Flesherton Advance, 6 Sep 1950, p. 4

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]^\'dncs(lay, SeptctnlxT (>, 1950 THE hXESHERTON ADVANCE Whaf s it really worth? Th« smile of a thut-in tvho knowi you hav*n't forgotten . . . The ru*h of fire^rucka answering a frentie oil... The daily ordering of food for the femUy The friendly chat, the urgent reminder, the i*nport4Uit buiinets decition... lARD TO HBASVIU TUB TKVB TALUt e THINGS rovn BOSS FOR TOV. Flesherton Advance Publiahad on GoUingHood St^ HlMtMrton, WcdnMday of each •^k. Circulatioa 1,100 Pric* $2j00 a yaar in Canada, >aid in tdemaee; ^2.30 per year in tha Unitad Slata*. P. J. THURSTON. Editor EUGENIA or Sll the things rovit tkcwhomb Ikt telephone service is one of the smalleat item* in your family budget. And at the tame time your telephone brings f u)»ce as many telephone u«ert within your reach aa it did ten years ago. Today, aa always, your telephone is big value. flf im TfLEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA I Without adimitting it, all nations Itofl getting on a war footing. It'> to miake a diflference in the and in the avaiUbility of this mi that. ' ♦*!• this tihe Hercules Bridge Com- •Miy?" "Yes." •'What do you do when you get all Some of those summer cottage beds are a pain in the back, His wife had just had triplets and he rang up his firm to -eport on the event and explain why he would not be at work that morning. But the line was bad and tihe girl on the switchboard asked: "Will you repeat thatt" "Not if I can help it," repHed the father, fervently. Recent and holiday visitors were: Mrs. Ethel Welhvood oJ Toronto, at the home of lEd. JBreadner; Mrs. G Pis>ctor, Kiortberley, at home <rf E. Procrtor; IMr. and iMi®. Walton Snid- er, 'Bridgeport Mrs. lHan7 Bosseoce, Stratford, Mr. David 'Boettger, Mr. and Mrs. Warren iBk>ettger and fam- ily, Lexington, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Baetz and Bob and" Miss M^yrtle Hamnted, lElanwood, Mr. and Mirs. F. Beynon and family, ColKngWood, x'.l with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Boettger; Mr. and Mrs. Jim rThompson, Fever- shaim, iM<r. (Dave White and daugihter, Toronrto, Mr. T, Taylor, Flesherton, all with Mr. and iMirs. C. Taylor; Mr. and Mrs. Heiib Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy iHanrison, Boothville, with Mi's. 'H. a. Falconer; 'Misses Isabel and Mary MoKee, Patsy Taylor and Ml- MldCJarthy, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKee; IMr. and Mrs. Walteir MclBitide and Bonnie of Hep- worth' with Mr. and iMrs. Boy Mlae- MiUan; Mr. and Mrs, Jack Jamieson and family, Toronto, with Mrs. Fred Jamieson; Misses 'Carmelle and Win- ne*ta Martin, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin; iMr. and Mrs. Allan Cameron, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Bent Magee; Miiss Belle Turner, Mr. Ted Bla<kely, iCooksville, Delbept Magee, Haonilton, with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee; Mr. BurtD^i CainplbeH, Seafortli, w^h Mr. and Mrs. Stan Oaawpibell. Mr. and Mrs. Will Crawfoi-d of Hamilton visited with Mrs. Wm. Gor- don over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Proctor, Elea nor and George, returned recently from a imotor trip 'through 'Peterboro and Halliburton coviinties. Miss M. MoMul'len Ihas returned to Toronto, aifiter holidaying at her home here. Mrs. Cecil Magee and George spent â- -•â-  â- â- â- Â» the past week visiting relatives at H*fton and Schomberg. Mrs. Ted^ Oamipbell and Joan, and Mlsrf .Jacqueline Cainvpibell are visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Camp- bell in Toronito. Bruce Boettger spent a iweedc at Wasa'ga iBeach with bis cousin, David Beynon. iMirs. Haivey Boettger and Linda visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Musselman, iGuelph. Mr. Bill' MacMillan Is visiting Mr. and Mrs, C. J-dhnson, Toronto, and attending the Ex. Mrs. G. 'Magee visited a couple Df days wiith Mrs. Florence Lyons .it , Wareham. Miss Shirley Orchard isipent two weeks holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Rowe, Keiith and David, and has returned to her home in Toronto. iMr. and Mrs. Dennis Oamipbell re- turned to Toronto after a two-week holiday iwith Mr. and Mrs. (Stanley Canmpibell. Mr. and Mrs. Walter King and children of Thornbui^ and Mr. and Mrs. Stanl«.y Pawcett (Blanche Will- iams) of Epiping visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dorlahd CanvpibeU,- Mr. W. A. Miartin and friend of Oakville spent the week end at his parental home, and attended the Hobt-fWood wedding in Markdale. iRecent visiitors with Mr. R. Purvis at ibis cottage were; Mr. and Mirs. Edwin Purvis, June and Robt. Jr., of Toronto and tiieir daughter Shirley (Mrs. Rlchter) of Astonia, U.SA., Mir. Lloyd Watson and Miss Joyce Marple of Toronto and little Miss « Judy Lorrimer of Nerw York. Mrs. Richter''- buslband is stationed on na- val duty in Alaska and she expects to join him late in Septeantoer. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood of Mark- dale visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partridge spent the week end at GaH. Mrs. Edma Rowibotham of Toronto is with Mrs. John Campbell, who is ill. We wish Mrs. Caraiplbell a speedy recovery to health. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Purvis of Malton yisited his father, Mr. Robt. Purvis, over the week end. Otaco Farm Implements SALES and SERVICE Tandem Discs, 24 and 32<plate Manute Spreaders, tractor mad iiorse-dhrawn Spring-tooth Cultivators, 3 and 4 Sections "Long" Tractors 30 horse-power JOS. STAUBLE Phone 107w3 CEYLON, Ont ^ * A. I ^ > â-  â- â€¢>â-  ...i. BUCKINGHAM S3 $ SWINTON PARK Sometimes people tell m% what to do . . . Our managers are experienced bankers, but they can't excel in everything. However, when it conies to friendly, helpful advice on financial matters- business or personal â€" the manager of our branch near you will prove to be a good man to know. Make his acquaintance f before you need bis assistance, so that "asking the bank" for help or advice will mean "talking to your friead" at The Bank of Toronto. "'BANKo'lOROmO lecerpetem ItU L G. OMett, G«fwral M w Kigtf Mr. and Mrs. Cliff M'cLean spent the week end at Gordon MIcNalty's. Miss Lois Stewart spent the holi- day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V/'m. Stewart. Mr. Robert Copeland and mother, Mrs. H. Copeland, of Toronto spent the holiday at the homes of Fred Knox and Jas. Hardy. We are sorry to lose Mrs. Hugh McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. AUl- corn and Marybelle from our little hamlet, as they moved' to Pricevillo on Satuixlay. Mr. Everette Martin of Cooksville holidayed at the home pf B. Miartin. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Tressider and daughters, Jessie and Dorothy, of Toronto spent the week end at the home of R S. Hardy. Miss Shirley Hardy spent last week in Toronto and returned to her home wJth them Miss Dorothy Tressider has just re- turned from a trip to England. Visitors at the home of Ed. Fergu- son on Sunday were: Mr. and Mirs. Gi'o. Graham (Sadie Ferguson) of Toronto, Miss Myi^tle Stocks of Duii- dalk, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McMillan of lieddicikivillo, Mr. Strongman, his mother and Mrs. Jas, Mi'Millan cf lU'thel. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knox and Jackie were in Toronto on Thursday, Fred â- ind Jackie to have a medical check- up. We are glad to hear that noth- ing serious was found, Mi*s Jessie McCorinick of Fergr'.is holidayed at the home of W'm. Me- Cormick. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McLeod, Mkir- ris McLeod and Mr. and Mrs. \V;Ut. Knox called ou the former's mother. Mrs. Neil McLeod, in Owen Sound Hospital. We are glad to hear hU Mrs. McLeod expects to rectum home this week. We hope the editor and wife had a real njce holiday. •Mr. and' Mrs. Pinkerton and family of Toronto spent a recent week end with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Haugh. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hall and' Sherry- Icne of Owen Sound sipent Labor Day with Mrs. Hall's mother, Mrs. W. J. MulKn and Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mul- lin and family, after a week's holiday in tflie Nonth. Mr. and Mrs. Roi>ei:4:son of London v»«re with Mir. and Mrs. AamoH Ralph a iwvek ago, and Miss June Ralph re- turned with them for a few weeks' holidays, and their sons, Roy and Rdbert returned home after spending several weeks at the Ralph home. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Englis^h, Elaine and Roger, of Haonilton, and Miss J'Oanne Hanunill of Shelbnrne were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. MulUn and Elmer. Brian, who spent the past month here, re- turned home with them. Misses Al'da Hawton and Edna Sm'ith have returned to their teach- ing duties in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cameron and Jackie visited recently at the Camer- on home. The Ladies* Aid of Rob Roy United Churchy with their faimflies, enjoyed a weiner roast in the churth grounds one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Amos StoU with sons Allan and Edgar and their wives, called on friends here Sunday on their way to the Sttoll reunion at Sun- set Point. Mrs. A. Rutledge and Mrs. Law- â- rence Quinn of Vancouver, B;C., who are on an extended visit with rela- tives and friends, speni a day last week with Mr. and Mns. Henb Haw- ton, and accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hudson, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mii-s. Alex. MuHin. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Parsons and fam- ily of Mclntiyre spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lanktree. I owned by Joe Hooper. He married Mary Ann McDonaM in VtK& and they farmed succecaSuUy on the ^ farm now owned by John WooUatdi, a " short distance from his Mrth-^place. Almost five years age he moved to "* Priceyiille and residal with his dau^h^- ^ ter since that timd. T' He leaves to moum his passing one '^ son, Barl, of London, and twio daugh- '^ tera, Donal&, Mrs. Etande Wiliama, -^ and Annie, }Sts. Wm. MoKediQie, of -*^ Priceville; also one brother, Aivhie, -< of Carman, Han. Two brothers, >. John of Stayner and Neil o(f SwiMoa /â-  I^rk, and two sisters, Mrs. David •♦â-  Hincks and Mrs. Archie MeCuaig Sr., predeceased him. His wife passed away eight years ago this October. He was a member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church and was always there when health permiitted. The funeral was held Tuesday af. ternoon, Aug. 29th, with service his late residence, and was largely r^ attended by syanpathiaimg friends ?• and neighbors, who came to pay their -^ last tribute of resipect to one who â- *â-  was so well known and highly re- -f, r Itâ€" ^ spected by all who knew him. Mr. -^. Douglas Gordon, student minister, m had chaiige oif 'the servi<», albly as- > sisted by Rev. L. M'ouldi, who spoke ^ very highly of the deceased, always ,_ willing to lend a helping hand, a j| good neigihibor and friend to all. In- J> terment was made in the McNeiW Hi ; Cemetery. 4^"' The casket bearers were all neph- ^ ews: Findlay, Archie, John- and * Alex. McCuaig, Maurice and Edigar - iVBcLeod, Aired and Andrew Hincks. ' i The Late Wm. McLeod Priceville community was saddened when it was learned of the death of n. most highly esteemed citizen and a mueh valued friend, in the person of Jlr. Wni. McLeod, at the home of his daughter. Mrs, Ernie William's, in Priceville on Saturday evening, Au«. 2Cxth, in his, 80th year. Mr. McLeod had bee" in failing health for some time, and had been bedfast s'nce January. He had been tender ly cared for hy his daughter and other members of the family. He '.•as of a kind and cheerful disposi- tion and 'V'.ll be greatly missed in tlie home, chuwh and community. 'I'he late Mr. McLeod was born on ;lu' South Line on the farm noiv ^, The casket was smrrounded by many beautiful floral tributes, which bore silent messages of love, and "^ were carried by old neighbors: D. K. _ McKinnon, Lauchie McKinnon, Gor- don MeEachern, Hector McEiachern. Wilfred Campbell, Stewart 'Muir, '^ Blimer Neun. Archie McDonald Jack '^ Sbortreed, Ray McDermid and Rwibt. "T Mtlntyre. "^ Friends were present for the fun* ** eral froim AtwOod, Owen' Sound, Dro- "^ more, Walkerton, Durham, London, T Fleshert'on, Dundalk, etc. '^ ♦ *- NOTICE, FARMERS If you have a rnisfortune on your farm, give us a call. We pay high cash prices for dead or disabled animals. Phone collect. 1 CASWELL BROS. Phone 3.iOJ Durham. Ont. Free speech is terribly abused somatimes, rbut as a freedom, com- munism can't match it. Bride's father to groom "My boy, you're lihe second happiest man in the world." At^J^'"yi.i*€lii;'i: For Sale By Tender Tenders will be received by the undersized up to Monday, Sept. 18, 1950, for the purdhase by cash pay ment of the prapenty of the late Levi Cou'tts, situated at Ceylon, consist- ing of KWo acres »f good land, staWe, driving shed, woodshed and house, good well, soft water and ceUar. The klighest or any te«der «ot necessar- % aoct^ted. -J. 0. DABGAVBL, Adaaiiiistrator FHesh«rt«n, Oat., f •t. T - I •1 » -\ m I »\ , I T m. â- A * ' •» 0.

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