"mm "W^JffW' man â- f-'. Wednesday, April 12, 1950 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE VICTORIA CORNERS iMr. and Mrs. Milton Bannon enjoy- ed a week end jaunt to visit relatives at ClairvilK', Woodbridge, Toronto and Cooksville from March 30 to April ard. Our sympathy is extended to Mr, Hujrh Bumstead in the death at hi? aged mother at her home in Mearford on Friday evening. A great deal of sickness, including 'flu, mump> and an '•over Easter" outbreak of measles, are catchinj? on with many homes of the community. We can only look forward to a dis- tinct change of season • h Spring Runahino and warmth, to clea,- up 'hese disea«ps, w^h hav0 liad a wide scope of territory to play ar- ound in this winter. Mrs. Ku.-ipp!) Linton wag week end visitor at Brampton and Toronto. Soivcral visitors were here from other points, including: from Toron- to, Doris Bannon, in the parental home; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Moore, in the George Moore home; MisB Marie Cook, with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter AchPson; Miss Hazel Jackson, at Art .Jackson's; Mr. and Mrs. Lome Booth, with K. A. Stinson's; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Batchelor, Woodbridgo, with thi' Russell Rrown family; Mrs. .Jack McKechnle, Durham, with her parents, Mr. and Mts. Elmo Stevens; Mrs. Brooi(s, Maxwell, with her hu.s- band, Ed., at Luther Love's; Miss Flora Reed and girl friend of Owen Soutnd, with Mr. and Mh-s. D. Reca. Miss Poggy Linton of the Bank of Coni'meivi! staff, Owen Sound, spent Raster in the parental homo and commenced a three week's vacation. IMPLEMENTS FLEURY . BISSELL Tractor Disc Harrows Smoothing Harrows Plows Lever Spring-tooth Harrows Tractor and Horse Mlanure Spreaders, nm rubber or steel OTACO TRACTORS Rubber Tire Wagons Automatic Tractor Disc Harrows Steel Wheels for rubber tires fi»r your own wagon RENFREW Electric Cream Separators New Gas-driven Washer , Electric Washing Machines and Stoves Hand Washers Some good used Separators, one nearly new BEATTY BROS. A full line of Stable and Bam Equipment Repairs W. C. WOODS FARM FREEZERS Now is the timje to install that Deep Freezer. I hare .one in stock for inspection GILSON Electric Washers De«^ Freezers Refrigerators Electric Stoves ROOFING A good supply of all kinds of Asphalt Shingles and Siding in stock. Steel Roofing to arrife very soon W. E. BETTS PHONE 46J FLESHERTON. ONT. ^^ (ffilfi Yes, every/hing's BEHER WITH BUTTER . . . because butter alone Is made from the rich cream of fresh, pure milk â€" nature's best, most complete food. Only butter can add that distinctive, wholesome bu/ter flavour and goodness. MARKETING SERVICE. DEPARTMENT OF ACRICULTU RE, OTTAWA Time To Order Your SEED for Spring We handle Rennie's and Steele- Briggft, the best seed obtainable. No. 1 Special in sealed bags Complete .stock on hand. You will find our prices ripht MAPLE SYRUP SUPPUES Sap Pails, long and short, galvanized or tin Syrup Tins Galvanized Iron for Pans Spiles MASSEY-HARRLS IMPLEMENTS and REPAIRS Some good used Drills, plain and fertilizer 1-Wajr Discs Smoothing Harrows Spring-tooth Harrows Tractor Discs in various sizes Stiff-tooth Cultivators Manure Spreader for horses or tratAor, on steel or rubber Spring-tooth Cultivator heavjr or light Tractor Plows, used or new Good Assortment off Fertilizer Sowers Cream Separators, Hand and Electric â€" When yon buy and when you sell your cream, yon fWTe money both ways. Tractors â€" Pony, Model No. 22 and No. 30 Side Rakes Hay \jutAtn, rake bar or cylinder type. IT WILL PAY YOU TO CALL ON US; OUR STOCK IS VERY COltfPLBTE. PRWES REASONABLE. WE DELIVEiR. i. M. STAFFORD MA SSEY-.H ARRIS SALES & SBRJVICE Hardware Bnilders' Suppllea Phone 27 FEVERSHAM Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Ralph spent the Bister vacation at Picfering. iMh-. Peter Dow of St. Clemens was a visitor in town on Good Friday. Mr. Dave Ajberdeiu of Burlington spent Kaster at his home in town. Miss Jeanette Cargo of Toronto spt'nt Kaster in town. