Seeing is Believing! Wednesday, January 12, 2011 from 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. and 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Oakville Elementary Campus, 2050 Neyagawa Blvd. what school should be Please join us for an Open House at our Oakville Elementary Campus All members of the community are invited to attend an Open House Information evening to learn about the new northwest Oakville high school. This high school is currently under construction at 2820 Westoak Trails Blvd. and scheduled to open in Fall of 2012. At this meeting, parents and community members may view the schools architectural plans and speak with trustees and board staff to learn about the process for making decisions about the new high school. All members of the public are welcome to attend! Tuesday, January 11, 2011 7 - 8:30 p.m. Abbey Park High School (cafeteria) 1455 Glen Abbey Gate, Oakville Halton District School Board David Euale, Director Don Vrooman, Chair Open House Information Meeting regarding new northwest Oakville high school w w w . o a kv ill eb ea ve r.c o m O A KV IL LE B EA V ER W e dn es da y, Ja nu ar y 5, 2 01 1 2 Alexanders arrival, however, was not exactly sudden with Patricia enduring 21 hours of labour. She was great. You had your typical labour pains building up and as it got closer to the time the pains got more intense and the contractions got more intense, said Nathan. They were very supportive at the hospital. Everything that the doctors said would hap- pen, happened so we were mentally pre- pared. Nathan said the one glitch was that the anesthesiologist had to deal with another matter in the operating room and was three hours late in getting to Patricia. Despite this, Nathan said, Patricia was able to get through the pain and give birth to their son. Patricia and Nathan, who found out about the gender of their child ahead of time, so preparations could be made, are now settling into life as a family. You learn the ups and downs about hold- ing the baby and burping him. Im at the point where the crying doesnt bother me. Im sure as we get further and further in it might be trying, but right now Im just loving every- thing, said Nathan. We are just learning to live with little to no sleep, but I just love holding this little boy in my arms, hugging him and Im looking for- ward to doing all the father and son stuff in the future and just having a great life togeth- er. New Years baby from Mississauga Continued from page 1 MICHELLE SIU / OAKVILLE BEAVER HAPPY FAMILY: Patricia and Nathan McKenzie are the parents of Oakville's first baby of 2011, Alexander James McKenzie. Patricia gave birth at 2 a.m. on New Years Day at Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Inside Full Delivery: Sport Chek, Shopping News,Rona Cashway Partial Delivery: Appleby Home Hardware, JYSK, CAA, QSI, Staples Business, Home Depot Opinion............................................6 Real Estate.....................................13 Wheels...........................................31 Sports.............................................34 Classified.......................................37 For home delivery & customer service call (905) 845-9742 Mon., Tues. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Wed., Thu., and Fri. 9 a.m.-7 p.m. (open for calls only after 5 p.m.) Closed Sat. and Sun. NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS call (905) 845-9742 or subscribe online @ Humane Society Adopt-a-thon finds 161 cats new homes The Oakville and Milton Humane Society is celebrating the adoption of 161 cats during its December Big or Small, Adopt Them All Cat Adopt-a-thon. The month-long project had a goal of find- ing homes for 100 cats, but surpassed this. The 161 total marks is the largest number of animals adopted from the Oakville and Milton Humane Society in a single month since the shelter was established to help homeless, neglected and abused animals in 1936. Fourteen dogs, several birds and small animals were also adopted making this a hol- iday season to remember for the staff and vol- unteers of the shelter. It was especially heartwarming to see some of our long-term residents, like Hart, a cat who had been part of our shelter family for over two years, find a home, said Johanne Golder, executive director of the Oakville and Milton Humane Society. Golder said the half price adoption fees during the Adopt-a-thon inspired many fam- ilies to adopt two cats, which she said allowed cats, who had bonded, to have a happy holi- day by not only getting a new home, but being able to stay together. Despite the success of the adopt-a-thon the Oakville and Milton Humane Society still has more than 200 cats and kittens at the shelter. To find out more about adopting an ani- mal or helping the Oakville and Milton Humane Society, visit www.oakvillemilton-