Oakville Beaver, 17 Sep 2010, p. 45

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45 ?Frida y , September 17, 2010 OAKVILLE BE A VER ?ww w .oakvillebeave r.co m $ Best Cash Paid $ We make housecalls Jewellery, Coins, Gold, Silver, Paintings, Diamonds, China, Crystal, Silver, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Art, Antiques Collectibles, etc. Estate Specialists, Top Cash. Call John/ Patti 905-331-2477 www.tjtraders.com CAREGIVER REQUIRED!!!! Elderly couple have large, attractive, self contained 1 bedroom apartment in their Old Oakville home & need healthy, English speaking person (prefer lady) 45-60 with care-giving experience. Salary & use of apartment & car DUTIES: 20-25 hours/ week (could increase!) laundry, beds, personal care, meals, shopping, appointments etc Debbie at deb@quibell.ca Est. 1982 Earn ADiploma l 905.637.3415 lwww.hbicollege.com460 Brant St.,Burlington Success begins today OFFICE ADMIN. ACCOUNTING / PAYROLL MEDICAL / LEGAL ASST. INVENTORY MANAGEMENT POLICE FOUNDATIONS "Second Career" eligible FALL Classes DRIVERS Central Transport. Local Routes. We are seeking drivers for local pick-up/ delivery and dedicated road/ dock positions out of our terminal in Hamilton. Home Daily and Weekends! Local- competitive Hourly Rates! Road- New Drivers Earnings $1300+/week. Health & 401K Benefi ts! 3-6 months exp. AZ Dangerous Goods required. Call Recruiting Today! 800-331-1176 www.centraltransportint.com E H H D B G @ ? H K : < A : E E > G @ B G @ K > P : K = B G @ > F I E H R F > G M H I I H K M N G B M R 8 The YMCA of Hamilton/Burlington/Brantford is offering part-time positions providing licensed care to children between the ages of 3.8-12 years. The successful candidates will be enthusiastic, creative, child focused and able to work within a flexible schedule. Responsibilities include frontline supervision of children, as well as, program development, administration and working as part of the YMCA School Age Child Care team. If you: Have a diploma in ECE, Child and Youth or Recreation Or have two or more years experience working with children in a recreation or child care setting Are 18 years of age or older Please complete the job application found on our website ymcahbb.ca and email with your resume and cover letter to SACCjobs@ymca.ca or mail to: SACC JOBS c/o Ron Edwards Family YMCA 500 Drury Lane Burlington, Ontario L7R 2X2 or or c/o Hamilton Downtown Family YMCA 79 James Street South, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 2Z1 c/o Brantford Family YMCA 143 Wellington Street, Brantford, Ontario N3S 3Y8 We thank all those who applied; only qualified candidates will be contacted for an interview. R00218291 4 Local Company looking for A GRADER OPERATOR & DZ SNOW TRUCK DRIVERS for winter snow clearing of streets and lots. Contact Garry email: gary@howden.on.ca or call 905-864-1425 Burlington Retail location is having a JOB FAIR Sept. 22, 2010, 9:30am-5pm 3060 Davidson Crt, Unit 3 tel: 905-319-9110 fax: 905-319-0115 Please bring your resume & cover letter. Hiring for Seasonal Full/Part-time SALES STAFF Woodworking & gardening skills an asset Evenings & Saturdays required. The Grimsby Lincoln News is currently seeking a RETAIL SALES MANAGER Reporting to the Advertising Director, the Retail Advertising Sales Manager will be responsible for managing and communicating the sales and marketing initiatives for the Grimsby Lincoln News and Farmers Monthly. POSITION RESPONSIBILITIES Interacting with the sales team to communicate sales goals in accordance with overall business strategy Contributes to development of; and implements sales and marketing best practices; develops and recommends internal system improvements where necessary Fostering positive relationships with current accounts and working with sales team in developing new business Develop and implement sales incentives as required Provide current, direct, complete and 'actionable' feedback to team members Accompany reps on sales calls and assist in closing sales Assist reps with putting together sales