k 9' r ^hje ^lm\^txti}^ %^mnce. VOL. 70; NO. 1 Jl__ c AeSHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1950 F. J. Thurston, Publisher Mailing List Changed^ •This week our mailing list has been c3rrected and all payments made up t* Satiurday night should have been nflfede. Look at your laibel njow and sfc if- yo« have been credited with tSe correct amount. If not we will ly see that it is made right, ny subsciuptions are now due past due, and wc would be pleased either have you call or send your ?al! by mail. Thank you! NELDA McDonald, eugenia OK FIRST AT FESTIVAL Donelda McDonald of Eu- 3a, daioghter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dofeald, won first place and a gold c^iflcate for solo in the elaas 12 and uii^r, at the musical festival in M^kdale last week. Donelda sang "CSwne, See Where Golden-Hearted Sasring," (Handel). Mrs. Waddell of DlNMlalk was her music teacher. Dapelda attends the Rock Mills pub- lic school. f â- •\ BORN fcOPELAN© â€" At the Nuhn Nurs- ing Home, Flesherton, on Fri., June 2wl, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. C^land of Dundalk, a son. . a^ you're dissatisfied with your job it ma J be. too easy, . â- -* 1 Euture Events f '^ 1*LAY AT MAXWELL he Road Back" will be presented i^iWJaxwell Oran^ H»ll on Friday, 16th, at 8330 p.m., by Dunedin '^mVJ^., Hinder aosipices of Maxwell L.U.B.A. Admission: 35c nd 20c. d5mINION day. FLESHERTON Save the week end o>f July 1st and 2nfi for the big 'Legion week-end. Saturday: baseiball, races, games, -L bingo, dancing, liudky draw. Sunday, â- ^Jiuiy 2: Special service in JMemorial PSrk, good (band, Hon. W. iE. Harris as'guest speaker. Ball Games Next Week Next week is ball-week in Flesher- ton, with the senior club playing four games, two at home and two away. The boys are getting into good form and promise to give you some good entertaiinment if you can come out and see them play. The following is the schediule: Monday â€" Baseball, Flesherton it Rocklyn 2:30. Tuesday â€" SofUwU, Kilsyth' at Flesherton, 7:30. Thursday â€" Softtbali, Flesherton at Holland Centre, 7:30. Friday â€" Baseball, Markdale at Flesherton, 6:80. This past week Flesherton played Keady here and won 9-7 in a closa game. Mtonday night Markdale took the baseiball game on their grounds by making a seventh-inning rally to nose out a win 7-6. The junior baseiball team play their first game this Friday night, when they entertain Markdale here. Give the young fellows encouragement with your attendance. Bob Falconer is pitching good ball ^or the seniors and is ilso playing for the juniors. Over 90 BirthdayvClub ^ (By PMceville Reporter) Congratulations to Mrs. Bffie Pin- kerton, who celebrated her 99th birthday on Sunday, May 28th, when over 60 friends called to wish her many happy returns. Friends were present from Barrie, Toronto, Owen Sound and the West. This commun- ity wishes Mrs. Pinkerton good health and happiness for many more birthdays. Congratulations to Mrs. Richard Whittaker, who celebrated her 90th birthday on Sunday, May 28th. Mri. Whittaker resides at the home of 'her son, I. B. She is quite active and smart for her years. All hope that she will have cdntimied good health. DANCE AT PHICEVILLE Dance in the W(J. Hall, Pricerville To-night (Wednesday) June 7th, to mfiisic by Sharpe's Orchestra, under auspices of the W. I. Admission: 40c. This Week Is SUrt Of 70 Yeaa Of PubUshing Tliis week The Advance commenc- es seventy years of aublication in Flesherton, in ^11 that time having only three editors, ch^ late A. R. Fawcett, the late W. H. Thurston, who wa^s editor for fifty years, and the present editor.. The Advance has been in the Thurston family since July 1st, 1888. EMILY ACHESON WON BLOSSOM QUEEN TITLE Emily Aoheson, 17, popular fourth year student at the Flesherton high schoo. was chosen aa q;ueen for the Georgian Bay Apple Blossom Fest- ival at Thornbury on Saturday even- ing and who ruled over Apple Blos- som Sunday, when thousands visited the Geoi-gdan Bay aipple distict to see the ordohards in bloom. Emily is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ren Ach- eson of tihe Centre Line, Artemesia. .