THE NEW TANNER4THURSDAY, MAY 13, 2010 Accepting fi ll is very lucrativeTo the EditorGTA and this whole issue is going to become more of a regarding the impact to water quality, dust and noise con-The town of Erin is making changes to the fi lling by-concern as the region is and it appears they are doing it without consultation I am sure that most residents of Erin think that this type Any other site similar to this would require extensive with the citizens that initially started the bylaw process of problem could not occur in their back yard because they applications and require proper site control - there is def-and without consultation to other concerned Erin cit-are in the green belt - unfortunately they are sadly mistaken initely a loophole in the system and a lot of people taking the green belt legislation provides clear approval for advantage of this.The bylaw as it stands now allows a property owner these industrial sites.I have also contacted the Mayor of Halton Hills whose to accept fi ll with minimal restrictions and no considera-I have made multiple requests to the town to provide dis-residents have been complaining regarding the sudden and tion to noise of truck traffi c - fi ll can enter these sites on closure and have only been successful in a very slow and extensive truck traffi c to these sites. He passes the buck weekends and regularly way. They are experts at passing the hot potato. clearly to the Town of Erin for not having strong enough There are currently three active sites that are accepting The concern I have is that these sites require no con-bylaws.over 150 truck loads per day. There are apparently three sultation with the residents in the area and once the site is I think the topic will very quickly become a regional other sites under approval. This is a very lucrative en-established it can be given extensions without any input matter as the more southerly sites fi ll up and the GTA deavor for the site owner.from stakeholders. There are no environmental impact starts moving north.The fi ll coming from these sites are from the greater studies and there does not appear to be any concerns Thanks, Dr. M. WeversCell towers an insult to Terry Fox?Dear Editoracross our nation? Does ,world. roads and streets named ition to the mayor, Greg Thank you for your Did you know that Port To add insult to injury, after Terry, 14 schools, cash from Rogers come Moore, and council at: attention.Coquitlam City Councilbefore heritage? Would Rogers began the pro-seven statues, nine fi tness mayorcouncillors@port-Sincerely,may likely set a nationalthis not represent a ter- cess in March, coinciding trails, even a mountain in and to Joerge Dyrkton, precedent by letting Rog-with the Paralympic the Canadian Rockies.rible stain on our national Rogers PR person: sara.D.Phil. ers build aprestige? Just because 40-metre cell Games, not long after the There is an annual Terry, BC towerothers have passed does , starting at the very opening ceremonies in Fox Run in virtually every cemeterynot mean you can throw where Terry Fox February, when Terrys school and community rests? mother, Betty Fox, was a across the nation and away the past or treat it Canvasser Forwith disrespect. Ask those City Council, the fl ag bearer. Does no one even internationally. But pastin the know why we seems a foreign in City Council remem-he rests in only one cem-countryhave cemeteries., and for all Can-ber that Betty Fox was etery. And, it could be the adians this would be anIf you want to help also considered a leading fi rst cemetery in Canada says thanksoffence to the memory of candidate throughout Brit-to host a cell tower. keep Terrys memory, one of our greatest heroes,and that of many, many ish Columbia (and across What kind of precedent To the editoreven dropped it off at our whose name recognition Canada) for the lighting of does Port Coquitlam want others, from being sullied A big thank you to all home. A special little girl exceeds almost all others. the Olympic Cauldron?to set for other cemeter-(now, and in the future), residents of Peel Street. donated money from her He is known around the In Canada, there are 32 ies and forgotten heroes please state your oppos-For several years, I own wallet. That is pretty have been canvassing special!this street for the Cancer We all know of who has or is affected Starting out is always by cancer, and once again, a bit scary, but you made we hope a cure may be it all worthwhile. Some found.families had the money Thank you very much,already set aside, or they Your Melo CHIRoPRACTIC& Wellness CentreDr. Dave de Melo, ChiropractorDr. Jim Giancoulas, ChiropractorAmy Spiers, Massage TherapistDonna McClurg, Medical Acupuncture Safe, Gentle ChiropraCtiC Care Computer Generated Spinal analySiS emerGenCieS & WorkerS Comp aCCepted neW patientS WelCome25 main street north, Acton Across from Giant tiger Plaza(519) 853-3460No Referral NecessaryEvEning AppointmEnts AvAilAblE