ww w .oakvillebeave r.co m ?OAKVILLE BE A VER Frida y, September 17, 2010 ?4 6 PROJECT COORDINATOR For Oakville kitchen & bath retailer. Full Time Contract until December 2011. Required: strong customer service, organizational & computer skills. Kitchen design experience & 2020 training an asset Email resume to granitetransforma- tions@bellnet.ca Careers Careers Careers Careers Office/ Administration BURLINGTON INVESTMENT c o m p a n y r e q u i r e s a n Administrative Assistant, exper ienced preferred. Securities licence an asset b u t n o t n e c e s s a r y . C o n t a c t B i l l a t 905-319-9000 x315. BURLINGTON'S SUCCESSFUL Rocca S i s t e r s Rea l Estate Team is expand- i n g a n d h i r i n g a High Skilled Full-Time Administrative Assist- ant. Computer experi- e n c e a m u s t . O n l y resumes with Adminis- t r a t i v e Rea l E s t a t e experience will be eli- gible. Email resume in confidence to: rocca- homes@ royallepage.ca LIONS FOUNDATION of Canada in Oakville is seek- ing a recept ion is t w i th strong computer sk i l ls , customer service back- ground, French is an asset. Apply to sandyturney@ dogguides.com NATIONAL WIRELESS is an authorized Bell dealer who is looking for a highly motivated individual to cov- er a maternity leave in Oak- ville. Inventory Coordinator: Excellent computer skills, an inventory and purchas- ing background would be an asset. Email resume to: gdouglas@natcel.com OFFICE ADMIN/BOOK- KEEPER F/T position for energetic, organized indi- vidual with previous con- struction office experience and JONAS / Microsoft Of- f i ce So f tware . Du t i es : AP/AR, Project Co-ordina- tion, Admin Support, HR. $45-55k p lus benef i ts . Ema i l re sumes t o : i n - fo@skeates.ca REAL ESTATE Freelance Conveyancer required part- time for Oakville lawyer. Must be thoroughly familiar w i th Terav iew and The Conveyancer. Reply to: conveyancer.wanted@ hotmail.com Health Care/ Medical PHARMACIST P/T. Mon- Fri. No Weekends. French an asse t . Fax resume 905-847-8271 or emai l sheilah@ pharmexdirect.com REGISTERED PHYSIO- THERAPIST and massage therapist required for busy physiotherapy practise in Mississauga or Burlington locations. Flexible hours and excellent renumera- t ion. Contact Rober t at 905 334 8040 RPNS/ RECEPTIONISTS for beautiful new medical centre in Oakville. Caring, ha rdwork i ng . Jo i n ou r growing team dedicated to compassionate family cen- t e red ca re . Ca l l J ody 416-898-4055 or jmangiardi@sympatico.ca VISION SOURCE Office seeking a dynamic, team oriented individual to com- plement our team. Part- time days and/ or even- ings. Email resume: ccv@ visionsource-drgall.com Attn: Nancy FULL-TIME BAKERY and D e l i C o u n t e r H e l p i n Bu r l i ng ton . 11am -7pm sh i f t . F a x re sume t o : 905-336-3059. Restaurants/ Hospitality BOSTON PIZZA Burlington looking for Cooks, Experi- enced Bar staff and Deliv- ery Drivers Boston Pizza Nor th 4523 Dundas St Boston Pizza South 3120 South Service Road Apply in person with a resume CAFETER IA HELP re - q u i red Monday - - F r i d a y 8:45am-1:45pm at the UPS Facility in Burlington. C o n t a c t T a m m y 905-975-7731 THE JUDGE & Jury, 1222 Walkers Line, requires ex- perienced Ful l - t ime Line Cooks. Call Chef Murray 905-319-1655. A Great Place to Work! Teaching Opportunities EXPERIENCED MONTES- SORI Teachers required at Burlington Pre-School. Call 905-847-1165; Fax: 905-825-5266, Email: sana.rizki@ hopedalemontessori.ca Domestic Help Available 17 years of both European and Canadian experience, opt ion of using organic p roduc ts , i nsu red and b o n d e d , r e f e r e n c e s avai lable upon request. Please contact Maggie at 905-785-0926. A B O V E A N D B e y o n d Home Cleaning. Thorough, dependable and guaran- teed cleaning. Call Alexan- dra 289-208-4596. BEST MAID In Town. Will clean to your complete satisfaction- Guaranteed! If you want the best, call the best. 905-617-3659. C L E A N I N G L A D Y Available for Oakville and Bu r l i ng ton a rea . Good cleaning experience. Call Mary 905-829-5311 CLEAN ING LADY f o r homes o r o f f i c e , l o t s o f e x p e r i e n c e . C a l l 905-690-9872. CLEANING LADY for Oak- vi l le, available Thursday and Friday. 15 years expe- rience, reliable with refer- ences. 905-827-9248 CLEANING LADY from Eu- rope, 9 years experience. Excellent references. Look- i ng fo r new c l i en ts i n Oakville/ Burlington/ Water- down area. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday openings. 