health. Mrs. Sam Phillijis of Fle.shert.()n has spent some time with her. TRUCKING International Harvester SALIkS and SERVICE ; FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY â€" Farmall Super A Tractor with 2-furrow adjustable beam hydraulic plow. Tractor 2-whe<d Manure Spreader. 18-Marker Fertiliser Drill. No. 46 Power take-off Pick-up Hay Baler. 2 4'furrow TVactx)r Plows, ace bottoms. Grain Grinders Ilanimer Mills, Cream Separators, etc. We have PRESTON E for your tractor ami car. Goodyear and Seiberilng Tires H. H. SAYERS GARAGE Repairs' to all makes of Tractors and Farm Machinery : Phone .SI DUNDALK I am now availaible at Flesherton to do general trucking at all times II nd go anywhere. Reasonable rates. Phone collect. DONALD WILSON Phone 122 Flesherton TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the sale of the two- storey brick building 60x28 feet, in PrJceville, fomnerly used a--* » school, will be received up until February I5th, 11)50. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For fur- ther particulars write the secreary- treasurer, -MRS. MILDRED E. BOIOE, . Priceville,»Ont. Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the undersigned for tihe purchase of shed at .St. Mary's .Anglican Church at Maxwoll, size 24x32, in good stale of repair, tenders to be in by Sat- urday, Feb. 4th, 1060. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Gei^rwdc Seeley, Seoty.-Treas. Maxwoll, Ont. Mi-s- G. Wiley and Mrs. Ellwood Kinsman were hostesses for pm- gressive euchre in the Institute hall Friday night, when 15 tables v/ere in play. MIrs. Jim McMullen of Ceylon was high lady and Dan ''. McArthuc was high man. iPeiey Sims won the prize for last lone hand. Following lunch Robt. Plester and Grant Sayers played for dancing which was hefd for a short tinne. â- ^Ti-ail Rangers wiis held Tuesday night at home of Ken MacPhail, with 12 Iboys and and their lead, M.-. Mould, present. After the usual opening exercises, games were (play- ed. Wciners and oranges were en- .i'lyed after .tlie meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. iDuncan of Dun- dalk visited Thursday at the home pf Jas. Sturrock. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hill and Sandy of Fergus visited recently at the home of L. McKinnon. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Patterson ob- seiTed their 29th wedding anniver- sary on January 26. Congratulations. Mrs. Wm. Mather and Lsabel visit- ed the former's mother, Mrs. Parko, in Hanover on Thursday. Mrs. Parks is 84 years of age. â- ^Mr. Wim. Mather has .purchased the residence in Priceville from Mrs. M«i'y McLean, who is teaching sohool in Toronto. Mr. and Mr.«. D. L. McArthur and Fieanor visited recently with friend.s in Toronto. Keith Whyte entertained some of his little pals to a party Saturday afternoon on the occasion of his 7tih birthday. Mr. Ward, a .â- itudent at Waterloo College, preached Sunday in St. .A^ndrew's church and delivered an excellent sennon, his subject bein/ "The .secret of Strength." He an- nounced that the organ fund now has $425.00 on hand. He urged the peopl(, to stand behind the commit- tee for this worth-while cause and have a part in making a donation. It will be greatly appreciated. The fund officers are: president, Mrs. W. P. Sims; vice-president, G. Sayers; secty.-treas., Mrs. D. L. McArthur. Friends are glad to hear that Mrs. Dan Campbell is making steady im- provement in Owen Sound Hospital, following her goitre operation on January 20th. Dad: "Did you have the car out last night, son?" Bob: "Yes, dad, I took one of thy boys over to the high school." Dad: "Well, tell him he left one of his lace hankies in the car." A di-ought on the Mexican Gulf coast has killed 3y,000 head of cattle. Stock breeders are asking the gov- einment to drill artesian wells to try to save the rest of their herds. The affected Huesteca legion supplies 80 per cent of Mexico City's, meat. • bUlJ-IHGRtY'S MOSl MODERN THEAIRt Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday February (J, 7, 8 "DUEL IN THE SUN" in Technicolor, Adult Starring Gregory Peck Jennifer Jones Thursday, Friday, Saturday February >), 10, 11 •TILL THE CLOl'DS ROLL BY" in Technicolor June .\IIIson Judy (iarland BIG CASH OFFER EVERY WEDNESDAY Plumbing and Heating Furnaces and Stokers installed and repaired Pressure Pumps Evetroughing Free estinitaes on ;ni\ joh you ret(uir'^. LYONS & HYSLOP Phone 187w Markdale Refitting For St. Lawrence Service Next -May S)th, the 26,000-ton Em- press of Scotland, which before the war operated as the Empress of Japan and was the largest and fast- est vessel on the Pacific Ocean, will sail from Liverpool for Greenock, Scotland and Queibec City on hei first post-war peacetime sei-vice voy- age. This addition to Canadian I'r.cific Steamships' transatlantic fleet will enable the company to provide a weekly service by Bmipress liners on the St. Lawrence route to the United Kingdom. The above [jhoto gives some idea of the magni- tude of the work being done at the Fairfield Shipbuilding Yard, Govan, •Scotland, where a two-year recondi- tioning to Enupress luxury stand- ards after S'j years of enviable war sei-vice is now being finished. Tn« Empress of Scotland will carry (50.'f passengers. Claims Barn Painting Racket Being Revived .-Recording to the National Better Business Bureau, the old time barn painting racket has been revived and many fanners are becoming prey to these raskateers. The Bureau re- ports that gangs of itinerant paint- ers are travelliing about the country fleecing farmers of thousands of dol- lars by engaging jobs to spray-paint barns, silos, etc. From reports sent in to the Bur- eau, these gangs carry some five !i:allon cans of nationally advertised first quality paints in their trucks to use as bait to get jabs. How- ever, it is said that a mixture of old motor oil, kerosene, red brick powder and carbon is used for the actual painting, which is washed off by tha first rain. These racketeers are a m-enace te the paint industry and it is hcpad that word may be passed to all rural areas, country egents and others to warn the farmers of these men. Old -Time Dance will be held in the »rn:- ""r '• '"'^' yaaBUS^ Fraternal Hall, Flesherton Friday, February 3, '50 vSponsorecl by I..O.L. 2855 Flesherton Hi^h Clas.s Music by NORMAN HARTLEY ORCHESTRA Admission : 50c .Lunch Provided <•*<^♦♦<KK~x~x•♦<•^~x•♦<">♦<•<•<~x••x•♦>•>♦^♦<•<•♦^>•^<^«>«^♦«><^<^<"Mi♦♦♦♦♦ McTavish's Reconditioned Used Cars and Trucks For Sale ^ 1948 Chevrolet DeLuxe Sedan 1946 Chevrolet DeLuxe Coach 1938 Dodge Sedan 1930 Chevrolet Coach ' TRUCKS New 1950 Chevrolet Vz-Ton Pickup 1947 Studebaker 3-Ton Platform Truck Now is a good time to save money on the used cftr or truck you may be thinking of buying. You will buy them for less money yiow than in the Spring. McTavish's Garage FLESHERTON, ONT. ♦♦»»»»»»»»»»<'»fr»<K-»»»»»«fr<><"><'»»»^<'»»»»»X>»»»»»»»#» »♦♦ -» â- ^ 1' ** 7^