Flesherton Advance, 16 Aug 1950, p. 5

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[ r ♦ •» t -« â- n â- * > »â-  * T * i T t 1 T r â- 4. T c T T T * * # ♦ it *. * .A t f :3^ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, August 16, 1950 ROCK MILLS KIMBERLEY Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Neil and fam- '•ily, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McMuJilen, motored to Tober- mory last week Mr. and Mrs. Raliph Cuhit, Meaford, Miss Muriel Pawcett and Mr. M-l- bowrne Woods, Meaf ord, Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Vernon Pawcett, Menritton; and Mr. Austin Beckett, Bowman vilia, were guests a't the hom« of Mr. ard Mrs. Harold Fawcett last week. Messrs. Elgar McConnel, Oraiige- TlUe, and CHar^ce MeConnel, FargtM, visited relatives here. Miss Shirley Weber is spending aojne holidays at'Wtesaiga Bea:h. Mrs. F, J. Weber has gone to An- ten Mills to sipead a week with Mr. and Mlrs. Chas. Camack. Mr. and Mrs. Goidon Patterson and Donna oi Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. F. J. Weber. Misa Donna entertained her youn^ friends to a birthday party on Saturday. Mrs. Royden McOonaW of Ear FaJ'ls is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens. Joan Ellis and Don Johnson of Coltin'giwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Meil. Julian of Rav- enna spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Chard. Mr. Everette McLean and daugh- ter of Toledo, Ohio, spent holidays with Mr. and Mirs. D. L. Weber and other relatives here. Mr. and MSrs. Jack Patterson and daughter of Torontc- spent the week «nd at the IwMne of D. L. Weber. Mrs. Best and granddaughter, Pat- ricia, ciif Rochester are holidaying at the home of Hartley Lawrence. Miss HtiigtKes and Leona Kirkpat- riek of Toronto and Gerald Kiirfcpat- rick of Islington spent the week end . •with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kirkipatrick. | Mr. and Mrs. Arnold spent the past ' â- week at North Bay and other north- ern Ontario points. Mr. Ehner Ellis is on a business trip to northern Otnario. (Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MIciMuUen attended the I"^rry Day celebration at Guelph on Saturday. Krnabeiley L.OjB.A. entertained guests from Maxwell, Meaford, Eu- genia and Flesherton L.O.B.A. lodge? on Wednesday evening and enjoyed having these ladies with them. Heatheote baseball team visited â-  our village Wednesday evening: for a -â-  friendly game of ball but met defeat at the hands of the local team. Mr. and Mrs. M^aurice Baker, Owen Sound, spent the week end at the home of Mr. H. Baker. iMIr. and Mrs. Ivan Soul and daugh- ter of Thorribury spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Soul. Mr. and Mrs. Sirby and son of Toronto, accamp^.nied by the form- er's mother, spent a day with Mrs. S. S. Burritt and Mrs. Jas. Lawrence. Special services have been held n the Baptist church for tRe past couple of weeks. Mr. Herb Dirstein of Elwood vill be the speaker at the United Church Mr. and Mrs, Percy Gorham of To- ronto and Mr. and Mrs. Hilton HiUi- ker and- family of Noi-wich were vis- itors last -week with Mr. and Mr-^. Cecil Betts. Mr. and Mlrs. Mansell Atkinson and son, BilUe, left Thursday last for Caimpbell's Bay, Que., were Mansell has received a call as pastor of the Wesleyan Mcthodiat Church there. We wish this esteemed young couple the very best of everything and our good wishes follow them to their new field of labor for the Master. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Young, Carol and Suzanne of Samia were visitors j^ver Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Porteous. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stuart of De- troit holidayed for a week wi'tih Earl's cousin, Mrs. Chas. Newell, and al'i called on Kim/berley relatives They returned Saturday to tiheir home. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 'Batty of Owen Sound and Miss Elaine Merriarm >f Tara called- Sundaj- on Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Porteous. Miss iva English, Reg.N., and Mrs. Jim Noble of Toronto spent a few days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. English. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts and fam- ily visited at the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Gilray at Craigleith. Quite a number from here attend- ed the Derry Day celebration at Guelph on Saturday and report a grand parade and a large ci\>wd present. Mr. Joe Ra<wlings of Duncan and Mir. and Mrs. Dan Rawlings and son of Ravenna visited' last week witn the former's daughter, Mrs. Mansell Atkinson and Mr. Atkinson, before they left for Quebec. Mr. Milton Pardy of Mt. Brydges was a caRfir at the Newell home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hurtbut of Kingston and Mr and Mrs. Lin. Hurl- but of Owen Sound visited' Tuesday with Mr. and M'rs. Joyce Porteous. CEYLON and fe»v .xnd Mr. and Mrs. Les. Edwiards and tiwo sons of Toronto visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. P. Hemiphill. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Kit- chen were: Mrs. Western, Miss Bar- bara Smithson, Frank Gear and Carman Plester, all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Nichol and Harold visited on Siihday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordion Nichol at Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Hogarth and f.^mily spent last week with the for- mer's mother at Jarvis and with To- ronto friends. Visitors with Mr. and M'rs. Joj Copeland and family were: Mr. and Mrs. Burnell and family of Sudbury. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nseholi i>i Inistioge. Mrs. Archie Sincfcaiir, Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald of Emsdale were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair and family. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Ward of To- lonto and Mrs. Chas. Quesnell and on, Kenny, o>f Owen Sound spent thr 'A'eek end with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Diickett. Mr. a"d Mrs. Joe Hague and daughters of Toronto visited recently • inh Mr. and Mlrs. Severn. Mr. Sev- ern returned to Toronto with them. >n Sunday, in the absence oif our re- gular minister, Mr. Turner, who i- >â- " holidays for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Fawcett left foi â- Â» holidlay triip to Sudbuiy. Made-to- Measure Suits FOR Men and Women Made and tailored to your Individual Measure by "Tip Top Tailors" New samples of Smart Suitings for the approach- ing Fall Season tare coming in. Patterns to suit any taste or occasion. PRICES FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' SUITS Club Smts $41.95 Tip Top Suits $47.95 Fleet Street Suits $59.95 F. H. W. Hickling PRICEVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Currie and Mary spent a couple of days visiting at Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sturrock oi Dundalk, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sturrock and son, Marvin, of Grand Valley visited Sunday at Jas. Sturrocks'. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Irwin of Hes- peler were recent guests at the home of Thos. Currie. It is 24 years since he left here, when he resided on the former Paton place, opposite the farm of Ed. Dingwall. Mr. Laurie McKeohnie and auni. Miss Kate Jamieson, and friend of Toronto spent a couple of days at the home of Archie McKechnie. A meeting was held on Saturday afternoon at the home of Rev. Mould to complete plans for the vacational school, which opened Monday morn, ing in St. Coluniba Church. Sacrament of the Lord's $upper will ,be dispensed Sunday, Aug. 27th in St, Andrew's Church, wh^n Rov. Gordon of Hamilton will conduct the service. Next Sunday evening, Aag. 20t^, Rev. Jamie Sutherland of Torv.to v-ill preach in St. .Andrew 's Church at 8 p.m. Jamie is a fv>"mer Price- ville boy and all are look'iig forward to liear and meet him-. Mr. Neun of Toronto is vis' irxg at { the home of his son, Elmer Mr. and Mlrs. J. Sarbottle aiid Jas. Carson of Vandeleur visited Sunday at 'the home of Jack Carson. Mrs. Jack Armstrong of Toronto is 'visiting with her brother, Mr. Mr. Donnie Gillies. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Moffat, Ham ihon, Mrs. Jessie Wilson, Corbettori, Mrs. Edith Wright, Joe and Jean, of Shelburne, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dax bury and sons, Harvey and Bobby, of Toronto wert week end visitor-, with Mr. and Mrs. Howa'-u Duxbury. Mr. and, Mrs. Gordon I.jn^ family of Georgetown spen^ a days at :;he Jim Sturrock home Mr. and Mrs. Neil MucPhaii two sons of Toronto visit td tie first of the week it the horn? of Archie McKechnie. Miss Jean Calder of Toronto vis- ited last week at the home of Archie MacCuaig. Mrs. Belle McLean, Mr. and Mr^. Murray McMillan of Toronto are hol- idaying at the home of Lacaie. Mc- Kinnon and otht friends. , Mr. and Mrs. Murray Nichol and daughter of Ottawa are spending holidays with relatives here. Rev. L. W. and Mrs. Mould and dauighter, and Miss Lena Vauerhan, have returned home after enjoyi.-i^ a months vacation motoring to West- ern Canada and Cnited States. Mr. Kenneth Nichol returned to Ottawa after spenrtina: a week with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. John Saniipson, M' - Floyd 'Baldwin, (Shirley and S-iIlv. of Niagara Falls holidayed with Mr; John Meads. Mrs. Meads accomoan ied iher sisters home for a visit. Mrs. Mary Ferguson, Mr. and Mr.- Gordon McLeod of Toronto visited on Monday at the home of J. Sturrcck. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McLean. C!on .-ind Jean, of Toronto visited hero f ir the memorial service and Civic Hoi' day and- renewed old acquaintanoei. Rev. Mould and Kenneth Macl'huil attended the Miramichl Camp, near Port Elgin. The Ferguson family held a reun- ion at the home of Jim StuiTock on Sr.tunday, when gam':s, races and 5;icial chat were e%joyed. .\ bounti- ful supper was enjoyed. Friends were present from Dun'"- '^ ^-.^.ir F'iurk, Georgetown, Toronto, .\uror8 Mt. Forest and Holstein. Mr. and' Mrs. Joe Petrie and family of I.Atwood attended the memorial ^^crvice and visited at the home of Stanley Harrison. Miss Isabel Miather and Carol Ram sey of Toronto were week end visit- ors with her parents. Mr. and Mr.- W m. Mather. Misses Joyce Tucker. Elnima Meads and iBetty Hincks returned home, after attending summer school in Toronto. Mrs. A. L. Hincks was ho.^'tes.-; the Federated Farm Women Wednes- aay afternoon, when there was a good attendance of imemiber< arnl visitors, and Mrs. L B. Whittaker presiding. The roll call was answered by nam- ing of a 'flower. A letter was read from Mrs. Elizabeth Nuhn. F!e«hev- ton, thanking the ladies for the tow- els and linens sent to her bv the EUGENIA Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee were: Mr. and Mrs. Herb LeGard, Pickering; Mr. and Mrs. Al- lan Cameroj, Mr. and Mrs. Don Cam- eron, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boettger and Billy of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hai-vey Boettger. Miss Marjory Park, Toronto, vis- ited recently with Mr- and Mrs. Percy Magee. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burton returned to Toronto, after visitinjr for a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burton, who accompanied them back. Mrs. Ross Lehman ^nd John, Mr Ted Woolfrey and Mrs. Catherine Sheridan, all of Toronto, visited the week end in the village. The baseball game Thursday night between Eugenia and the Hydro re- sulted in a win for Eugenia. The proceeds of ^.00 were in aid of the Eugenia W. A. Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacDonaid a-id family of Kimberley visited Sunday with Mrs. E^^alina Graham. MLss Jean Proctor, accompanied by Miss Leiila Bier of New Hamburg, visited in Montreal and were guiis's of Miss Genevieve MUne. Mt. a. C. Kerr of Guelplh visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Erniu I Proctor over the week end. ' iMIr. and Mrs. Court Smith and Mr. j and Mrs. Bwin Boyd visited Sunday with the former's sisiter, Mrs. A. Cameron, Collingiwood. Mrs. J. Breadner returned to her home in Cheltenifiam after spending the past few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Breadner. She was accompanied back iby Mrs. E. Breadner and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Breadner. Miss -Anne Beynon, CoUingwood, is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. H. Boettger. Recent visitors -with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. MoKee were: Mr. and Mrs. N. Park of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Fairn Hahn and Miss Suzanne Hahn and friend of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Soloman, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Randall, Meaford, were .j-ecent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burton. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Young and two daughters of Samia are visiting her father. Mr. Wm. Duckett. Clu-b. It was decided that each mem- ber would bring an article to the Sep- tember meeting at the home of Mrs. Donald GWlies to be sent to the M-^n- itoba Flood Relief Fund. Mrs. J n' Sturrock gave a reading on M;<rl: Twain and Miss Maril-yn Hincks gave I two piano solos, while a duet was . rendered by Mis.ses Betty and Shirli ] Hincks. Mr-i. Donald Gillies gave' two humorous reading and Mrs. Dan Campbell conducted a quizz. with the winner being: Mrs. Fred Simt-sci of Toronto. Misses Marilyn, Betiy and Shirley Hinck-; r'.>;.dp'-(.'.i a v'oupie of numbers and Mlrs. W. .A. Beaton and Mrs. Whittakei' gave readinK-^. The hostess donated an article and ii the draw by Mrs. Jack .ArTnstro;!-; of Toronto drew the lucky tick°c for Mrs. Fred Armstrong. Lunch wa? sei-ved by the hostess, assi<;t-^d I'y Mrs. S';aul>l'.'. Mr- Gil-lFes, B.-atrii." V'? Iters and Mis. "â- .littak-^.-, afl.^ â-  which a photo was taken of th'j trvnip. TENDERS WANTED Sealed temier;; marked, will be re- ceived by the undersigned until Au.,', 20th, 1950, for a building at S.S. No. 0. Qsprey. I"ix.18x7, boarded insid ' and out and batt-^ned, hemlock out- side, maple inside, good cedar shiujrl-j j roof, make good garage. â€" JAS. McKENZIE. Secty. Feversham, Ont Gospel Workers | Annual Camp Meeting CLARKSBURG, ONT. August 1 8 to 27/ inclusive Rev. E. A. Cutler, Camp Speaker Professor Marvin Dean, Osbury College, Soloist Atlanta Youth for Christ Male Quartette Rev. and Mrs. W. Moutoux, Youth Evangelists Dr. E. A. Emy, Missionary Speaker (Oriental Missionary Societ) j For Board and Lodginof, write â€" Mrs. Gordon Rolling, Thombury, Ont. "I disdain to converse wth you," squeaked one haughty little girl to another. "After all, who are yoa? My relations have been traced a long way back." "Yeah. I knowed that," retorted the other. "My Mommie says they trac- HOUSE AND LOT IN MAXWELL FOR SALE Good lot with house and stable, house has three rooms downstairs pantry and ki-tchen, and two rooms upstairs, aLso good pump. â€" JOHN ELLIOTT, Mxwell. Ont. ed your grandpaw clean to the Mex- ican border." NOTICE. FARMERS If you have a misfortune on y-i)ur farm, give us a call. We p^y high cash prices for dead or disabled anin.-als. Phone collect. CASW^ELL BROS. Phone 350J Durham Ont. r PROTECT YOUR ^anaiHan dairv farmers lost* thousands of dollars auniiulK ihroiiirh abortions caused b\ iiilfctiuii. Ex|)i'riiiii'ntal Kami? and Vgrirultural Colleges are working: towards a M)lntion of the problem. One nu'tliod which is being tried is tlic use of calf vaeciiie to Ijuild resistance to disease. Inlerer-lcd farmers can obtain latest information about vaccine, and oilier nietlioils of combating abortion. siin[ilv b\ applying to their nearest Agricultural College or ^ E.\|KTinieiUal Farm. c^ * Xil hen \our proljii'iii concerns /^W'~\_, inone\. we iii\ ile you to apply â€" - to our nearest branch. You will find that our friii;a!y manager will be geniiiiicK aiixioiis to tii.scus a loan with you for hen! improvement, or any other purpose thai will euable \ou to farm more prolilahly. (^.. "»BAMMORONTO bic'i>(>onitiiJ 185 > General Merchrp.T FLESHERTON Ijjere's a bargain -for you 1 I will run a dozen crrunils . . . mahi' ii;*/«>iH/nii'H/,s. <h> yiiiir chopping . . . s/ii;i</ aiiiird orr-r your .«;/f/> .. . larry xjii to thf .iKie oi a si< !• jrii'iid . . . sure YOU worry, utid pljorl, iind lioiirs . . . niiikp your work eii.sii'/ . voiir /i/e pleiisnnter. rlow would yon measure your telephone's true worth? Its endless convenience. Its life-saviug speed in time of need. The stea<Iily growing number of people it brings within your reach ... All these things contribute to the sum-total of telephone value. "iet in (lullars-and-eent.s cost, your telephone remains one of the smullest items in your family budget: even a smaller part than it was before the war. Toilay, as always, your telephone is big value. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA ser»i«. >-- ^°^' ""' °""""'", '^Ti ios Our con.inulng ,ool «â-  '° ^°^

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