37 ?Thursda y , September 16, 2010 OAKVILLE BE A VER ?ww w .oakvillebeave r.co m Tutoring SUMMIT TUTORING -In- dividualized programs support the Ontario cur- r i c u l u m . - Q u a l i f i e d teachers target your child's unique learning style. -Flexible schedul- ing and payment options w i th no contracts to sign. -Free academic assessment. Location: Summit Learning Cen- tre, 760 Brant St, Suite 4 2 4 , B u r l i n g t o n 905-631-7506 DRIVERS Central Transport. Local Routes. We are seeking drivers for local pick-up/ delivery and dedicated road/ dock positions out of our terminal in Hamilton. Home Daily and Weekends! Local- competitive Hourly Rates! Road- New Drivers Earnings $1300+/week. Health & 401K Benefi ts! 3-6 months exp. AZ Dangerous Goods required. Call Recruiting Today! 800-331-1176 www.centraltransportint.com Local Company looking for A GRADER OPERATOR & DZ SNOW TRUCK DRIVERS for winter snow clearing of streets and lots. Contact Garry email: gary@howden.on.ca or call 905-864-1425 We are Canada's finest, most successful, price valued hair care chain. STYLISTS F/T P/T Oakville/Burlington/Waterdown locations Hourly wage & commission Clientele not required Competitive benefit package Flexible hours Great working environment. Call Blaz at 905-257-5451 LOOKING FOR EXTRA INCOME $$$.. Look no further...... ALDERSHOT CARRIERS NEEDED TO DELIVER THE All Ages Welcome! Receive 2 Movie Passes for every route you take!! Call Sandi in Circulation @ 905-632-0588 ext. 264 * Must stay on route for 1 month minimum Burlington Retail location is having a JOB FAIR Sept. 22, 2010, 9:30am-5pm 3060 Davidson Crt, Unit 3 tel: 905-319-9110 fax: 905-319-0115 Please bring your resume & cover letter. Hiring for Seasonal Full/Part-time SALES STAFF Woodworking & gardening skills an asset Evenings & Saturdays required. General Labourers - Warehouse Work Days & Afternoons OAKVILLE Must be able to lift 60 lbs. $10.25/hr 1st month, then $11.00/hr. Send resume to info@althr.com Or call 905-333-5011 for immediate consideration Experienced Bookkeeper /Customer Service Representative T h e s u c c e s s f u l c a n d i d a t e w i l l possess exce l l en t communica t ion , customer serv ice and organizat ion ski l ls. You wil l be detai led oriented and pro f i c i en t in Qu ickBooks and E x c e l . F i v e y e a r s b o o k k e e p i n g experience together with collections/ credit skills are essential. Please forward resume to: Debbie Carter-Fuchs E.dcarter@xtrenergy.ca F.905 319-7692 Visit us at www.xtrenergy.ca PROJECT COORDINATOR For Oakville kitchen & bath retailer. Full Time Contract until December 2011. Required: strong customer service, organizational & computer skills. Kitchen design experience & 2020 training an asset Email resume to granitetransforma- tions@bellnet.ca ECE & ASSISTANTS Childcare Centre's in Halton & Hamilton seeking enthusiastic childcare workers. Email resume to: noorin14@gmail.com Part-Time and supply positions available. Articles for Sale MAYTAG DISHWASHER, white Quite Series 200, $150. OTR Microwave, wh i te , GE sa fe maker - Xl1400, $75. Dufferin Pool Table, all accessories in- cluded, $600 OBO. All arti- cles in excellent condition 289-208-2722 PRO SELECT Tread Mill, bare ly used $800, ca l l 905-876-1723 SOLID WOOD dining table, includes 4-chairs, glass top, 2-extensions, $600. Barrymore sofa, cotton/ floral print, $600. 2-Louis X IV cha i rs (Barrymore ) $400 each. Several pieces o f ch i l d ren ' s f u rn i t u re (Sears). All in excellent con- dition. 905-333-0145. THOMASVILLE DINNING room suit, table 43 by 66, with two 12-Inch leaf's, 6- chairs, two have arms, chi- na cabinet 58-inches wide wi th g lass she lves and lights, excellent condition. $2500 Call 905-319-1588 WEIGHT LIFTING multi-po- sit ion work-out exercise bench with accessories, $135. Reebox's Step-Up/ Stackable exercise step- per, paid $130, asking $59. Solid stationary exer- cise bike, paid $325 ask- i ng $85 . So l i d row ing exerc ise machine, pa id $385, asking $90. OBO for all. 905-842-7404. Health & Home Care MAINTAIN AN indepen- dent lifestyle at home with ConnectCARE. Fear of fall- ing/dementia? Emergency Response Service - Help at the touch of a but ton. 