Flesherton Advance, 7 Jun 1950, p. 8

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Ifednesday, June 7, 1950 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE IMPLEMENTS FLEUBY - UISSELL Tractor Disc Harrowg Smoothing Harrows Plows L«ver Spring-tootli Harrows Tractor and Horse Manure Spreaders, ion rubber or steel OTACO TKACTOKS Rubber Tire Wagons Automatic Tractor Disc Harrows Steel Wheels for rubber tires fi*r your own wagon RENFREW Electric Cream Separators New Gas-driven Washer Electric Wanhing Machines and Stoves Hand Washers Some good used Separators, one nearly new BEAri'Y BROS. A full line of Stable and Barn Ettuipment Repairs W. C. WOODS FARM FREEZERS Now is the time to install that Deep Freezer. I have one in stock for inspection Electric Washers GILSON Deeip Freezers Electric Stoves ROOFING Refrigerators A good supply of all kinds of Asphalt Shingles and Siding in stock. Steel Roofing to arrife very snon W. E. BETTS PHONE <6J FLESHERTON, ONT. Our Service Goes With Our Sales We have in stock Northern Electric Ranges and Refrigerators ^ Woods Water Systems and Water Heaters Electric Wiring and Fixtures Washers and Motors FRED ROSS ELECTRIC Phone 4r6 Feversham MAXWELL ALL RATEPAYERS OF ARTEMESIA TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOL SECTIONS ANNOUNCEMENT OF IMPORTANT SCHOOL MEETING The Council of the Township of Artemesia, in co-opera- tion with the Public School Inspector, are calling a public meeting in the Town Hall, Flbsherton, ©n WEDNESDAY, • JUNE 7th, at 9:00 p.m., Daylight Saving Time, to present the details of the new grant scheme as it applies to rural schools. Since, under this new grant scheme, grants payable, in behalf of Township School Areas could mean an additional $4,500.00 a year to .\rtfmesia ratepayers, this matter will be discussed and a vote taken on a proposal to form a Township Schortjj Area in Artemesia in 1950. All interested ratepayers are urged to attend. JOHN A. DAVIS, A. B. CHARD, WM. G. RAE, Reeve. CJerk. P.S. Inspector. Local and Personal iMiss Jeanette Cargroe of Toronto spent the week eii<i in town. Mrs. Harriett I'elch of Toronto is visiting her brother, Mr. F. Brack- enbury, and Mrs, Brackenbury. Mrs. G. B. Welton and little grand- daug'hter, Dawn Crane, .spent the past week in Mt. Forest. Mr. Barry Thurston has camipleted his Normal School training in To- ronto and is at pre.^ent at his home. Se<;ure your tiicktts from Reg Bo- den for the lacrpsse games in Owen Sound. Mr. iElwoo<l Gc'noc and" son, Jim, of Toronto spent the week end with Mt. iHarry Genoe. Mrs. Chas. Bali of Mt. Forest is visiting this week with her parents. Mil-, and Mrs. G. B. Welton. (Mrs. H. G. Herbert and Linda of Toronto are sipending a couple of weeks at the Cangoe home in town. Miss Anne Akins of Rouge Hill was honie over the week end and the school holiday on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hard Bates and children of Hamilton sipent the week end iwith iMr. and MIrs. Arnold Bowler. Rev. A. G. Macpherson attended the annual meeting of the Toronto Comference of the United Church of Canada last week. iMr. and Mrs. Walter MacDonald of Douglas, Ont., are visiting wi'h their daughter, Mrs. A. G. Macpher- son, at the Parsonage. Messrs. Alex. Henderson and Geo. Armstrong have entered th^ir pacers in the horse races at Shelburne on June 14. This will be the first start for George's three-year-old. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cameron and children of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lawson White and other district relatives on the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Crooks and son, Allan, of Valleyfield, Que., are visiting this week with Mrs. Crook's brother, Mr. L. MeCracken, and other members of the family. Visitors at the home of Mr. D. W. Adams on the week end were: Mr and Mi's. Jack Adams and Carol, Jim Adams and Bolb Copeland, all of Lon- don, Bruce Adams, Doris Keel, Bill West of Toronto and Ena Adams of Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Richards spent several days in Detroit, Mich., re- turning home on Monday evening. ".Dick" and "Dtot" obsei-ved their 25th wedding anniversary on Thurs- day last. Best wishes are expressed to them for many more years of en- joyment together. "Lena Rivers" was presented by Prr^ceviiie Y.P.S. in the town