THE NEW TANNERTHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2007 9THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 20078 Chiropodist / Foot Specialist DEANNA WILSON B.Sc.,D.Ch. Thompson Wellness Centre 25 Main Street North Acton, Ontario L7J 1V9 519-853-3460 Foot/Nail Care Sports Injuries Pediatrics Diabetic /Arthritic Foot Conditioning Custom Orthotics and Footwear Home visits Knox Presbyterian Church 44 Main St. N P.O. Box 342 Acton, Ontario L7J 2M4 (519)853-2360 In a world of change, come and worship the unchanging God. Sunday 10:30 a.m. November 4: LIVING THE VISION (Luke 17:11-19) November 11: REMEMBRANCE DAY (Revelation 22:1-8) November 18: ANNIVERSARY - Rev. Harry McWilliams November 25: FATHER, FORGIVE THEM! 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LEGION NEWS By James Hayes P.R.O. BRANCH NO. 197 NEW MEMBERS: Picture with President Wes Kutasienski on left, and Membership Chairman Larry McAfee, on right, are new Legion members: John Dack, Clinton Girdwood, Isabel McNeily, Darlene Jordan, Sytska Drijber, Susan Pimental, Kevin Sacrey, Heather Sacrey and Ben Sikkema. James Hayes photo Special Cake The September meet- ing of Dublin Womens Institute (W.I.) was held at the Rockwood home of Kath- leen Alder, and ten members answered the roll call: When and Why Did you Join the Womens Institute? Jane Baynton, President, opened the meeting with a humourous reading entitled Why is farming so tough today? Secretary/Treasurer, Jean McLean, gave her financial Report and the Board meeting report was given by District Director, Sharon Anderson. In celebration of the 110th anniversary of the Womens Institute, Maisie Lasby had made and beautifully decorated a cake with the Institute crest. This was enjoyed by everyone during the social time, which wrapped up the evening. Special anniversary cake Comrades, The Branch and Ladies Auxiliary mourn the passing of our comrade Julia Curry. Our deepest sympathy is extended to her family at this most distressing time. At the going down of the Sun And in the morning We will remember them. The New Members Initia- tion ceremony held last Friday saw the following members welcomed into the Legion family: John Dack, Clinton Girdwood, Isabel McNeily, Darlene Jordan, Sytska Dri- jber, Susan Pimental, Kevin Sacrey, Heather Sacrey and Ben Sikkema. We welcome our new com- rades, and look forward to their active involvement in all branch activities. The Township of Guelph/ Eramosa Remembrance Day Service and Parade will be held on Saturday, Nov. 3. in Rockwood. Form up at the post office at 10:30 am. The Acton Remembrance Day Service, parade and din- ner will be on Saturday Nov. 10. Comrade George ODonnell, Branch Poppy chairman re- ports everything is in place for this years campaign. The dis- tribution of the Poppy boxes to the stores and businesses last Friday was completed with the help of Wayne Briggs, Allison Wilmot, John Wagg and Tam- my Whyte. The door-to-door blitz will be on Friday, Nov. 2. (Thats tomorrow night) Honours & Awards, Sun- day, Nov. 4. 2 p.m. Why not come down and congratulate those being honoured with long service pins etc. The Branch will be open from 12-6 p.m. Volunteer bartenders Ap- preciation Night Friday, Nov. 16. At 7:30 p.m. Those who will be attending are requested to confirm with Comrade Frank Single personally before Nov. 12. Please give him a call, or speak to him at the Branch. Santa Claus will be mak- ing his annual visit to the Branch on Sunday, Dec. 9. Entertainment starts at 1 p.m. with Santa scheduled to arrive at 2:30 p.m. Members are requested to check that their eligible childrens names are on the list in the correct age group. Only children or grand- children of paid-up members are invited. Please check the board as soon as possible, the cut off date for mailing to the North Pole is Wednesday November 7. (Thats next Wednesday) Coming Events Honours & Awards, Sun- day Nov. 4 at 2 p.m. Yours in comradeship, Jim Hayes Branch 197 PRO. Ladies Auxiliary News Our deepest and sincere sympathy is expressed to the families of our Ladies Aux- iliary member, Julie Curry, who passed away Oct. 27. Julie was always giving the Ladies Auxiliary a helping hand with cooking and doing dishes. Julie will be missed by all of us. Zone meeting was held Sunday, Oct. 28 at Bronte Legion. Attending was our colour party, with a total of 6 ladies from our Auxiliary. Remembrance Day parade will be held Saturday, Nov. 10. Assembly at Hide House at 10:15 a.m. Parade begins at 10:30 a.m. Branch service at 12:20 p.m. Dinner at 1:15 p.m. Our next general meeting is Thursday, Nov. 1 at 7:30 p.m. Our zone commander, Ethel Eastwood, will be at- tending our meting. Please try to attend. Yours in comradeship, L.A. President, Annmarie Lowin