â- The Apple Blossom Queen was chosen from eleven entrants, which this year, was limited to high school girls from Grey County and a section of Siracoe County. Miss Rwby Ford ..of Meaford took second place and MariljTi McDonald of Thornbury was third. The podnt system of judging was used with 50 jwints for deport- ment, style and beauty and 50 points for talent. For her talent piece, Miss Acheson sang "That Man of Mine," in a natural soprano voice and for her second piece she chose "Happy Times Are Here Again," and was accomipanied by her sister, Evelyn. Mayor I. H. Master of Thornbury placed the crown and robe upon the queen. He also presented her with the challenge cuip and a small replica which she will keep. A cash award of $50.00 was also presented to MSss Acheson. To 'Emily goes the congratulations of all In this district for her win at the Apple Blossom Festival. Who knows, 'but she miight yet be "Miss Canada" is she tries for furthej: honors. rae 4 ^-5*ir STOP Stop at the Flesherton Creameyr and leave your Cream and Eggs. We guarantee to give you all that is in your produce. Give us a trial and you will be another of our sat- A isfied customers. ' We are paying top market price for Fowl, either alive or dressed. ft CREAMERY HOURS The CrcaiTier\- hours for June, July and August will be : Monday, Tuesday. Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday land Saturday 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 12 Xoon Fleshertoi^ Creamery "The Honvs of Service and Satisfaction Phone 66 FLESHERTON Angus Avis, Manager W. Hamilton Succeeds J. E. Bradley As Road Foreman Mr. Wallace Hamilton of Flesher- ton has received the appointment of superintendent of Highway No. 10, suoeeedin^ Mr. J. Ernest Bradley, who held the position for 17 years and who resigned a month ago. iMr. Bradley had the full confidence of the Department of Highways and was considered the best road foreman in the province, keeping his highway in first class condition. The Depart- ment was very reluctant in granting his resignation. Mr. D. Gordon Will Preach On Presbyterian Circuit (By Priceville Reporter) Mr. Douglas Gordon has been ap- pointed minister for two years at the Markdale, Swinton Park and Price- ville circuit of the Presbyterian Church. He took an .\rts course nt the University of Toronto and serv- ed in the Royal Canadian Navy in second great war. He taught S;hool rtt Beanisville for a year and has now comipleted his first year at Kno.-c College. His father, Rev. S. -VI. Gordon, was pastor at Chatsworth for some time. I The Late Ms. A. Wright 1 1 ( A Our Chapel U tt tht disposal of our clienttlt without txtra ehargs. It contains w«U-appointed family ttctption rooms, including organ and organist. Bates and Maddocks i24Av;'nti; Rd KI.4M4 (By Pricevillei Reporter) Mi's. Ehzabeth Wright died Tues- day at Miss Nock's nursing home, Pr'':eville, after a lengthy illness She was in her 87th year. The laie Mi-s. iWright was a native of Prlc"- ville. her maiden name being Eliza- beth Simpson and Was a daughter of the late John and Catherine >fcRae Simpson. In 1900 she was united in marriage to Alonzo Wright and they resided in Buffalo, her ^husband predeceasing her in 1920. Twenty years ago tlie late Mrs. Wright returned to Price- ville and had since resided here. There were no children. One sister, Margaret Simpson, resides in 'rice- ville. In religion Mrs. Wright was a Presbyterian. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon, with serviice in St. And- rew's Pi-esbyterian Church, Mr. D. Gordon being in chaiige. The hymns usel were "Jesus Saivior Pilot Me" and "Wfcat a Friend We Have in Jesuis." Interment was made in Mc- Neill's Cemetery. The casket bearers were: James Oliver, Jim Sturrock, D. L. MacAr- thur, Huifhie McLean, Angus Clark and Andrew Hincks. Grey County Medical Services Report Good Year Albout 100 memibers turned out yn Wednesday evening of last"*%veek to hear the financial statement and op-- erating jeport of the past fiscal year of the Grey County Co-operative Medical Sei-vilces, which was held -n the town