proposals/presentations Manage an active account list and developing new business relationships. Handle all customer and employee concerns in a timely professional manner Ensure quality control through soliciting client feedback Assist with the lay out of the monthly editions and specialty publications Understanding the intricacies of our markets and competitive products SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE: Minimum 5 years sales experience, sales management experience an asset Strong verbal and written communication skills Strong time management and organizational skills Profi ciency of Microsoft Offi ce programs (word, excel, power point, outlook) Presentation skills Demonstrate the ability to successfully communicate with and lead a sales team in a fast paced, deadline driven environment Travel required within the Niagara region Please forward your resume to David Hawkins, no later than September 23, 2010 DHawkins@niagarathisweek.com We appreciate the interest of all applicants however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. DESIGN CONSULTANT SALES REPRESENTATIVE Ca l i f o rn i a C lose t s , t he l e ade r i n c u s t o m d e s i g n e d c l o s e t s , h o m e office, and garage storage solutions, requires a creat ive, wel l organized Design Consultant to join our sales team! Q u a l i f i e d c a n d i d a t e s m u s t b e a self-motivated individual with excellent communication & interpersonal skills, project & task oriented, & have the a b i l i t y t o w o r k i n d e p e n d e n t l y. We provide training & the opportunity to e a r n $ 3 5 - $ 5 5 k c o m m i s s i o n o n a strong lead base. Must have own car & be prepared to travel in the Oakville - Hamilton - Milton - Georgetown area. Qualifi ed candidates should email their Resumes to: heathers@calclosets.com Music & Dance Instruction "FOR THE Love Of Music" Offers beginner/ intermedi- ate music lessons (saxo- phone, theory, clarinet) in the Burlington area. Les- sons are conducted at your home, so you save on trav- el. Very affordable rates. C o n t a c t P h i l i p a t 905-630-2787 EXPERIENCED & Certifi ed teacher w i l l tu tor your child (Grades 1-12) at your home. 905-876-9922, tutor2@ymail.com Tutoring SUMMIT TUTORING -In- dividualized programs support the Ontario cur- r i c u l u m . - Q u a l i f i e d teachers target your child's unique learning style. -Flexible schedul- ing and payment options w i th no contracts to sign. -Free academic assessment. Location: Summit Learning Cen- tre, 760 Brant St, Suite 4 2 4 , B u r l i n g t o n 905-631-7506 Articles Wanted WE BUY appliances if you are moving, upgrading or renovat ing. We pick-up. Call 905-339-8017. Articles for Sale 2 CHAIRS, la rge w ing back, white on white, like n e w , $ 5 0 0 , c a l l 905-319-7410 ext. 321 anytime. 2 SETS of golf clubs; Roy- al Albert china; 6 antique mahogany chairs; 6 an- tique walnut chairs; framed prints. 905-336-8835. **A1 MATTRESS Facto- r y d i r e c t , d e l i v e r y available. All sizes in- c lud ing custom Spl i t boxsprings, Orthopedic 2 0 y r s e t s s t a r t i n g $240. 30yr t ight - top sets starting $340. De- luxe no-f l ip Pi l lowtop &'Crown' series, Euro- top sets f rom $390. New Waterbeds, Futons, End-of-line/ discontin- ued i tems ava i lab le . 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 - 2 0 2 0 ; 905-681-9496 APPLIANCES FOR Sale, white full-size stove, white super-capacity dryer, mint condition. 289-337-1328 BEAUTIFUL SIMMONS King box springs and mat- tress, perfect condition. $650 obo. 905-634-0249 BEDROOM SET for Sale- $300. Call 905-634-2266 B R O T H E R K N I T T I N G Machine with ribber and knitleader with manuals, $300. Call 905-823-4367 between 3-7pm. BUFFET; PEDESTAL table and chairs; Dryer; Enter- ta inment centre; Futon; 3-Piece bedroom furniture; D r e s s e r ; P i c t u r e s . 905-844-0922 CARPET 100's of styles ready for same week instal- lation. Let me give you free measurement/ estimate. L a m i n a t e / H a r d w o o d available. 