Oakville Beaver, 28 Oct 2010, p. 39

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www.WeePiggies.com Tel: 905-825-8731 Email: oakville@weepiggies.com and you will receive a voucher for Call 905-632-4440 to place your announcement of your babys precious hand or footprint ($25.00 value) compliments of: PROFESSIONAL DENTAL CLEANING $99 JUDY DENTAL HYGIENE CARE 5112 NEW ST BURLINGTON (between Burloak and Appleby) Judy Ganis RDH, since 1997 (905)599-4867 info@jdhc.ca/www.jdhc.ca The Prayer to the Blessed Virgin (never known to fail) Oh most beautiful fl ower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of heavy, blessed mother of the son of god, immaculate virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh star of the sea, help me and show me herein you are my mother. Oh holy Mary, mother of god, queen of heaven and earth I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to secure me in my necessity (make request). There are none that can withstand your power. Oh Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (three times). Holy Mary I place this cause in your hands (three times). Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days. You must publish it and it will be granted to you. -B.L. MAINWAY SPORTS TEAM & BIRTHDAY PARTIES Serving Halton for over 18 years ?Ball Hockey Rinks ?Batting Cages ?Indoor Beach Volleyball ?Dinner Packages Call 905-335-8520 www.mainwaysports.com 39 ?Thursda y , October 28, 2010 OAKVILLE BE A VER ?ww w .oakvillebeave r.co m EXPERIENCED FREIGHT SALES PERSON With knowledge of domestic and international freight required for growing Oakville based company. Please respond with resume to P.O. Box #1234, 5040 Mainway, Unit #1, Burlington Ont. L7L 7G5 Experience is a must Ambitious, talented, passionate, determined... Interested? Mapleview Mall location is now hiring All Positions Friday, October 29 11:00am-9:00pm Saturday, October 30 11:00am-5:00pm Sunday, October 31 11:00am-5:00pm Please apply in person at 900 Maple Ave #A23 Come Grow with Us! Rapidly expanding Childcare Centres in Milton seeking CERTIFIED ECES ONLY Advancement oppor- tunities, paid profes- sional development. Competitive benefi ts. Apply at: www. peekabookid.com Fax: 905-814-0068 Perfect Remodeling & Plumbing Services Lic. Plumber Complete bathroom renos Tile Installa- tion, Ceramic, Mar- ble, Porceline Carpentry Painting Doors Kitchen Familyrooms Mac 905-407-5000 Office/ Administration OAKVILLE INTERIOR De- s ign O f f i ce requ i res a Bookkeeper/ Offi ce Admin- istrator. 12-15hours/week. No agencies please. Daily accounting, offi ce organiza- tion, account support. Must have QuickBooks, MS Of- f i ce , s t rong compu te r skills. info@ robinsoninteriordesign.com 905-844-8999 RECEPTIONIST/ ADMIN- ISTRATIVE Assistant F/T. Duties: phones, fi ling, scan- ning, arranging couriers, mail, misc. projects, some purchasing. Previous offi ce experience, Accpac and b i l i n g ua l ( F re nch ) a re benef icial . Resumes to: ControlChem Canada Ltd. Bur l i ng ton , ON. Ema i l : candre@controlchem.com No phone calls please. Sales Opportunities DYNAMIC FULL-T IME Sales Associate required for Waterdown Pharmacy. Home healthcare experi- ence an asset. Must have good compu te r sk i l l s . P l ease f a x resume t o 905-689-0378 or email caryssmith@ langfordpharmacy.com INS IDE SALES- Abba Parts &Service manufac- tures aftermarket parts to fi t most brand name water &wastewater pumps. We requ i re a Jun ior Ins ide Technical Sales Rep. to help with the growing de- mand for our products. Visit www.abbaparts.com for i n format ion and to apply. Health Care/ Medical BUSY BURLINGTON Phar- macy/ Home Healthcare l o o k i n g f o r f u l l - t i m e shipper/ receiver. Must have good computer skills, Fax resume 905-689-0378 or email caryssmith@ langfordpharmacy.com FULL-TIME ASSISTANT/ Receptionist needed for Burlington Optometry Clin- ic. Hours incl 2 evenings, and every Saturday. Please send cove r l e t t e r and resume to burlingtoneyedoc@ hotmail.com Restaurants/ Hospitality STONEY'S NOW h ir ing Experienced Full and Part- T i m e S e r v e r s a n d Dishwashers. Good wages. F a x r e s u m e : 9 0 5 - 8 4 9 - 5 9 8 4 , e m a i l : stoneys@bellnet.ca 325 Kerr Street, Oakville. Teaching Opportunities BRANT CHILDREN'S Cen- tre requires Full-time E.C.E. Teacher. Send resume to: bc lc@bel lnet .ca or ca l l 905-634-5518. Teaching Opportunities Domestic Help Available A PROFESSIONAL, Inde- pendent, 20yrs experience, hardworking, reasonable and very honest house- cleaner available. Please call Anna 905-842-2698. AFFORDABLE CLEANING service. Honest, reliable. We will clean your home, apar tment, of f ice. Th is mon th spec i a l p r i ces . 905-616-9401 A L I N A ' S C L E A N I N G Services, who has time to clean? Experienced, Euro- pean team will take care of your home & leave it spark- ling. Fully insured, trained ladies, all supplies. Halton. Alina 905-689-5696 lv.msg EUROPEAN PROFES - S IONAL c l ean i ng l ady available Monday - Friday. New vacuum. Reasonable rates. Call 905-601-5656. EXPERIENCED CLEAN- ING Lady, organized, detail oriented, good rates. Ref- erences, free estimates, call Sofia: 905-278-0915 or 416-857-8544. HOUSE CLEANING Re- liable, Effi cient, Affordable, References,, over 8 years experience cal l Tammie 905-878-5844 TV WALL mount profes- s ional ly insta l led Home Theatre Installations Verti- cal and Horizontal wire con- c e a l i n g S u r v e i l l a n c e camera installations Phone, cable, cat 5 wiring Best re- sult with min prices starting $ 9 9 . f r e e e s t i m a t e (905)-464-0922 George General Contracting, Excavating GENERAL CONTRACTING- Fences, decks, home reno- vat ions. 905-844-6118, 905-510-4045. Moving & Storage A MOVING?- Ca l l now 647-822-6541 or visit us at themovinggroup.com Reasonable rates. Bonded. Insured. 24-hour same day s e r v i c e . 1 5 t r u c k s a v a i l a b l e . S t o r a g e Available. CLASSIFIED E-MAIL classified@haltonsearch.com INTERNET: www.burlingtonpost.com www.oakvillebeaver.com JP MOVERS- Short notice OK, Free Estimates, 24/7, $30/hour and up. Insured, Bonded , P ro f ess i ona l , A f f o r d a b l e 1-800-408-7010. Restaurants/ Hospitality Moving & Storage WHEN DECIDING on a moving company, you may decide to see if the compa- ny is bonded, insured and certified. The Better Busi- ness Bureau and/or the Ca- nad i an Assoc i a t i o n o f Movers may also provide more in format ion on a company. Special Services HELPER AVAILABLE for Moms and Seniors. Not enough hours in the day? Reliable, energetic Mom ava i lab le 9am-6:30pm, Monday-Friday. Services in- clude: grocery shopping, picking up prescription/ laundry, drop/pickup chil- dren from school&extra curricular activities, driving seniors to appointments. 905 -484 -5434 , ema i l : mothershelperoakville@ gmail.com Handy Person HANDYMAN MATTERS Licensed Bonded Insured, Basements, Bathrooms, Renova t i o n s , K i t c hen , C a r p e n t r y , R e p a i r s , Remodels, Tile, Painting 9 0 5 - 3 3 2 - 6 4 4 6 , 905-825-5110 Home Renovations HANDYMAN SOLUTIONS, small & big jobs, insured and guaranteed, referenc- es available, specializing in bathrooms, basements, all renos, all repairs, plumb- ing, e lectr ica l , drywal l , flooring & more. Call Ben today 905-320-7563. SPECIALIZING IN fram- ing, drywall and taping. N o j o b t o o s m a l l ! 17 years experience, basements, additions, hardwood floor refinish- ing, f inish carpentry, ceramics etc. Call Gary 4 1 6 - 5 6 6 - 0 4 9 2 o r 905-878-0410. Waste Removal 1/2 PRICE Junk Removal. C h e a p . F a s t S e r v i c e . All loading/ cleanup. Free E s t i m a t e s . J o h n , 905-310-5865 (local) How To Make Your Washer Disappear... Simply advertise in the Classifieds and get results quickly! 