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Williams .ipenl the w«cl{ end with their daughter, Mr.«. H. Bar les, ct Elmvilo Ma.stcr Junior Henderson ir with his undo, VA. Reid, at llo'.-ttin, for the Easter vaeaiion. Mr. and Mr.*;. F. Gorrell and fam- ily of Toronto were Eastor visit ir.s v/ith friends in town. Mr. ,'ind Mrs. F- W. . Duncan re- turned last week alter a !>i.\ weeit holiday in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Gates and daughter, Dorothy, of Hamilton spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. R. Boden. Mrs. Robt. Watson of Owen Sound spent Ea.ster and the first of the weelt with her aister, M!i-s. J. O. Da'ryavel. Misuses Evelyn and Helen Brown of Toronto spent Easter with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Brown. iMr. Jos. Sewell spent a ft-'w days last week with Mr. and Mrs. LJoyd Archibald, Dundalk. Mr. and Mrs. Kenenth McKee, Ruth and June, of Toronto were week end guests of Ml', and Mrs. J. W. McKee. Mt. and Mrs. Ted Pallett of Dixie spent the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. McTavish. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Patton and fam- ily (rf Toronto were Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Art McDonald of Ac- ton spent the holiday week end with Mr. and Mrs. Nonnan ScaiTow. Mr. and Mi-s. Secord Hardwick of Beamsville spent Easter Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. McCauley. iMt. Ken iHenry of Hamilton vis- ited with his grandmother, Mrs. W. I. Henry, on Saturday. 'Easter visitors with Mr. and iMirs. C. J. Bellamy were: Mr. Bob Bell- amy of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bellamy and daughter, Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barnhouise and Iwo children and Mr. and Mrs. Art Wardman of Toronto were week end (guests with Mr. and Mrs. K. Bett~>. Misses Margraret Maei)hor.son 'ind Janet Betts are spendiixg the Easter vacation in Toronto witn .Mr. and Mrs. A. Wardm'an. Reeve K. G. Betts was in Toronto tl;e first of the week atljndmp the O.E.A. convention, as delegate from the County Educational Coiumittee. Ml. and Mr«. Geo. Akins of To- rontf. spen: s.'Vtral days with the f< rmer's |.a'.on,t.T Mr and Mrs. C Akins. Mrs. E. Brown and daughter. Mar- guerite, and Miss Bealaice Thistle- thwaite of Brighton spent the Eas- ter week end in town. Miss Miarjory Bracyenbury, Reg. N., of Toronto is holidaying for ten day.s with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Brackenburv. Mr. Bariy Thurston student at Toronto Normal School, is holiday- ing at his home. He will be teach- ing in Orange Valley school for a week after Easti'r holidays. Mr. Donald McLeod of Huron Col- lege, London, .spent Eastor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. McLeod. He leavti.4 this week to attend the annual theological conference in New York. CEYLON Nine tableg were in play at the eurfjre held in the school Thorsda.v night, with high scores going to Mrs. Wni. Gibson and Harold Nicnol. Con- solatioin prizes vvere won by Mrs. Frank Taylor and Wm. Gibson. The next euchre will be held on April 20, with pu'oceeds in aid of the Centre Grey Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ji^n McWilliam were in Toronto on Friday. Their grand- son, John, returned with them. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hemphill and fam'ily vi.siited in Toronto Friday. Misses Frances and Marion Coll- inson of Toronto were home for the Easter holidays. Misses Mary and Jean McMuIlen of Toronto and Miss Janet Neijgon qt Owen .Sound .spent the week end with Mr. and Mr?,. Jas. McMuUen. Miss Dorothy Snell of TJh-onto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Snell. « Week end guests of Mh*. and Mrs^ A. Kitchen were: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Plester, Delbert Plesten-, all of To- ronto. Mr. Laverne Piper of Toronto was an Easter visitor with his narents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. PipeK