hall on Wednesday evening of last week, under the auspices oif the O.E.S. Rev. Mould rendered a solo and Joan Avis gave piano selection.s during intej- m'issions. Lunch was served to the cast, following the play. Thanks are cxpres.sed to Richards furniture store for providing stage furniture. CEYLON Sports and Radio Store Fishing Tackle EVERYTHING FOR FISHERMEN Hip Waders, Rods, Recl.s, Lines, Sun Helmets, Fish Rasi<ets Flies (wet,<'ind dry), Flat Fish and other bait Repair Parts for rods. Come in and look over our stock of supplies . Expert Service on Electric Fence Madiines Repaired while you wait Fresh Stock of Hot Stiot Batteries Sports Supplies IJaseball Gloves â€" in () ])rice ranges from $2.20 to $10.50 Baseballs, S()t't Balls. .\ssortiiient of Tennis Rastpiets, both gut and nylon strinijs Tennis Rectpiets restruns" with nylon. Volley l>all etiuipnient Repairs to Hot Plates and Stoves New elements and burners installed Bring 'em_ in and take 'em back the came dav. t t t t t t T t The May 'meeting oif Ceylon W. A. was held at the home of Mrs. Jos. Copelaad with 18 mem'bers present, the president, Mrs. David Craig, pre- siding. Mrs. Geo. Jaynes had the devotiooal period. Mrs. Mel Hogarth had fiHiange of the program and con- ducted a flower contest, with "Irs. Mould and Mirs. Jaynep^the winners, and also a name-the-irtiQle contest with Mrs. Dave Adams n^inner. • A reading on the travelling Imsket was also given and Miss Joan Copeland entertained with a piano instrument- al. Mrs. Tyler gave a paper on hpw' to make cut flowers last longer. Rev. Mould closed the meeting with pray- er and the hostess and her assistant served tea. ' * Vis(itol^s with Mr. and Mrs. JfS. Copeland were: Thos. C»peland aua family of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Duncan and family and Mrs. Herb Wraggett and son, Jim, all of Bethel. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs Severn were: Mr. and Mrs. Diek Severn and sons and Ted Severn of Toronto. Mel McDermid spent the week end with his cousin, Cecil McDermid, at .M' .•Williams. Mr. and Mrs. J. S McDermid, l\ii. and Mrs. Fallis Acheson of Proton, Mrs. Harold Jack otf Corbettcn at- tended the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Livennore at Clinton. Mr. Harold DeValadares of To- ronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Tyler. DELE'^ti Thursday, Friday, Saturday June 8, 9, 10 "KEY TO THE CITY" Starring Clark Gable Loretta Young ADDITIONAL LOCALS Visitors last week end with Mr. Chas. Adams were: Mr. and Mr. Geo. Cooper, Misses Maud and Mary Foissiers and Mr. Julian Cowan, all fomierlj of Edmonton, now Toronto, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of William Henry Ruddy of the Town- ship of Artemesia, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of William Henry Huddy of the Township of Artemesia, in the County of Grey, who died on or about theTth day of April, AjD. 1950, are hereby i-equired and notified to send prepaid to the undersigned on or before the ISth day of June, 950, full particulars verified by statutory declaration. Immediately after the said 19th day of June, the Estate wall be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims oif which notice shall have been received. Dated at Markdale this 29th day of May, A.D. 1950. " â€"HARRIS & DUNLOP. Solic"tors for the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS Special Auto Radio Service We have imported and installed Special Testing Equipment which .makes our RADIO SERVICF LABORATORY Till-: MOS.T Ul' TO-DATE AND I'.FI'TCIICNT TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE Vibrators can now be tested instantly like tubes and all defects can immediatelv be detected on the metehs. All the latest hits in Sheet Music for piano â€" all the Old Favourites. VICTOR DECCA APEX LONDON RECORDS Featuring Popular Hit Parade Tunes, Old- Time Favourites, Hill-Billy and Western Songs, Sacred, Band and Bagpijjc Selections, Don Messer, other Square Dance Tunes. Cook's Radio and Sports Radio «nd Sporting Good* Store FLESHERTON, ONT. In the matter lof the Estate of Mary McMullen of the Village of Flesherton, Widow, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate o-f Mary McMuUin of tho Village of Flesherton, in the County of Grey, who died on or about the 261h day of February, A.D. 1950, are hiM-ctby