905-510-0589 Eric. Articles for Sale CARPET I have several 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon car- pet. Will do livingroom & hall for $389. Includes car- pet, pad & installation (25 y a r d s ) S t e v e , 905-633-8192 CLASSIC SOLID wood B e d r o o m s e t 6 p c $450.obo; Sofa & chair, e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n $175.obo ; D in i ngroom suite, sol id wood, 10pc $ 3 0 0 . o b o . P e t e r 905-335-7982 COMPLETE HOME Gym, great condit ion, lots of exercises. Paid $1200, ask ing $450 obo. Ca l l 905-336-7426. DAYCARE EQUIPMENT, virtually new, beds, cabi- nets, chairs, tables, shelv- ing, also pat io set w/6 chairs. 416-562-8405 DINING SET: solid oak, large table (with leaf) & 6 chairs, excellent condition, $500. 905-319-3755 HOT TUB (Spa) Covers best price, Best quality. All shapes & colours. Ca l l 1 - 8 6 6 - 5 8 5 - 0 0 5 6 www.thecoverguy.ca KITCHEN CAB INETS- 50% discount, designers s h o w c a s e , c u s t o m woodworking, all fi nish- es , decorat i ve wood hoods, islands, counters included. More savings, granite, tiling, wall units, b a r s , v a n i t i e s . 905-930-9618. MAYTAG DISHWASHER, white Quite Series 200, $150. OTR Microwave, wh i te , GE sa fe maker - Xl1400, $75. Dufferin Pool Table, all accessories in- cluded, $600 OBO. All arti- cles in excellent condition 289-208-2722 SOLID WOOD dining table, includes 4-chairs, glass top, 2-extensions, $600. Barrymore sofa, cotton/ floral print, $600. 2-Louis X IV cha i rs (Barrymore ) $400 each. Several pieces o f ch i l d ren ' s f u rn i t u re (Sears). All in excellent con- dition. 905-333-0145. THOMASVILLE DINNING room suit, table 43 by 66, with two 12-Inch leaf's, 6- chairs, two have arms, chi- na cabinet 58-inches wide wi th g lass she lves and lights, excellent condition. $2500 Call 905-319-1588 WEIGHT LIFTING multi-po- sit ion work-out exercise bench with accessories, $135. Reebox's Step-Up/ Stackable exercise step- per, paid $130, asking $59. Solid stationary exer- cise bike, paid $325 ask- i ng $85 . So l i d row ing exerc ise machine, pa id $385, asking $90. OBO for all. 905-842-7404. YOUNG CHANG G157 In excellent condition, with black lacquer finish, 58" wide by 62" long, tuned an- nually, has perfect pitch. 905-849-9794 Health & Home Care MAINTAIN AN indepen- dent lifestyle at home with ConnectCARE. Fear of fall- ing/dementia? Emergency Response Service - Help at the touch of a but ton. 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 5 - 7 8 5 3 . w w w. C o n n e c t c a r e H a l - ton.ca. SENIOR HOMECARE By Angels. Experienced Care- givers will provide up to 24 hour In -home care . 905-634-2400. Firewood ER Firewood, cut, split & Dried Firewood for sale. Del ivered to your door. 519-861-1885, Monday- Saturday. FALL SPECIALS: Hard- w o o d , 5 c o rd s , $ 3 0 0 delivered, 10c $550, 15c, $750. Ben Marissink, Your Rel iab le Suppl ier S ince 1992 , Pushe r Tr ucks , 519-425-1036. FIREWOOD. MIXED hard- wood, 5 cords minimum $90/cord delivered. Call 519-582-4628. Cats KITTENS- 5 kittens look- ing for good home. Mother m a i n e c o o n , f a t h e r u n k n o w n . E m a i l : kaym613@gmail.com Dogs G E R M A N S H E P H E R D Pups- Champion parents, excel lent pets or show. H e a l t h g u a r a n t e e s . www.lynlanekennels.com 519-756-4259. SHIH TZU FOR sale, 17 months, well trained, neu- tered, all shots, cage, food incl. $500. 647-388-0512 Cars WANTED- SCRAP cars and trucks, free pick-up, dead or alive, licensed dealer, ownerships pro- cessed properly, $100 - $1000, old equipment, scrap steel, same day service, cash paid on the spot . P lease cal l 9 0 5 - 8 2 7 - 4 6 1 0 o r 905-330-2518. 1998 BMW 540i- Grey in- terior and exterior, 4 door, everything automatic. Only 133,900km, 4 new tires, new battery, sunroof, very good condition. E-tested in Februa ry. $9500. Ca l l 905-847-2596. 2003 CHRYSLER Intrepid SXT- Inferno red, loaded, cer t i f ied, e - tested, one owner, comes with snow tires, excellent condition. $4300 . Ca l l 905 -845 - 1607. 2003 SUNFIRE- Grey, 5 speed, 4 door 160Km $3200 obo . Ca l l 905 - 331-0504. 