THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2007 THE NEW TANNER 11 A division of Tyler Transport Ltd. CALL TO RESERVE (519) 853-1550 or toll free 1-800-73TYLER R&R COMPANY Garage Doors Electric Openers Windows Entrance Doors Storm Doors Patio Doors SALES, SERVICE & INSTALLATION 519-853-2114 67 Mill Street East, Acton & 27 Cork St. Guelph 853-1160 ?????????? ?????????? Ron Henry Serving the Community for over 30 Years DOLLIVER SURVEYING INC Land Information Services web: E-mail: 853-2502 54 Mill St. E. NELLIS CONSTRUCTION LIMITED ROAD BUILDING EARTH MOVING R.R. #1 Acton 853-0960 Sales, Service & Installation Residential, Commercial Overhead Doors & Openers (519) 856-9955 Toll Free (877) 856-9955 Garage Door Works Ken Marttala Free Estimates Skills for Success, Lessons for Life! Georgetown 905-877-3163 Guelph 519-826-5365 11 Main St. S. Acton (tel) 519-853-8041 1-866-870-4044 FREE 2-18L Bottles for new customers Blue Springs AIRPORT SERVICE Acton: 853-0024 Georgetown:873-0097 INQUIRE ABOUT OUR FLAT RATES TO OTHER MAJOR DESTINATIONS Blue Springs Taxi 24 Hour Taxi Service Serving Georgetown, Limehouse & Acton Area. Vans Available Toll Free 1-866-953-0024 Fast, friendly lunch! Come join us! Ph: 853-5531 Fax: 853-5366 G&S EXCAVATING LTD. Tel: 519-853-2515 Fax: 519-853-1490 GREG & SANDY Snow Plowing & Removal - Top Soil Licensed Septic Systems - Sand & Gravel - Ponds- Basements/ Foundations FREE ESTIMATES RR # 2 Acton ON L7J 2L8 Division of 774371 Ontario LTD COMMUNITY CORNER 20 lb. Propane Cylinder Refill Tyler Transport Ltd. 379 Queen St. E. Acton 853-1550 5 I F ( P M E F O 8 P P E T 3 J E J O H 4 D I P P M - U E * O E J B O 5 S B J M 3 P D L X P P E X X X H P M E F O X P P E T P O D B H X S T ! H P M E F O O F U English Riding Lessons, Summer Shows. Boarding, Childrens Summer Camps. Over 50 years of combined teaching experience SALES, SERVICE & REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES 1-866-919-9945 BALLINAFAD Now servicing Acton & surrounding areas SHOWROOM AVAILABLE (CALL FOR APPOINTMENT) RESIDENTIAL GARAGE DOORS & ELECTRIC OPENERS COMMERCIAL OVERHEAD DOORS & DOCK SYSTEMS PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS Wall to Wall Hours: Mon-Sat 9-6 Behind Prosperity One 352 Queen St. E., Acton (519) 853-4814 PHOTO ART GIFTS Hometown Focus... Authentic Charm. OPEN Mon-Fri No Weekend Fills Aldo Braida B.A. L.L.B. Barrister & Solicitor 69 Mill St. E Acton 28 Paisley St. Guelph Phone: 519-824-2242 Fax :519-824-3049 ERAMOSA ELECTRIC Electrical Contracting Quality workmanship 14yr. licensed experience Commerical/Industrial/ Residential No job is too small. Greg Klug 519-856-1434 (cell) 519-766-2577 T.J. CONCRETE FLOORS CURBS FOUNDATION REPAIRS CALL LARRY (519)853-0540 FOR FREE ESTIMATES TAKING EARLY SPRING BOOKINGS DRIVEWAYS SIDEWALKS PATIOS POOL DECKS STAMPED CONCRETE Advertise in this space for only $15 per week Call Marie 519-853-0051 for details M.H. ALUMINUM For all your siding needs Services include: Siding Soffits Facia Eavestrough Windows Free Estimates 519-803-0702 Fishing is a popular pastime in this country. Re- gardless of the type of fish youre seeking, it is important to employ good stewardship in and around the countrys waterways. Here are some pointers to keep in mind: Control litter and practice a carry-out policy. Whatever trash youve accumulated should be carried with you and placed in a proper trash re- ceptacle, not thrown into the water. Know the rules and regulations of a specific body of water. Certain restric- tions may be placed on type of watercraft permitted, correct bait and fishing gear, and even the sizes of the fish that can be removed from the water. To avoid hassles, follow these rules and inquire if you are unsure of them. Keep out of off limits areas. These places have been set aside for spe- cific reasons, typically to preserve the wildlife and species of this particular body of water. Follow the correct procedures for cleaning your watercraft after leaving the water. You dont want to inadvertently spread non-native species to another area that could take over a habitat. Be courteous around other boaters and fishermen. Practice courtesy when fishing Advertise in this space for only $15 per week Call Marie 519-853-0051 for details