9 0 5 - 3 2 0 - 3 5 8 2 , 905-637-8482. CLEANING SERVICES available. Detailed work. Great references. Long time customers. Call Rena- ta 905-635-9330, 905- 484-8172. EUROPEAN LADY excel- lent quality cleaning service available for apartments, houses and offices. Good rates. Please call Maria 905-849-9549. EUROPEAN CLEANING lady, 5 years experience, ava i lab le to c lean your home. Oakville/ Burlington. Call 905-274-0289. EUROPEAN PROFES - S IONAL c l ean i ng l ady available Monday - Friday. New vacuum. Reasonable rates. Call 905-601-5656. EXPERIENCED CLEAN- ING, House /Office clean- i n g . M a n y y e a r s o f exper ience. I wi l l make your house sparkling clean. Call Teresa 905-560-4093 EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN house c leaner seek ing w o r k i n M i s s i s s a u g a , Oakvil le, Milton. Organic products used. Maggie 416-803-5807. EXPERT HOME cleaners. We use great products and steam-cleaning equipment. Specializing in pre-sale and move-in cleanings. Please call us at 647-261-6404 HOUSE CLEANING ser- v ice ava i lab le, fast de - pendable & experienced. Excellent references. Call Janina 905-272-7275. WE WILL make your place sparkle and shine. Seniors discounts. Ask for Karen 905-582-8498 Domestic Help Available I WILL make your house sparkl ing clean. Experi - enced. Reasonable. Honest References. Oakville area. C a l l D o r o t h y 647-868-1517. MD OFFICE House Clean- ing Serv ice, two ladies available to clean, great prices, experienced, re- l i a b l e , $ 1 0 o f f f i r s t c l e a n i n g . P l e a s e c a l l 905-335-1694 or leave message. SPOTLESS CLEANING. I don't cut corners, I clean t h e m . R e s i d e n t i a l & Commercial. Call Karlene 289-208-2251 TWO EUROPEAN Ladies can clean your home or offi ce. 905-633-8719. Drapes & Upholstery CUSTOM DRAPERIES , valance's, sheers, bed & table coverings, colour consultation: 19 years exp. Sherry 905-630-2267. smorganinteriors @cogeco.ca General Contracting, Excavating DREAMWORKS CON- T R A C T I N G C o m p l e t e Home Renovations Kitchen, Bathrooms, Basements. C a l l F e r n a n d o @ 647-678-9007 *Free Esti- mates *Quality Workman- ship *20 Years Experience dreamworkscontracting.ca Landscaping, Lawn Care, Supplies COMPLETE LANDSCAPE design construction servic- es. Pools and water fea- tures. www.broadwayland- s c a p i n g . c o m 416-879-9450 Moving & Storage JP MOVERS- Short notice OK, Free Estimates, 24/7, $30/hour and up. Insured, Bonded , P ro f ess i ona l , A f f o r d a b l e 1-800-408-7010. Tree/ Stump Service AESTHETIC TREE Experts Tre e / S h r u b P r u n i n g . Hazardous tree removal. Stump grinding. Friendly pricing. Free estimates. 289-244-1617. www.AestheticTreeExperts.com House / Pet Sitting HOUSE SITTER Available November to March. Pro- fessional couple. Available to house sit while you are away this winter. Both work work in Law Enforcement and A i r L i ne I ndus t r y. Please call 337-8652 Handy Person HONEYDOO LIST Handy man. Bathrooms, t i l ing, painting. No Job Too Small! Call Mark 905-331-7493. TOTAL HOME Renova - t ions- Kitchen and bath- room renovations. Finished basements , hard wood flooring and painting. Call Matt 416-917-4706. laviola70@gmail.com YOUR HANDYMAN wi l l tackle all those jobs you've been putting off. Carpen- try, doors, shelving, room renos, ceramic tile bath, shower and backsplashes. Exper t general repairs. Free estimates, reasonable rates. Call John anytime, l e a v e m e s s a g e . 905-335-5341 Plumbing L ICENSED PLUMBER semi retired available, bath- room installations, rough- in's, washer, dryer, fridge, hookups, taps repaired, replaced etc. Quality work, honest & reliable. Phone Stephen 905-630-2527. Home Renovations BRICKLAYER~ STONES, f l a g s t o n e s , i n t e r l o c k , bricks, repairs, sub-con- tract etc... Free estimates. Matthew 905-315-8173, 416-705-2989. We pay the HST. Waste Removal 1/2 PRICE Junk Removal. Cheap. Fast Service. All loading/ cleanup. Free Esti- m a t e s . J o h n , 905-310-5865 (local) Registration & Lessons SPANISH CLASSES At The Cen t r a l L i b r a r y. Smal l Pr ivate Groups. A l l L e v e l s O f f e r e d . Space Available for Fall. Starting September 21. Spanish Is Easy to Learn! Call Now 905-577-1585 spanish@bellnet.ca Careers Careers Careers Careers Careers Office/ Administration Domestic Help Available Get Results CLASSIFIED E-MAIL INTERNET! The Hamilton Spectator, a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd., is currently seeking part-time . advertising business venture. Sales initiatives include a robust line-up of print and online products, which results in great earning potential! CLASSIFIED INSIDE SALES candidates with a proven track record in sales to join our team. The focus of this position will be to exceed sales expectations and customer service by: N advertising products and features NProcessing incoming requests for advertising requirements in a timely and professional manner NManaging and assisting advertisers with ad copy and design N advertising requirements, both in print and on-line. The minimum requirements of this position include a proven track record of achieving and exceed- ing measurable sales goals, superior customer service skills, a high level of attention to detail and the ability to multi-task in a fast-paced, deadline driven environment. This will be complemented tion skills, both written and verbal are required as well as your ability to meet the following core competencies of this position a Drive for results, Action oriented and Customer focused. This is your opportunity to join a successful, innovative and fun team of sales professionals and to work for a leader in the media industry. If you would like to join our team, please forward your resume to: The Hamilton Spectator Human Resources Department 44 Frid Street, Hamilton, ON L8N 3G3 Fax: 905-526-9211 Email: specjobs@thespec.com LOOKING FOR AN EXCITING NEW CHALLENGE?