required and notified to send pri'inuid to the undersigned on or be- fore the 5th day of June, 1950. full particulars verified 1)y statutory de- claration. Immediately a'fter the said 5th day of June, 1950, the Estate will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of whlich notice shall have l)<»en received. Dated at Markdale this 15th day of May. A.D. 1950. â€" HARRIS & DUNLOP, Solicitors for the Executors CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLraiK Office. Toronto Street, Fleehertoa Inner of Mnrriace LieenaM CONVEYANCER WWa Mortff«g«a, ete. Deedl Airreemente A conunissioner for taUnc •ffidavlU Telepkeae ttw GENERAL INSURANCE Atrro - FIRE - UFB Urestock, Transit and Cargo ED. LANG Pkonc 125w FLBSHBRTON Fer aecnrity To.aiorrew, Inanre to-day. the Co<«peratiTa way. HARRIS A DUNLOP BAniilSTERS. SOLICITORS. E«» Phone S8 MARKDALE Mr. Dnnloy wlM be la C. h Bellany'a offlee «v«y 8ftU nrday from 6 t« S:IO p.n> • Monday, Tuesday June 12, 13 "THIEVES HIGHWAY" Adult with Richard Cante Jallc Oakie Wedaesday, Thursday June 14, 15 "TENSION" Adult , Harvey Tetter Cyd Charisse BIG CASH OFFER EVERY WEDNESDAY Shows 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. AUCTION SALE CLAYBORNE THOMPSON will sell by public auction Vz MILE SOUTH OF FEVERSHAM FRIDAY, JUNE 9TH, 195ff at 2 p.m.; the following: 1'3 Cows, 13 Young Cattle, 2 Brood Sows, 30 Pigs, Electric Mlilking Ma- chine and Cream Separator. Terms given. â€" Geo. E. Duncan, Auctioneer. The Barrie Public Livestock AUCTION SALE BARRIE FAIR GROUNDS Entries are being accepted for the third sale to be held before the end of June. C«lves, Blockers, springers, cows, weanling pigs, chunks, bred sows are in deni'and and bring excellent prices. Turn your suiiplus stock and not- j needed equipment into cash. There is a buyer for everything. Make your entry now for advertising pur- poses. If ypu contemplate a dispers- al sale, see us for rates and dates. BARRIE PUBLIC mVESTOCK AUCTION F. C. Martin, Manager 101 Dunlop St. Phone 4869 BARRIE, ONT. ^ ^^ j^^ j^^ j^fc j9^ j^ j^^ ^^ fc. .jjS^^Afc..jftfc,^ftfc..jftfc. Wl^*^" Small Ads HOME FOR PENSIONER, lady oi gent. â€" iPhone 99J3 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 8 pigs, 8 weeks old.â€" Philip Harrison, 4th Line, Glenelg:. WANTEDâ€" About lO head of young cattle for pasture. â€" John Flynn, R, R. No. 2, Flea>herton. MpZ FOR SALiB â€" '^ew small caibin trail- er, priced for quick sale. â€" Little* Johns' Garage, phone 28 J. FOR SALE â€" ^20 rods medium weight poultry wire. â€" Jas. H. Stewart, phone 33rtv4 Flesiherton. Ip2 CEMENT â€" Canadian cement on hand, $1.00 per bag. â€" McTavish Garage, Flesherton. 54c2 HELP WANTED â€" High school gdrl for part time in dinng room at the Park Hotel. FOR SALE â€" Good scuffler and 1 3-!foot steel pig trough. â€" Fred Brackenlbury, Flesherton. Ip2 FOR iSALE â€" . Reg. Hereford 'bull, 2 years old, T-© tested.â€" JEv. Black- burn, pho^e 42J1 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" "SA Master Chevrolet coach with new ibrak«is, battery and sealed-beam lights. â€" : Bv. Black- burn, phone 42J1 -Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Hand washing machine, new wringer and stand and used wrin^'er. â€" J. TomTinson, E}agenia, phone Feversham 5r42. 5^2 FOR SALE â€" General-Jurpose Mara 6 years old,al80 1-year-old Mare.â€" John Gorwanlock, phone Pleaherton 118w4. 54c2 LOST â€" iSet of safety deposit box keys in front oif post office or bank. Finder leave at The Advance office. Reward. 64p2 MAN WANTEDâ€" ^Steadv year-round employment for reliable nuin yrith experience as truck drwer;" iaifa,\ man who knows surroun<iii».jc wr- ritory preferred'. Apply to E. A. Fisher, or write Box 94 Fleshearfioo. AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS will be held by D. W. ADAMS Vi Mile West of Flesherton FRIDAY, JUNE 16TH, 4990 at 1 o'clock p.m. Full line of Impllwients Lai^e number of Cows, "Pigs, etc. Terms: Cash. â€" GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer I Otaco Farm Implements SALES and SERVICE Tandem Discs, 24 and 32-plate Manurt Spreaders, traotor and iiorse-drawB Spring-tooth Cultivators, 3 and 4 sections JOS. STAUBLES Pkonel07wS CEYLON, Ont. f M A A: r- A T ^ r r r â- *â-  r t 'A- A.. T <â-  -X a** 1% ^* -f I r X^ r l 'V

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