632-4440905 Burlington Post OAKVILLE Beaver LANGLEY, William John Peacefully after a lengthy illness at the Cawthra Gardens on Sunday October 24, 2010 a t the age of 71. Be loved husband of L i l l ian. Loving fa ther of Kendra Innes, Robert Langley, Dar la a n d A n t o n i o D a C o s t a a n d Wa n d a Langley. Dear grandfather of Tara and M ichae l De Mar zo , Madd ison Lyon and Brody Langley. Predeceased by h i s p a r e n t s T h o m a s a n d E l i z a b e t h L a n g l e y . M u c h l o v e d b r o t h e r o f E d w a r d L a n g l e y a n d M a r a l i n e a n d Rudolph Vanovermeire and cousin of James and Victoria McIlwrath. Will be f o n d l y r e m e m b e r e d b y h i s l o v e d nieces, nephews and special fr iends. A funeral service wil l be held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day S a i n t s , 7 7 0 D u n d a s S t r e e t W e s t , Mississauga on Saturday October 30, 2010 at 10 am. Interment at the Glen Oaks Memor i a l Ga rdens t o f o l l ow. Memorial donations made to the Heart a n d S t r o k e f o u n d a t i o n w o u l d b e a p p r e c i a t e d b y t h e f a m i l y. O n l i n e c o n d o l e n c e s m a y b e m a d e a t www.glenoaks.ca Armstrong, William (Bill) Ivan P e a c e f u l l y a t Tr a f a l g a r M e m o r i a l Hospital October 24, 2010 at the age of 79. Born at Prudhoe, Northumber- land 26 February, 1931. Served in the B r i t i s h A r m y d u r i n g t h e K o r e a Campa ign . Emigra ted to Canada in 1964 and joined the Carpenter's Union local 27 where he spent many years as a successful business representa- t ive. Predeceased by his loving wife Nancy in 2004. Survived by his brother Alan (Mary) Armstrong, sister in laws Ol ive (Albert) Hornby, Audrey (Ron) Hunter and nieces and nephews Cliff, Tr e v o r a n d H e l e n A r m s t r o n g , J i m (Mary Anne), Pamela (Marc), Beverley (Brian), Karen (Pete), Michel le (Lee) and many loving great nephews and nieces. Bill / Ivan will be sadly missed b y a l l h i s f a m i l y a n d f r i e n d s . N o service by request. A celebration of life wi l l be held at The Arboretum, 1903 Pi lgr ims Way, Oakv i l le on Saturday, October 30 at 12:30 pm. HUXTED, Catherine Catherine, 51, passed away peacefully o n M o n d a y , O c t o b e r 2 5 , 2 0 1 0 , a f t e r a c o u r a g e o u s b a t t l e w i t h Mu l t ip l e Sc le ros is . Predeceased by her parents, Earl and Doreen. She will b e l o v i n g l y r e m e m b e r e d b y B r a d , Linda, Clayton, Sandra, Mike, Diane, J a c k i e , S h e r i , C h r i s , a n d J e m m a . Family and friends will miss her quick w i t a n d c a r i n g p e r s o n a l i t y. M a n y t h a n k s t o t h e s t a f f a t t h e G o l d e n P l o u g h L o d g e f o r t h e i r c a r e a n d concern for Cathy. Serv ices wi l l be h e l d a t t h e G o l d e n P l o u g h L o d g e , 983 Burnham Stree t in Cobourg on Saturday, October 30, 2010 at 11 a.m. In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be made to the Northumberland MS Society, P.O. Box 584, Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L3. Remembrance Day 2010 We will be publishing special Remembrance Day Memoriam feature on November 11, 2010. This is a wonderful opportunity to dedicate a memorial tribute to a loved one who served our country. Special 25% discount applies on all memoriams placed in this feature. Deadline is November 9th, 2010 Call 905-632-4440 or email classifi ed@haltonsearch.com l Obituaries l In Memoriams l Lifetimes / MilestonesPrayer l Lifetimes / MilestonesUpco ing Events l Obituaries l Lifetimes / MilestonesDental Services community notices call 905-632-4440 Ask Us About... Book yourRecruitment ad today & receive 2 weeks on Workopolis for only $125.00

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