Dr. and Mrs. W. Henderson of Or- angeville were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Copeland over the holiday were: Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Copeland, Dundalk; Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Henderson and family, Corbetton; Mr. and Mrs. Earl ANNUAL MEETING of South-Grey Progressive-Consekirative lAssociation will be held in the TOWN HALL, DURHAM WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26 at 8 o'clock p.m. Election of officers, general business and a prominent . speaker will address the meeting H. Kress, F. Sawyer, President. Secretary Teeter of Toronto. Mra. Teeter re- mained for a week. Mr. and Mrs. MIcDonald of Ottawa were week and guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McMaster of St. Catharines sipent Easter with the former's mother liere. Mr. and Mrs. Hogue of Toronto spent the week end with Jirs, Sev- ern and Tommie. Holiday guests with Mt and Mrs. L. Duckett were: Mrs. Sally Wagner and son, Mont" of Toronto. Monty j'tmained for a week's visit. iln 1949 the production of steel ingots in Canada reached a new re- cord high of 8,464 tons per day. ~ FOR SALE â€" Quantity of mixed gi-ain.â€" John Wilson, R.R. 5 JWark- dale. 46p2 K LIVESTOCK WANTED ^. . •"""' â€" * We SolifeSt your offerings of butcher tattle, buills and hogs. With a newly completed beef floor, we are in a position to ' handle all of your live stoolc. THE FIRST COhOPERATLVE PACKERS OF ONTARIO Phone 2453 Barrie, Ont. OELl'a^ Thursday, April 13, /only "SCENE OF THE CRIME" with Van Johnston Arlene Dahl Friday land Saturday April 14, 15 "MR. BELVEDERE GOES TO iCOLLEGE" Starring Clifton Webb Shirley Temple Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday April 17. 18, 19 ••BATTLEGROUND" Starring Van Johnson John Hodiak Coming: "Story of Seabiscuit" BIG CASH OFFER EVERY WEDNESDAY Small Ads WANTED â€" Girt or young woman for help in restaurant, â€" B«st Grill». Flesherton. phone 13 or 84. 47pl FOR SALE â€" Timothy and allfalfa baled hay. â€" Ed. Ferris, phone" 45w4 Flesherton. 47p2 FOR iSiALE _ Good building lots in Flesherton, reasonafele. â€" Mrs. .1. Heard. 46p2 WAlNTBD â€" Spool bedstead, %- aize, must foe in t;ood condition. â€" iPhone 16 The Advance. 46c2 FOR SALE â€" 3 Purelbred Tamworth boars, 5 months old. â€" W. RaDcliffo, phone 626r4 Ml^rkdale. 47c2 FOR SALE â€" A few tons ot.goddf loose ntixed bay. â€" F. Eagles, phon^ 41J3 Flesherton. 47p2 â- v- FOR SALE â€" Ajax oats and Mont- calm barley, grown from register- ed seed. â€" ^K«ndal Hawkins, R.R, 1, Eugenia, phone 30r42 Feversham. FOR SALE â€" Seed, alfalfa; mam- moth, and mammoth-alftal& mix- ed. â€" E. Buckingham, Maxwell, pTione Ferveraham phone 4rl4. FOR SlAIiB ^ Child's era>, steel, with spring, in first class condi- tion.â€" F. J. Tliwrston, phone 18 jr 62J. Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Montcalm ' baibless barley, good for seed; good pis> ure fam< 'wan/ted.â€" tBryce Hanley,, .Eugenia, phpne Feversham SOrSfc FOR SIAiLE ^- Ajax and Clinton oats for «eed, also some open purebred Yorkshire sows. â€" Ross Stevens, phono 3.2J2 IFIesherton. 47o2 FOR SAI^ _ OOMI man's . bicycle good tiraf, good condition, fW.OO. â€" I iJohn Phdlllp*, •j>hone Flesher^ ton llOwia. 'â- â- '^ VfiZ FOR SALE â€" General purpojfeiwtje 10 years old, good^worker, cht^." â€" Jas. . McMullen, *Ceylon, phone 34J1 Flesherton. . I37c2 ! '. â€" -• ^--VWBU FOR SALE â€" General purpose K year-old gelding, broke single' or dpulile. â€" Chesley Shears. P^ton Station. - 47pl â- ;': "â- FOR SALE â€" 5 young pigs; tteack loads of oat straw; several Leg- horn cockerels. â€" Jos. Radley, phone .75J18 Flesherton. iTdS »<K•<'»»"^♦^â- »»<<M^<^,»»,»»^,^<M;.M»<Nfr»^<Hfr♦^»»»<.»»«<><M{N»»»»»»o♦♦♦4 I t DUNDALK ELECTRIC Contract and Custom Electric Wiring RADIOS â€" Phillips, Rogers- Majestic, Northern Electric and Stromberg-Carlson Radios. The t'oriowing teachers are home â- for tile I'Jastci- vacation: Miss Alice! Heard, Winghanv; Laura Boyd, Eve- 1 lyn McTavish and Kate MbMilla-i, | Toronto ; Anne Al<ins, Rouge Hill; Marion i^lauffer, .Tear. Turncy, Lois S))arl<;- and Eleanor Spurlts from neai- (Irand ValU'y; Marjraret Turney of Owen Sound. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Leonard Universal and Phillips Refrigerators We go anywhere. f •> Phone 211 Dundalk, Ontario In the matter of |the Estate of U«iberl John Mclntyre of the Town- ship of Osprey, deceased. Ail persons having claims against the Flslali' of Robert J.)hn Mclntyio, lati' of llu' Town.sliip (iif O.tgjrey, in tho County oif Grey, who died on or about Ihe 26th day of Febiiiary, A.U. 19.50, arc hereby re<iuired and notified to send prepaid to the un- dersigned on or before the 1st dav of May, litSO, full partioulars vei>iled by statutory declaration. Iniediately aftur the said 1st day of May, 1950, the Estate will be dis- trifbuted among the tiarties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been received. Dafd at Flesherton this 8th day of April, A.D. 1660. -JIARiRIS & DUNLOP, Solicitors for the Executors Wool Growers' Organization WOOL SHIP COLLECT TO Ouf R«9)«t«red Warehouse No. 1 WESTON, ONTARIO Roliabis Grading Prompt Sottloment IMpp«n may eblolii Mcln and twiiM wMiout chart* tfm L. CMil Ymdc, R.R. 3 Flesherttn Wes. Yoang, Maxwell Wm. J. McMaster, Fleaherten Of By WfllM|| 4HP#Ct •• flANAOIAN co-ersRATiva wool MOWEM UMITID M7 Sor ttTMt, Toronto Cmnaia W McTavish s Reconditioned Used Cars 1947 Chevrolet Stylemaster Sedan 1946 Chevrok't l.olux Coach 1941 Chevrolet Coach 1938 Oldsmobile Sedan 1937 Plymouth Sedan 1935 Plymouth Sedan 1935 Ford Tudor 1931 Ford Coach 1930 Chevrolet Coach 1930 Ford Sedan 1947 Studebaker 3-ton Platform Truck, 8.25x20 tires, D P axle ; 1st class running condition. We also have available for immediate delivery: New 1950 Oldsmobile 4-door Sedan New 1950 Chevrolet ^-ton Pick-up Now is a good time to see us about that used car you are planning on. You will make money by buying now. McTavish's Garage Phone No. 9 Flesherton, Ont. NOTICE â€" Will the person wfcj borrowed our wire stretchers re- turn same immediately. â€" O. & ^A. Co-operative, Flesherton. bSrS FOB SALE or REiNT â€" Pasture farm containing 60 acres, good grass, water and shade. â€" Jas. A. Stewart, phone .'^w4 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" General-Purpose horse !6 years old .(Hackney-Belgian^.â€" M. Londry, Maxwell, phor.e 121J4 Fleshertoii. J5p2 FOR BADE â€" Three registered An- gus bulls, vaccinated and T.B. test- ed. â€" Thos. ^Copeland, Lot 21, Con. 14, Proton, phone 186 J3 Dundallt. FOR SALEâ€" Good clean Ajax oat3» fuitable for seed; also fall wheat. Lome Bumstead, R.R. 5 Markdah, phone "^US Mlarkdale. 46c2 NTOTilOE â€" Hunting, trapping and trespassing strictly prohibited on Lots fll and 52, Con. 9, Artemesia. â€" John McDonald, Eugenia. 46P3 KOR .S.ALE â€" it Yorlcshire pigs, '•e:Kl\ to wean; IS-hoi AI -1! rued driH and gra.ss seeder; 2-f arrow Cockshutt walki-,r plmv. â- -I.awson WMvfehead, phore i0.l.v2. '7p2 â- FOR SALE â€" iCockshutt fertilizer seed drill, IS-disc, only sowed 40 acres; or disc Cockshutt drill, new. â€" Geo. Hill, phone 224J1 Mark- dale. • ^46pl FOR SALiE â€" iSows and little nigs; pressure cooker canner, size \No. 5; alrg« wooden crib with springs; red clover seed.-Les. Seeley, phone Feversham »2rll. 46ip3 FOR SALE â€" Auto-T(rac on rubber, 1928 Chev. motor, nearly new. Oiaco gears, new battery, sealed Ibeam tractor lights; this machine is in (food mechanical condition. â€" Doug. Oliver, phone 99J5. 47p2 WOCro FOR aiAlffi â€" ]BarA«"ood slabs, 7S% hardiwood ov b«tt«f, $25 per load, a3>out 8 ocnrdai soft- wood slabs $18 per load; dean • h»rdwo<»d sawdust |» per load de- livered. --- W. Playter, pihone MSJ Markdale. ^M CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL Ofic*. TDronto StTMt. hancr of MarrUg* COKVEY ANGER Wins M<>rU(a»«», ste. t)cada AiTCHneali A eoDMniuioiiMr for teWoc affidaviis T«I«phaM SVw » * f m ^ â- * f 'fr â- f t «