hall, Flesherton. The dir- ectors and auditors were elected for the ensuing year. EM. Lang of Flesherton, president of the Co-operative since it was started, ..presided over the meeting. CliflTord iO.. Sutcliffe of Desboro, sec- retary-treasuarer, gave the operat- ing report, while the report of the directors was given by Norman Brown tff Clarksburg. Norm Alex- ander of the U.C.O. accounting serv- ice, Toronto, gave the aditors' re- port. Mr. Sutcliffe reported a substantial increase in membership during the past year ending iMarch 31st, when there ,-\v«re 2,263 memibers, an in^ crease of 7*2 over the previous year. Including members, there are 6,081 persons eligible for benefits, an in- crease of 1,88'8 over tlie previous year. '^hp auditors' report shoiwed that during the past year member- ship fees received amounted to $26,- 584.72, unearned income carried over from (previous year $5,646.60, making a total of $31,801.32, of which $23,- 584.16 was earned income. During the year 488 hospital accounts were paid amounting to $1'8,880.95, about SC-f erf the earned income. Admin- stration cost was $1,969.65, aibout 8.4% of earned income. Other in- come was $220.00, interest on invest- ment, leaving a net savings for the year of $2,953.56, which the memibers voted to be left in the reseiwe fund. Total assets of the Co-operative am- ounts to $15,528.22. of which $10,000 is invested in UX^.O. debentures and Dominion of Canada bonds. Answering a question from the meeting regarding increased rates and benefits, Mr. Lang stated that the Grey Oo-operative Medical Serv- ices is the members' organization. If, and when> increased rates and bene- fits are desired, this can be done by a resolution supported by a majority of mem'bers at a general or annual membership meeting. He stated that at present 65% of t'le members sub- scribe to the Tower of the two plans offered, which was pretty substantial evidence that the membership in Grey County desire a low-cost plan covering partial risk. Ill the ele;:tion of directors, the fr 'towing were elected fo; a two-year term: Ed. Lang, Flesherton; Elg'n Wilton, Normanlby Township; John Firth, Glenelg Township; Edgar Lemon, Sydenham Township; Nomi- ar. Brown, Collingwood Township; John Lush, Euphrasia Township; Bert Scott, Proton Township; Mrs. Geo. Cutbush, West Shore and Owen Sound, was the only new director elected, replaleing Cliflf Galbraith of Sarawak Township. Mr. Lang, tho president and the board of directors for the past year were commende! and thanked by a motion of the meet- ing for the capable leadership and sjuidance of the organization. Thi officers for this year will be ap- pointed from among the directors nt a board meeting to be held shortly. FLESHERTON PASTORAL CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA United Service of Rededicaticn (Flesheron, Eugenia, Inlstioge and Proton Congregations) IN HONOR OF THE 2.5TH ANNIVERSARY At Sl John's SUNDAY, JUNE 11th 11 a-m. EVERYBODY WELCOME A, G. Macpherson, Pastor. Geo. H. Cairns, Secty. Flesherton School Won Mixed Choir Trophy Flesherton public school mi.\ed :hoir won first place at the Grey County Musical Festival at Mark- dale and c.%ptured the McQuay Tann- ing Co. trophy for the second year in succession. Janet Macpherson and Barry Dearling won first place in solo and Donna Boden took third in her section, all classes having a large number of contestants. Others taking part in the festival were: Donna Jean Hamilton, Clive Dear- ling, Heather Macpherson, Pauliu.j Laxiton, Carol LittlejohUd, Leona Richardson, John Phillips, Elaine MacArthur, Ilo McKechnie, Barry Scarrow and Sheila McKilloip. The Markdale officials are to he congratulated on their undertaking in conducting the musical festival 'n such a splendid manner which speaks well for the team-worlt required for such a large event il everything is to mn smoothly. They did a great piece of work. WINS NAIIIONAL HONOR SOCIETY GOLD MEDAL Gerald Frederick Large, 16-year- old Son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Large of Tonawanda, N. Y., and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Large of