2006 PONTIAC $8700 Grand Prix, excellent condi- t i o n , n e w t i r e s , 87,000kms, warranty until S e p t e m b e r 2 7 t h . 905-842-2289. Vans 2007 DODGE Grand Cara- van, stow-and-go, 1 owner, 65,000km, manufacturer's warranty, immaculate, luxu- ry. Cer t i f i ed . $11,990 416-858-7673 Vehicles Wanted/ Wrecking ***ALWAYS CASH*** $200. (Average) Paid for usable and scrap ve- hicles. Free pickup. 905-320-3287 pedder@ rogers.blackberry.net CASH PAID- $200.00+ for any Complete vehi- cles driven in/ $150+ for vehicles picked up. Scrap Cars & Trucks wanted. 702 Bronte Rd, Oakville (just South of QEW). MOT legal trans- fers. 905-827-8015. Health & Home Care Vehicles Wanted/ Wrecking CASH PAID fo r Scrap Cars and Trucks. Same D a y P i c k U p . 905-693-5355 Driving Schools DRIVING LESSONS- In car lessons , exper i - enced licensed instruc- tor, seniors discount, 289 -259 -7868 . KK3 Driving School L E G A L L I T I G AT I O N ASSISTANT, available im- mediately, modern Burling- t on o f f i ces , requ i res minimum 5 years actual liti- gation experience; apply Confidential ly to Murray McEniry: murray@ mcenirylawyers.com; cell 9 0 5 - 3 1 7 - 0 7 0 0 o r t o Heather 905-634-3424 +ext.4 STATE FARM - Insurance Spec ia l i s t - F inanc ia l Serv ices. Good base plus commission. LLQP requ i red , OTL/RIBO. Fax 905-335-2322, call 905 335 8245. Drivers General Help Drivers O W N E R O P E R AT O R S with DZ Expedite Trucks Apply Now! U.S. Runs only. L T L C a l l P e t e r 905-337-8062 Drivers General Help L A N D S C A P E C O N - STRUCT ION c ompany seeks full-time experienced Lead Hand/ Labourers , must have clean dr ivers l icense & transportation. Excellent wages dependant on experience. Email re- sume to: plouks@cogeco.ca or phone 289-242-2577. General Help L ICENSED SECURITY Guards needed, weekends, in highrise condo buildings in Burl ington. Wil l train. F a x r e s u m e t o : 905-563-9910 or email: guardian@on.aibn.com MONASTERY BAKERY now hiring for the following Full-time positions. Cashier, Cook , De l i C l e r k , Ho t Station, Pastry Clerk and General Help. Indicate for which posit ion you are app l y i n g . F a x re s ume 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 - 1 5 6 7 o r e m a i l t o : leo@monasterybakery.com SMALL RES IDENT IAL House Cleaning Company requires P/T Staf f , 2 -3 days/ week. $11-13/ hour. l ook i ng f o r a re l i a b l e ma tu re pe rson who i s bondable, a non-smoker, with own vehicle. Hours a r e p e r f e c t f o r s t a y a t home mom. Ema i l : spotless11@hotmail.com Retail Opportunities FACTORY SHOE Outlet, Burlington, now hiring Full- Time & Part-Time, Retail long-term Sales Help. Must be willing to work Satur- days, Sundays, & Even- i n g s . G o o d w o r k i n g environment. Drop off re- s u m e : 2 3 9 4 F a i r v i e w Street, Burlington. Salon & Spa DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE Hair Salon. Newly renovat- ed. looking for Hair Sty- l ist(s) for chair rental Please call 416-573-7446 LOOKING FOR Hair assist- ant and also a receptionist, for a Salon in East Oakville. Please call Nick or David 905-845-4466 Technical/Skilled Trades BRAKE PRESS Program- mer/ Operator. Fax Re- sume to 905-336-0272 BURLINGTON TOOL and Die Shop has immediate open ings for : Fu l l - t ime Newly Certified Tool and Die Maker and Part-Time Press Operator for limited p ro d u c t i o n r u n s h a n d transfer. Fax resume to: 905-335-6927. CONSTRUCTION WORKER needed for residential and commercial renovations. 3 years minimum experience. Send resume to Brandon: bxconstruction@hotmail.com CLASSIFIED E-MAIL classified@haltonsearch.com INTERNET: www.burlingtonpost.com www.oakvillebeaver.com TOOL & Die makers To bu i ld Progress ive D ies with in-die tapping on his o w n . F a x re s u m e t o 905-336-0272 Career Development Careers Careers Careers Career Development Career Development Sa y Yo u Sa w th e ad in th e Oakville Beaver . Classified s Ge t Results !

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