Oakville Beaver, 27 Jan 2011, p. 28

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OakvilleBeaverHealthLong-time Terry Fox Run chair steps backAfter 25 years of heading up theThe lifeblood of The Terry Foxdream, said Dalby. Ralph and TerryOakville Terry Fox Run, RalphFoundation are volunteers and RalphFox just go hand in hand in myRobinson has decided to pass the jobis an outstanding volunteer. saidmind.on to Pam Damoff.Martha McClew, Provincial Director,Damoff has always counted TerryRobinson, a long-time Ward 1Ontario Office of The Terry FoxFox as one of her heroes, and is hon-Town councillor has been instrumen-Foundation. oured to be taking over for Robinson.tal in keeping Terry Fox's dream aliveHis enthusiasm, compassion andI'm just so grateful to Ralph for hishere in Oakville year after year at thecommitment to the mission of theleadership and guidance over theannual fall event.Foundation has resulted in moreyears. I can't imagine many peopleRobinson has devoted countlessthan $1.4 million raised for cancerdevoting 25 years to a cause likehours ensuring that Oakville resi-research. Ralph has ensured thatRalph has to Terry Fox. We are verydents can honour Terry Fox everyTerrys dream of a world free of cancerfortunate that Ralph cares so passion-year and raise funds for cancerstayed alive in Oakville. We are soately about our community.research.grateful for his loyalty and support.The Oakville Terry Fox Run isDamoff, who has been involvedCarol Dalby has volunteered withPam Damofforganized by a group of volunteers.Ralph Robinsonwith the run for several years, hasRobinson for 25 years organizing theAnyone interested in getting involvedheaded up the Oakville Santa ClausTerry Fox Run. on the organizing committee, con-the same type of cancer that Terrysaid Robinson of his decision. IParade and was also recently electedDalby recalls Robinson taking hertact Damoff at 905-827 6338 or KeriFox had and, like Terry, his right legwouldn't do it if I didn't feel I wasas a Town councillor for Ward 2, willson, David Visschedyk, a Terry's TeamSchoonderwoerd at 905-469-0828.was subsequently amputated. leaving the run in capable hands. I'llbe taking over as chair of the Oakvillemember, around to local schools. The 31st Annual Oakville TerryRalph did so much with Davidstay involved but in a lesser role thisRun. Visschedyk was diagnosed at eightFox Run will be held on Sunday, Sept.over the years, bringing him to speakyear.I just felt it was the right time,years old with osteogenic sarcoma ,18 at Coronation Park.to children about Terry and Terry'smetabolic care clinicsnutrition exercise weight loss that worksWhat is your goal?NO pills weight lossNO gimmicksNO injectionshealthy kidsNO deprivationNEVER diet again!wellness & vitalityCALL NOWbody blast905 825 3800Located at 2501 Third Line (at Dundas) Oakville, ONsport performancewww.metaboliccareclinics.comGJraanud aOrpyeningSPECIALPresent this coupon for aFREEsmart weight session*9body composition testmetaboliccare clinics9determine your fat & muscle weightnutritions exercise s weight loss2501 Third Line (at Dundas)9receive FREE meal solutionsOakville, ON905s 825s 38009$50.00 valuewww.metaboliccareclinics.com*ffer expires January 31/2011*Offer expires October 30/2010www.oakvillebeaver.com OAKVILLE BEAVERThursday, January 27, 2011 28

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