Niagara Falls, Ont., form- erly of Eugenia, has been awarded the Gold Medal of the National Hon- or Society of America. This medi! is presented to students for general ability, pleasing personality and ob- taining 90 per cent in all their writ- ten examinations over a period of four years in high school. Gerald is also a star basketball and football player. He is a student at Tona- wanda high school and plans to at- tend Cornell university. MATHER â€" STEVENS In Division .Street United Church, Owen Sound, on Saturday, June 3r.i, at 2 o'claek p.m., Rev. G. ICeith M. â- Millan heard the marriage vows of Lavina May, daughter of MV. and Mrs. Ross Stevens of Flesherton, and Thomas William', son of Mr. and Mrs. W^ni. Mather of Priceville. The bride wore a street-length jrown of medium blue satin, with a cordage of pink roses. Siie was at- tended by Mrs. Robt. McDUyre. sis- ter of the groom, who wore a sti'eet- length gown of pale blue silk jersey, with a Mrsage of yellow roses. Mr. Ro<bt. Melntyre was groomsman. The bride's travelling dress was an aqua and black figured silk with grey coat, hat and accessories to match. The young couple leift on a wedding triip to Manitoulin [Island. On their return they will reside on the groom's farm near 'Priceville. Jacob Williams Passes Following a short illness, Mr. Jacob -A.. Williams, formerly of Eu- genia, passed away at Priceville on Tuesday evening of this week. De- tails of funeral arrangements are not at hand as we go to press. School Areas Being ^i Considered In Osprey The Osprey Municipal Council met in vegulur session on Saturday, June ord, with all members present. Mr. Buie, who had undergone a very ser- ious operation following an injury sustained in a motor accident in the winter, was only able to be present for a short time as he had not yet resumed his usual good health, and by unanimous resolution of the mem- bers, Mr. Moore very capably assum- ed the duties of the chair. The operator of the township maintainer tendered his resignation from the operation of the machinOr and authority was delegated to the Reeve and Saperintendent to en^rage a successor for same. Education and High School and Township School Areas came up for -ousideration amount of (iiscussian. and, as the Municipality will be di- vided as to which area or areas will serve it, the Clerk was instructed '.a write the various school boards for their decision as to which they indi- vidually wish to be included in, as some sections had not as yet decided as to the area they wish to be includ- ed in a Townshp area. It was de- cided to hold a special meeting yt the Council at a later date, when the By-law would be discussed and ac- tion taken in regard to it. The Road Superintendent present- ed his voucher, mounting to $1263.94, which was ordered paid. General account to the amount of $313.12 were also ordered paid. Council adjourned to meet in reg- ular session on Monday, July 3rd. St John's United Church Rrr. A. G. Macphersoa Minister SUNDAY, JUNE 11 â€" 11 a.m., United Service of Thanksgiving and Redication for tfho whole Pastoral Charge at St. John's, Flesherton. Everybody urged to attend. Choir members please meet in the church basement at 10:50 a.m. Inistiage W. A. meets this Thurs- day, June 8th, at the home of Mrs. R. Patterson. Oias. Brodie, Maxwell, Dies Following a heart condition extend- ing o<v«r a period of years, Mir. Ohas. Brodie passed a'way at hia home in Maxwell on Twesdiay morning of this week, aifter being bedfast for albout a month. Sis many friends are very soiTy to hear at his sudden death and convey sympathy to his wife. FRUIT-FILLED • Just a look at this Fruit- Day filled Ring will make a man's eyes pop hungrily. But wait till he tastes the luscious secrets underneath ^hat inviting brown crust! He'll praise your choiceâ€" and you'll ring up another credit for 's Bakery ! RING after day we're turning out a sumptuous varifcty of Sweet Goods, Cakes, Pies, and Breads to add distinction to your meals and take away the labor of menu-making. Choose something tempt- ing from our display today! Flesherton Bakery ^ »' Phone 6« FLESHERTON