14 THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 2006 The Corporation of the Township of Guelph/Eramosa 2006 Municipal Election NOTICE NOMINATION FOR OFFICE Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (s. 32) NOTICE is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of Guelph/Eramosa. Nominations in the Township of Guelph/Eramosa for the offices set out below may be made by completing and filing in the office of the Clerk of the municipality so noted, nominations on the prescribed form. Municipal Council (Nomination papers to be filed with the Clerk at Township of Guelph/Eramosa unless otherwise specified) Mayor.. 1 to be elected Township Councillor - Ward 1..1 to be elected Township Councillor - Ward 2..1 to be elected Township Councillor - Ward 3..1 to be elected Township Councillor - Ward 4..1 to be elected County Council County Councillor - Ward 7 . . . . . . . .1 to be elected ? (Nomination papers to be filed with the Clerk at the Township of Puslinch, Office) County Councillor - Ward 8..1 to be elected School Boards Wellington Catholic District School Board: 1 office to be elected for all 4 municipalities: Township of Guelph/Eramosa Town of Erin Township of Puslinch Township of Centre Wellington (Wards 2, 4 & 6) ? Nominations to be filed with the Clerk, Township of Guelph/Eramosa Upper Grand District School Board: 1 office to be elected for both municipalities: ? The Township of Guelph/Eramosa (Wards 1 & 2) and ? The Township of Centre Wellington ? Nominations to be filed with the Clerk, Township of Centre Wellington Upper Grand District School Board: 1 office to be elected for all 3 municipalities: ? The Township of Guelph/Eramosa (Wards 3 & 4); ? The Town of Erin; ? The Township of Puslinch ? Nominations to be filed with the Clerk, Town of Erin Conseil Scolaire de District Catholic Centre-Sud: 1 office for all 5 municipalities: ? County of Wellington ? County of Brant ? County of Haldimand ? County of Norfolk ? Regional Municipal of Waterloo ? Nominations to be filed with the Clerk, City of London Le Conseil Scolaire Public de District du Centre-Sud-Ouest: 1 office to be elected for all 5 municipalities: ? County of Wellington ? County of Middlesex ? County of Perth ? County of Huron ? Regional Municipality of Waterloo ? Nominations to be filed with the Clerk, City of Cambridge NOMINATION PROCEDURES A nomination must be signed by the candidate and may be filed by a candidate or by an agent in person on any day before September 29th, 2006 during regular business hours (Township of Guelph/Eramosa Office Hours are 8:30 am 4:30 pm Monday to Friday). On September 29th, 2006 (Nomination Day), nominations may be filed between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm only. A prescribed nomination filing fee of $200.00 must accompany the nomination form for the Office of the Mayor. A prescribed nomination filing fee of $100.00 must accompany the nomination form for the office of Councillor or School Trustee. All nomination fees must be in cash, certified cheque or money order. The fee is refundable if the candidate receives more than 2% of the votes cast for the office or withdraws the nomination under Section 36 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended. A nomination must be certified by the Clerk before such person becomes a certified candidate for the office to which he or she is nominated. In the event that there is an insufficient number of certified candidates to fill all positions available, nominations will be reopened for the vacant positions only, on Wednesday, October 4th, 2006, between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm. Such additional nominations, if required, may be filed in the office of the Clerk as set out above. DATED THIS 31st DAY OF AUGUST, 2006. Janice Sheppard Clerk/CAO Township of Guelph/Eramosa P.O. Box 700 Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0 (519) 856-9596 www.get.on.ca CAPSULE ???????? ROCKWOOD PHARMACY 178 Alma Street, Rockwood ON (519)856-9486 *Its important to heed the expiry dates on antibiotics, insulin and nitroglycerin products. The expiry date on tablets and capsules has greater latitude than these items. If you are unsure if a product is good to use, check with your pharmacist. *A.S.A.(Aspirin) can help during a heart attack. The standard advice is that if you think you are having a heart attack chew on A.S.A tablet while calling for medical help. *There are already many self- diagnostic tools available at home to use. One home test being worked on right now is one to test for sexually- transmitted diseases (STDs). Although it probably wont be available for ten years or so, it will save the health system many millions of dollars. *As of the end of 2004, only 20% of adult Canadians smoked. Out of all the provinces, B.C. had the fewest smokers with just 16% of adult B.C. residents smoking. *We keep mentioning the ills of smoking. If you need help kicking the habit, talk to our pharmacists, Mary & Maija, about the various methods available to help you achieve that goal. Living the rest of your life smoking-free will enhance the quality of your life and give you better health. EWAG NEWS By Rebecca Ring Last year, a womans body was found in a picnic area on Highway 7, west of Rockwood, on August 28. One year later, the woman has still not been identified and cause of death is unde- termined. Foul play has not been ruled out. An autopsy conducted in Toronto determined the woman was between 25 and 45 years old. She was ap- proximately 56 and 130 lbs. She wore upper dentures and had previously fractured her left cheekbone. She was found wearing a pink bra, labelled 725 Originals with 31 printed on the left cup, and Rivage Intimates thong underwear with a small bow at the waist. She wore an Atmosphere tank top, size 10/12 and Illegal Jeans- wear corduroy shorts, size nine, with two horizontal zip- pers on the front pockets. According to OPP commu- nications officer, Constable Mark Cloes, there have been no advances in the investiga- tion. He said, In cases like this, police may receive a tip one, two or even several years later that gets the inves- tigation rolling and solved. EWAG Needs Your Help Just a Few Hours Per Week We are looking for two vol- unteers to assist us with our Seniors Day Program every second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Volunteer will be picked up at either Rockwood office or the Rockwood Unit- ed Church and then will accompany the bus driver, arriving back at the church to assist with program crafts, games and meals. For more information, please call Mary Ellen at 519-833-0087. We are also looking for a Bingo caller every other Monday from 1-3 p.m. at Squires Lodge. This is just a fun game of Bingo, no stress, no cash stakes just a lot of laughs. Please call Mary El- len at 519-833-0087. EWAG Seniors Pro - grams for the Fall Read All About Them Fall is coming quickly and EWAGs programs for seniors are be- ginning again in Rockwood. **Smile Theatre presents Radio Daze at Rockmosa community centre on Thurs- day, September 14 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $7 in advance or $10 at the door. Please call Mary Ellen at 519-833-0087 to make reservations or pick tickets up at one of our of- fices. **The Feeling Better gen- tle exercise program returns on Thursday, September 14 at 11:30 a.m. at the Rockwood Library. For more informa- tion please call 519-822-1260 ext. 7992. **BINGO resumes at Squires Lodge at 1 p.m. on Monday, September 18. Please call Mary Ellen at 519-833-0087 for more information on any of these special events or programs. Fashion Show On Wednesday, September 18 at 7 p.m. at Davids Restaurant in Erin, EWAG is holding its fall EcoFashion Show. All fashions will be modeled and sold after the event. Its a great opportunity to fill your closets. For more information please call Brenda at 519- 833-9696. Please note EWAG shops and offices will be closed for the Labour Day long weekend on both Saturday, September 2 and Monday, September 4. One year later Womans body still not identified OPP