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 5 - 7 8 5 3 . w w w. C o n n e c t c a r e H a l - ton.ca. SENIOR HOMECARE By Angels. Experienced Care- givers will provide up to 24 hour In -home care . 905-634-2400. Firewood FIREWOOD. MIXED hard- wood, 5 cords minimum $90/cord delivered. Call 519-582-4628. Dogs ALL ADORABLE Golden- doodle Puppies of true blu en joy ing exce l lent new h o m e s . T h a n k y o u . 905-561-9488 G E R M A N S H E P H E R D Pups- Champion parents, excel lent pets or show. H e a l t h g u a r a n t e e s . www.lynlanekennels.com 519-756-4259. SHIH TZU FOR sale, 17 months, well trained, neu- tered, all shots, cage, food incl. $500. 647-388-0512 1998 BMW 540i- Grey in- terior and exterior, 4 door, everything automatic. Only 133,900km, 4 new tires, new battery, sunroof, very good condition. E-tested in Februa ry. $9500. Ca l l 905-847-2596. Cars 2000 HONDA Accord, metallic gold, top of line luxury car, leather seating, new condition, $5000 certi- fi ed. 905-844-4293 2003 CHRYSLER Intrepid SXT- Inferno red, loaded, cer t i f ied, e - tested, one owner, comes with snow tires, excellent condition. $4300 . Ca l l 905 -845 - 1607. 2003 SUNFIRE- Grey, 5 speed, 4 door 160Km $3200 obo . Ca l l 905 - 331-0504. 2006 PONTIAC $8700 Grand Prix, excellent condi- t i o n , n e w t i r e s , 87,000kms, warranty until S e p t e m b e r 2 7 t h . 905-842-2289. Vans 2007 DODGE Grand Cara- van, stow-and-go, 1 owner, 65,000km, manufacturer's warranty, immaculate, luxu- ry. Cer t i f i ed . $11,990 416-858-7673 Vehicles Wanted/ Wrecking ***ALWAYS CASH*** $200. (Average) Paid for usable and scrap ve- hicles. Free pickup. 905-320-3287 pedder@ rogers.blackberry.net CASH PAID- $200.00+ for any Complete vehi- cles driven in/ $150+ for vehicles picked up. Scrap Cars & Trucks wanted. 702 Bronte Rd, Oakville (just South of QEW). MOT legal trans- fers. 905-827-8015. CASH PAID fo r Scrap Cars and Trucks. Same D a y P i c k U p . 905-693-5355 Drivers Dental DENTAL RECEPTIONIST (experienced) needed for Oakville Endodontic office. Must have great attitude, energetic, motivated, have excel lent organizat ional sk i l l s and ou ts tand i ng patient service skills. Fax resume to: 905-849-8428 or Email : endodontics@ endoweb.com O W N E R O P E R AT O R S with DZ Expedite Trucks Apply Now! U.S. Runs only. L T L C a l l P e t e r 905-337-8062 General Help AFTER SCHOOL Help in a warehouse; s tock ing & cleaning. Great for a ma- ture student. $10.25/hour. School year & Summer months (4 evenings week) 7-10pm plus 1 weekend day (hours flexible). Call 905-320-8129, 905-637-2202. Drivers IT COMPANY requ i res warehouse help for receiv- ing and basic testing of compu te rs . W i l l t r a i n . Some lifting required. Fast- paced f r iend ly env i ron - ment. IT exp not neces- sary. Immed ia te s ta r t . Email resume mitch@bauersystems.com L A N D S C A P E C O N - STRUCT ION c ompany seeks full-time experienced Lead Hand/ Labourers , must have clean dr ivers l icense & transportation. Excellent wages dependant on experience. Email re- sume to: plouks@cogeco.ca or phone 289-242-2577. MONASTERY BAKERY now hiring for the following Full-time positions. Cashier, Cook , De l i C l e r k , Ho t Station, Pastry Clerk and General Help. Indicate for which posit ion you are app l y i n g . F a x re s ume 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 - 1 5 6 7 o r e m a i l t o : leo@monasterybakery.com SMALL RES IDENT IAL House Cleaning Company requires P/T Staf f , 2 -3 days/ week. $11-13/ hour. l ook i ng f o r a re l i a b l e ma tu re pe rson who i s bondable, a non-smoker, with own vehicle. Hours a r e p e r f e c t f o r s t a y a t home mom. Ema i l : spotless11@hotmail.com General Help Retail Opportunities FACTORY SHOE Outlet, Burlington, now hiring Full- Time & Part-Time, Retail long-term Sales Help. Must be willing to work Satur- days, Sundays, & Even- i n g s . G o o d w o r k i n g environment. Drop off re- s u m e : 2 3 9 4 F a i r v i e w Street, Burlington. Technical/Skilled Trades BRAKE PRESS Program- mer/ Operator. Fax Re- sume to 905-336-0272 BURLINGTON TOOL and Die Shop has immediate open ings for : Fu l l - t ime Newly Certified Tool and Die Maker and Part-Time Press Operator for limited p ro d u c t i o n r u n s h a n d transfer. Fax resume to: 905-335-6927. TOOL & Die makers To bu i ld Progress ive D ies with in-die tapping on his o w n . F a x re s u m e t o 905-336-0272 General Help Technical/Skilled Trades CONSTRUCTION WORKER needed for residential and commercial renovations. 3 years minimum experience. Send resume to Brandon: bxconstruction@hotmail.com FIRST AID Attendant- First Aid Attendant with General Carpentry Exp. for VanMar Constructors Ontario Inc. for apartment project in Milton. Level 2 min. first aid required. Strong com- munication skills, organiza- t i o n a l a b i l i t i e s a n d commitment to safety. Ap- ply at: http://snipurl.com/vanmar General Help Salon & Spa Office/ Administration General Help Salon & Spa Office/ Administration Office/ Administration BURLINGTON INVESTMENT c o m p a n y r e q u i r e s a n Administrative Assistant, exper ienced preferred. Securities licence an asset b u t n o t n e c e s s a r y . C o n t a c t B i l l a t 905-319-9000 x315. BURLINGTON'S SUCCESSFUL Rocca S i s t e r s Rea l Estate Team is expand- i n g a n d h i r i n g a High Skilled Full-Time Administrative Assist- ant. Computer experi- e n c e a m u s t . O n l y resumes with Adminis- t r a t i v e Rea l E s t a t e experience will be eli- gible. Email resume in confidence to: rocca- homes@ royallepage.ca LIONS FOUNDATION of Canada in Oakville is seek- ing a recept ion is t w i th strong computer sk i l ls , customer service back- ground, French is an asset. Apply to sandyturney@ dogguides.com NATIONAL WIRELESS is an authorized Bell dealer who is looking for a highly motivated individual to cov- er a maternity leave in Oak- ville. Inventory Coordinator: Excellent computer skills, an inventory and purchas- ing background would be an asset. Email resume to: gdouglas@natcel.com Health Care/ Medical DENTAL HYGIENE Assist- ant needed exclusively for hygiene team. Burlington Periodontal practice. New grads only. Monday-Friday approx. 30hrs/week. Fax resume to 905-634-5943 PHARMACIST P/T. Mon- Fri. No Weekends. French an asse t . Fax resume 905-847-8271 or emai l sheilah@ pharmexdirect.com REGISTERED PHYSIO- THERAPIST and massage therapist required for busy physiotherapy practise in Mississauga or Burlington locations. Flexible hours and excellent renumera- t ion. Contact Rober t at 905 334 8040 Health Care/ Medical RPNS/ RECEPTIONISTS for beautiful new medical centre in Oakville. Caring, ha rdwork i ng . Jo i n ou r growing team dedicated to compassionate family cen- t e red ca re . Ca l l J ody 416-898-4055 or jmangiardi@sympatico.ca VISION SOURCE Office seeking a dynamic, team oriented individual to com- plement our team. Part- time days and/ or even- ings. Email resume: ccv@ visionsource-drgall.com Attn: Nancy Restaurants/ Hospitality BOSTON PIZZA Burlington looking for Cooks, Experi- enced Bar staff and Deliv- ery Drivers Boston Pizza Nor th 4523 Dundas St Boston Pizza South 3120 South Service Road Apply in person with a resume FULL-TIME BAKERY and D e l i C o u n t e r H e l p i n Bu r l i ng ton . 11am -7pm sh i f t . F a x re sume t o : 905-336-3059. Teaching Opportunities EXPERIENCED MONTES- SORI Teachers required at Burlington Pre-School. Call 905-847-1165; Fax: 905-825-5266, Email: sana.rizki@ hopedalemontessori.ca General Help To book your classifi ed ad call 905.632.4440 Burlington Post WORK Shoppers with a nose for bargains head straight for the Classifieds. In the Classifieds, you can track down deals on everything from cars to canine companions. Its easy to place an ad or find the items you want, and its used by hundreds of area shoppers every day. Sniff Out a Great Deal in the Classifieds. Find a great deal, use the Classifieds today. 905-632-4440 C L A S S I F I E D S Burlington Post