Holmesway workHills council intend to seek re-ProfessionalReplacement of the waste water election in the October municipal Vehicle Detailingmain under Cobblehill Road a election.Interior and Exterior Cleaning$162,000 project will be add-Two more, Ward Two Coun-Town DigestCall now to booked to Haltons list of projects to cillors Joan Robson and Bryan an appointmentdo this year to coincide with the To pay for the work, three other projects Lewis, filed their papers last Fat Cat Dog and CarwashTowns plan to resurface the street.two in Oakville and one in Georgetown will Thursday, joining already declared candidates 165 Main St. RockwoodAlthough the project was not included in be deferred until budget debates next year. Hal-Mayor Rick Bonnette, Wards 1/2 Region-Haltons budget, members of the Planning and ton Council was expected to approve the plan al Councillor Clark Somerville, Ward Three 519-856-0222Public Works committee voted to add it, and at its meeting yesterday (Wednesday.)Councillor Dave Kentner, and Ward Four two other projects, to the budget so both the Councillors Bob Inglis and John Duncan.Region and Towns work could be done at the Election plansThe final day to file nomination papers is same time.Seven of the 11 current members of Halton September 10, and the election is October 25. ENEHWT Newstand Price 40 + GSTT??262 Main St. N, Acton519-853-0900www.georgetownchrysler.ca Sales Service Get YourW Leasing PartsENAirconditioninG336 Guelph St., GeorgetownYour Hometown Newspaper905-877-0149checkednow!email: cwiddess@georgetownchrysler.caVolume 13 No. 1 Thursday, January 7, 2010WHATS INSIDESuperior Glove donates $75,000 to Acton splash pad - See page 3Guelph/Eramosa Coun-cil races heats up- See page 12MOMENTOUS DAY: The wet windy weather did not dampen any spirits on Friday at the ground breaking ceremony for the new Fall Fair preparations Acton library. On hand were, from left: Jane Diamanti, Director of Libraries, Wellington-Halton Hills MPP Ted Arnott, Wellington-underwayHalton Hills MP Michael Chong, Sydney Weaver, Mayor Rick Bonnette, Councillor Jon Hurst and Robert Little students Marshall - See page 17Harkins and James Bursa. Frances Niblock photo??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????