THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 2006 THE NEW TANNER 17 Best Price, Best Service Since 1972 FAX: 519-853-1559 379 Queen St., Acton ON L7J 2N2 519-853-1553 1-888-833-8953 CAYO COCO/CAYO GUILLERMO ??????????????????? ?????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ?????????????????? Why Book Early? More Selection! HUGE savings! HOT DEALS $689 Plus taxes of $196, and departure tax of 25 CUC (cash) paid at destination VARADERO ??????????????????? ??????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????? $779 $949 Plus taxes of $196, and departure tax of 25 CUC (cash) paid at destination FALL SALE! PUNTA CANA ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ?????????????????? CAYO COCO/CAYO GUILLERMO ??????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????? CANCUN/MAYN RIVIERA ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? BARBADOS ???????????????????????????? ??????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ?????????????????? $649 Plus taxes of $275, and departure tax of USD $20 (cash) paid at destination Plus taxes of $196, and departure tax of 25 CUC (cash) paid at destination $729 Plus taxes of $196, and departure tax of 25 CUC (cash) paid at destination $999 $1229 Plus taxes of $254 $1749 Plus taxes of $254 Plus taxes of $176 $1799 Plus taxes of $176 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????? HARDWOOD TRUCK LOAD SALE GEORGETOWN FLOORING 128 Guelph St. Georgetown 905-702-1217 BAMBOO & CORK FLOORING from $3.99sqft only bronze pieces and the only figurative ones (re- alistic, physical bodies). For example, Lee described the sculpture that won the highest award at the show as made from asphalt re- covered from roadwork, strewn on the floor, and spray painted with iron. Lee was interested in join- ing the society but changed her mind because she sees the trend as moving com- pletely away from figurative sculpture and towards ab- stract. While in Toronto, she and her fellow artists, attended another gallery where dis- turbing images of childrens toys and candies were dis- played. Some toys were burned, others were spewing blood, and some displayed candy in perverse ways. Lee said, It was very dark and nightmarish. She couldnt wait to get back home and mentally cleanse those images from her mind. She added that the trend in many cosmopolitan galler- ies seems to be an attempt to shock the viewer, rather than celebrating beauty, mastery and skill. Overall, Lee enjoyed her first experiences in the met- ropolitan art scene, but is still looking for one that cel- ebrates ideas, philosophy, beauty and transcendence, while recognizing skill and mastery. The shows result- ed in increased interest in her work, including an interior designer who wants to use it in some upscale designs. One of her most memo- rable moments was hearing Anne Mirvish, wife of Toron- tos well-known theatrical producer and entrepreneur, Ed Mirvish, describing her work as beautiful. Lee was accepted to show her work at the 2007 Interna- tional Art Expo at the Metro Convention Centre in To- ronto next March. For more information, visit www. Continued from page 13 Rockwood artist Babe in woods... OLeary... Continued from page 7... Have you ever wondered how Acton got many of its street names outside of poli- ticians and people who have left an indelible mark on the community? Mill, Church and Main Streets theyre all names most villages, towns and cities have and are self-ex- planatory. But John, Wilbur, Frederick, Agnes, Ransom, Maria and Bower where did they originate? Credit the Adams family, saddle bag preachers and paragons of the New England conference of the Method- ist Episcopal Church, who are generally believed to be Actons founders. There may have been other families here before them but it was their influence which decided the settlements destiny and they named many streets after their children. One of the most interesting characters of the Adams fam- ily was Ransom, a nephew of original founders Ezra and Zenas Adams, whom the short street which runs off Main St. S. into a dead end at Fairview Cemetery is named after. In 1874 Ransom was the man with money in this hamlet of about 800 souls and it was said his one object in life was making money. Local gossip declared he stayed a bachelor because he couldnt spare the time from his relentless quest for pounds, shilling and pence, to find a bride. Ransom had immense woodpiles in blocks around the Grand Trunk Railway (GTR) station which he sold by the cord to run those wood-burning locomotives, much like one sees today only in films about the American west. They huffed and they puffed their way through the village, stopping to let passengers off, take them on, drawing water for their boilers from a huge barrel- like tank with a swinging arm alongside the tracks. The train staff also loaded wood from those immense piles of wood. One of the few arteries which didnt originate from the Adams family is Young and the streets which radiate from it. Theres Wellington, Arthur and Peel. Young St. is named after the Georgetown surveyor who surveyed land east of the GTR lines for the Adams family. He gave the street his own name. Wellington, of course, was named for the Duke of Wellington, the British general who licked Napolean at the Battle of Wa- terloo. Arthur St. was named after the Duke of Connaught and Peel for the British prime minister of the time. Bower Avenue, the name old timers ascribed to the tree-lined avenue which leaves Willow and circum- scribes Mill until it joins it at the railway tracks, is now a street not an avenue; that came about because an Acton town clerk found an early map which describes it as Bower St. with no genuflec- tion to the more euphonious name. A bower, according to Gages dictionary is a shelter of leafy branches, a descrip- tive name for the street. Willow St., of course, is named after a large Willow tree which stood at the corner of Mill and Willow where Godfathers Pizza is now. It was cut down around the turn of the century (1900). Brock St., also called Brock Ave., was named after General Isaac Brock, hero of the War of 1812. Knox Ave. needs no expla- nation. Knox Presbyterian Church has been in the area since the village was a ham- let. Lake Ave. is again self explanatory, running off Park Ave. to Fairy Lake. Park Ave., of course, has the entrance to Prospect Park. Crescent St.? Its named after the Beardmore Crescent which it used to circle. Its joined by Poplar Ave. on the crescent, named again after the many poplar trees which lined the street. There are many more streets which havent been covered in this article. Well leave them for another day. -Hartley Coles Longtime Acton residents call it Bower Ave. but even the new street signs read Bower St. Adams Family started naming Acton streets back in 1800s holeing up in a farm- house for over 10 hours, he finally surrendered to police. Whitmore, who has multi- ple convictions on his record, is now accused of assaulting the two boys he was found with. How many chances are we expected to give these pedophiles? How many shots at our children before our lawmakers say enough is enough? Heres a hint. Dont hold your breath. In the case of Whitmore, even the police and Crowns office are at odds. When Whitmore surrendered he negotiated a deal with the police that he would not be prosecuted as a dangerous offender. He did agree to plead guilty to any offences he committed in the previous 24-48 hours. Isnt that gener- ous of him? Now the Crown, which never agreed to this deal, is planning to proceed with the dangerous offender prosecu- tion. I agree. Why should we agree to a deal made under duress? We cant be held to a deal with the devil. For all these years Ive been looking for the answer to one simple question. How many more? How many more innocents have to die? How many more children have to suffer and be traumatized? When is enough, enough? The silence has been deaf- ening.