Wedding GideA special supplement provided by The Oakville BeaverBurlington/Oakville Bridal Show:Haltons best boutique bridal showLakeshore Marketing Group isWedding section. Multiple plan-a $500 prize package, including aGiveawayscoupon. Tickets are $12 at theproud to announce the 11thning sessions and presentations$100 gift certificate to The BayThe first 100 brides willdoor. Parking is free. Annual Burlington/Oakvillewill be occurring over the week-and Home Outfitters. Brides andreceive a free copy of VanishingThank you to our sponsors:Bridal Show. Show dates areend by the industries leading des-grooms can enter online atActs, by Jodi Picoult.Glen Abbey Golf Club, PremierSaturday, January 29 andtination wedding planners Each bride will receive a com-Fitness, Moores Clothing forSunday, January 30 at thetourist boards;Catch the Winning Bouquetplimentary gift bag, including: Men, Gem Limousine, AradiaBurlington Convention Centre, Sensational Fashioncontest. Win a $250 prize pack-Wedding magazines TodaysFitness, Mainstream Clothiers,located at 1120 Burloak DriveShows occurring twice daily at 1age, including a $100 gift certifi-Bride, Hamilton and ElegantMirellas Bridal Boutique, Simply(just north of the QEW). Showp.m. and 3:30 p.m. Presentingcate for your dream bridal bou-Wedding Magazine;Sophisticated Events, Classy DJ +times are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. onthe latest fashions and trends inquet, provided by House of FloralWedding planners - TheEntertainment and Scottboth days.bridal wear, mens wear, andDesign.Perfect Wedding Guide, DreamShedden - Royal LePage RealThe Bridal Show will featureladies fashion. Presented byOver $10,000 in show prizesWedding Planner, Wedding Ring,Estate Services Ltd. over 20,000 square feet of fabu-Vogue Models & Talent ofwill be given away over the week-The Bridal Guide and HaltonsFor more information or tolous exhibits. Over 100 of theHamilton and Toronto;end including a platinum limou-Perfect Wedding Guide.request media pass please visitareas top wedding professionals Live Entertainment. Polesine service package, photogra-Pre-register at or emailwill be on hand, offering thedancing and sensual fitnessphy engagement package, to receive a 2-for-1Scott Shedden atnewest ideas in wedding plan-demonstration by Aradia Fitnessfoursome at Glen Abbey Golfcoupon, or download a $2 Burlington and Oakville; Club, free mitness membershipsShow Features Be a Pink Bride. $1 fromat Premier Fitness, grooms Destination Weddingeach ticket will be donated to thegoing-away attire, A Day at theSection, presented by HaltonCanadian Breast CancerSpa, pole dancing and sensualTrafalgar Travel. Brides classes, deejay services,grooms can plan their stress freeContests & Prizingplus thousands of dollars in giftdestination wedding or honey-The Most Uniquecertificates, and door prizes to bemoon, by visiting the DestinationEngagement Story contest. Winwon! Old Oakville Market Place | 321 Cornwall Road, Oakvillewww.knarjewellery.com23 Friday, January 28, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER