ww w .oakvillebeave r.co m ?OAKVILLE BE A VER W ednesda y, December 22, 2010 ?3 8 Du erin Aggregates, a member of the Holcim Group, is a leading manufacturer and the largest supplier of high quality aggregates to the Greater Toronto Area construction industry. We are currently seeking an energetic, focused, motivated, dependable, reliable, and punctual individuals for Labourers You are mechanically inclined and willing to work outdoors on the afternoon shift. Welding experience would be an asset. Good verbal and written communication skills are required. We o er a competitive compensation, bene t, and pension package. Please forward your resume by December 31st, 2010 to: S. McNabb E-mail: shawna.mcnabb@holcim.com Fax: 519-853-4555 Candidates that meet our quali cations will be contacted for an interview. www.holcim.ca (Oakville) *Wonderful Exercise* *3 Days Only (Wed., Thurs. & Fri.)* *Add Some Self-Employed Earnings* *Pick Your Own Hours- Between 6AM-6PM* *Replace Inactivity With Constructive Endeavours* *Have A Reliable Vehicle But Its Mostly Walking* Call Robert Channing (905) 637-8795 General Help Dental DENTAL ASSISTANT (Full- T i m e ) f o r E n d o d o n t i c Office in Oakville. Fax re- sume to: 905-844-1164. Careers DeBoer's Furniture requires salespeople with retail sales exper. for Mississauga location. Interior design or fashion industry background required. (T) 905-828-7950. Please apply in person: 2255 Dundas St. West, Mississauga or e-mail at: lghaznavi@deboers.com General Help LOVE WORK ING w i t h kids? Looking for part time work? We're looking for a hard working, responsible, ca r i ng pe rson fo r ou r school age program, M-Fri, 2:30-6. Transporting chil- dren with school van is a requirement. Contact Nan- cy, at 905-335-9908 or nancy@summerhillds.com Careers General Help MONITORING STATION Operator. Oakville/ Missis- s auga . 12 hou r sh i f t . $11/hour. Own transporta- t i o n r e q u i r e d . g i n o @ themonitoringcenter.com Fax: 905-829-3895. Careers Interested in Selling for the Canadian Champion? Are you self-motivated? Do you enjoy inside sales? Do you work well under pressure? Do you enjoy talking on the phone? Can you meet deadlines? I f you answered YES! To al l the above questions, you might be the person we need. The ideal candidate will be expected to meet sales targets, handle customer inquires, promote special sections, plus liase with our accoun t ing , p roduc t ion and ed i to r ia l departments. Cover age of the front desk as well as vacation coverage for sales staff would also be part of the mix. STILL INTERESTED? Please send your resume to: dkoppejan@miltoncanadianchampion.com We thank all who apply for this position, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Careers Sales Opportunities Careers Sales Opportunities FOOD SAMPLER/ Sales Support FT or PT. Natural foods company seeks ma- ture, enthusiastic person to h a n d o u t s a m p l e s i n stores. Must have car. Ex- penses reimbursed. Bonus p r o g r a m . S t a r t a t $18/hour. Brampton, Ham- ilton & Burlington area. Fax resume: 1-604-988-1399 Health Care/ Medical HOME INSTEAD Senior Care- Caregivers & PSWs needed. Provide non-medi- ca l care for sen iors in Oakville, Burlington and Mil- t o n . C a r i s re q u i re d . Must be avai lable days, evenings and weekends. P l e ase send i n qu i r i e s tchuch.homeinstead@ bellnet.ca or fax resume to 905-847-8429. Restaurants/ Hospitality GERALDO'S AT LaSalle Park, Banquet and Confer- ence Fac i l i ty. Fu l l -T ime Wedding Sales Manager. 3 years experience required. Except iona l sa lary and commissions. Email or fax resume to: Mike Attard 905-631-8432, mattard@ geraldosatlasalle.com Careers Domestic Help Available C L E A N I N G L A D Y available to clean houses. C a l l 9 0 5 - 5 7 3 - 6 5 8 9 . 905-515-6962 General Contracting, Excavating GENERAL CONTRACTING- Fences, decks, home reno- vat ions. 905-844-6118, 905-510-4045. Moving & Storage WHEN DECIDING on a moving company, you may decide to see if the compa- ny is bonded, insured and certified. The Better Busi- ness Bureau and/or the Ca- nad i an Assoc i a t i o n o f Movers may also provide more in format ion on a company. Careers Get Results For complete details, please call 905-526-3377 or simply fill out the online application form at www.thespec.com and a Hamilton Spectator representative will contact you. Work for the best boss in the world. Yourself. *Profit potential varies on size and number of routes, 7 days a week. ADDITIONAL MONTHLY GAS BONUS! As an independent distributor, you will deliver The Hamilton Spectator and the Toronto Star in Burlington door-to-door. Must have a reliable vehicle. MAKE BETWEEN $800 AND $1,200 EACH MONTH.* 141 6 Were you blessed with the arrival of a child in 2010? If you were, have your little Bundle of Joy listed in Oakvilles 2010 Newest Arrivals These special Momento Pages will appear in The Oakville Beaver in January, 2011. If you would like your child(or grandchild) to be included, just fill out the ad form below and submit, along with a photo, no later than Fri. Jan. 14/11 Babys Name (please print clearly): _______________ _____________ _____________ First Middle Surname Parents Names (please print clearly): _______________ _____________ _____________ Mom (first name) Dad (first name) Surname Date of Birth ___________ _________ Month Day Please mail or drop off your picture along with this form and payment to: The Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd. Oakville ON, L6K 3S4 Deadline for receipt of order is January 14, 2011 Ordered By:___________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________ ______________________________Phone:_________________ Payment: Visa/ MC/ Amex #:______________________________ Expiry Date:____________ Cheque Enclosed Payable to The Burlington Post Note: No Charge if.... your babys birth announcement already appeared in The Oakville Beaver in 2010! Please drop-off or email pictures to Mrs. Smith by January 14, 2011 thill@burlingtonpost.com Call 905-632-4440 for more details Cost: $ Moeshia Brown born to Jamal & Keshia Brown March 16, 2010 59. + H.S.T. = $66.67 www.WeePiggies.com Tel: 905-825-8731 Email: oakville@weepiggies.com and you will receive a voucher for Call 905-632-4440 to place your announcement of your babys precious hand or footprint ($25.00 value) compliments of: OAKVIL LE Beave r