THE NEW TANNER8THURSDAY, MAY 13, 2010 COMMUNITY CORNERepairR S sh(905) 873-4244ompi?R&R ???????????J 105 Alma St. Rockwood ON NOB COMPANYPersonal Training LAWN & GARDEN SALES & SERVICEWe handle allGarage Doors Electric Nutrition CoachingLOCAL INDEPENDENT SHOPS insuranceAUTHORIZED WARRANTY DEALER FOR Openers Windows ReikiINVEST MORE IN OUR workBRIGGS & STRATTON KOHLER HONDA Entrance Doors Storm HARDWOOD FLOORS TECUMSEH MTD NOMA/MURRAY Specializing in Womens COMMUNITIES. Truck Accessories UpholsteryDoors Patio Doors SANDING AND JANSERED HYDRO-GEAR Heavy Equipment Glass Health & FitnessLocal business is proportionally more generous SCAGG WFINISHINGindow Tintingin their support for local charities, carnivals, SALES, SERVICE & INSTALLATION schools and community events. 354 Guelph Street, GeorgetownTEL: 519-856-2564 FAX: 519-856-9657519-853-3768 5 W R R Q T V K P I N Q E C N U J Q R U O G C P U C P C P E K C N T G V W T P www519-853-2114.bricefi tness.cain our community.1-888-537-7953(905)873-1655R.R. #3 ACTONGarage Door Works McISAAC781588 Ont. Ltd.Septic Pumping & Drain ServiceA division of Tyler Transport Ltd.INDOOR/OUTDOOR Septic & Holding TanksKen MarttalaDesign/Build Rejuvenation of leaching fieldSTORAGEFree EstimatesCALL TO Baffle inspection & repairsInterlocking PatiosNEW SECURE FACILITYSales, Service & InstallationRESERVE High-pressure drain cleaningResidential, CommercialCall for availabilityRadio dispatched trucksWalkways, DrivewaysOverhead Doors & Openers(519) 853-1550 Call Don or Mac8572 Hwy 7, Rockwoodor toll free(519) 856-9955519-853-2790519-856-22211-800-73TYLER Toll Free (877) 856-9955Licensed by M.O.E. RR#4, ActonNELLISSimple Landscape Tricks to Increase Curb Appeal CONSTRUCTION LIMITEDThese days, the home-improvement industry is as big out the year, consider planting some trees around the ROAD BUILDINGas its ever been. Take a casual drive through a typical property. This is not only environmentally friendly, but suburban neighborhood and youre liable to see a fair effort-friendly as well, as tending to trees is not nearly EARTH MOVINGnumber of houses undergoing some sort of reclamation as time-consuming as keeping a lawn in great shape. R.R. #1 Acton 853-0960project.Once a tree begins to sprout, envelop its base in a bed Fast, friendly lunch of mulch. Mulch only needs to be replenished once per Be it a new garage door, a fresh coat of paint or the and breakfast!year, and the look it creates is both beautiful and serene. ever-popular add-on, homes across the country are Come join us! In addition, planting trees is inexpensive. Just make getting more facelifts than an aging Hollywood starlet. U W T G [ Q W E Q P U W N V YK V J P G K I J D Q W T U T U V K H [ Q W R N C P Q P Ph: 853-5531 That said, many homeowners are left looking for ways planting near property keep up with the Joneses while not breaking the bank. ???????????Work On Your Walkways & Surrounding LandscapeThankfully, the answer for a lot of people is right outside their windows.????????? Unless you have young children, you and your guests will likely spend more time on walkways and patio Improving the landscape of a yard doesnt have to be decks than you will in the actual yard lawn. Take ad-expensive. And such improvements can go a long way Bistro & pubvantage of that by further lessening the time you spend to increasing a homes curb appeal, making it more at- heavenon7@gmail.comon the actual grass as a means to keeping it in even bet-tractive to prospective buyers.?????????????????????519-856-2693??????????????????ter shape. For example, if you have a backyard garden Plant Trees???????????????youre especially proud of, install a concrete walkway JAMES ANTHONY?????????????????If, like many homeowners, you simply dont have the that leads you and potential visitors back to the garden. ?????????????????????????????????????thtime to keep your lawn looking lush and green through-May 7This will greatly reduce the wear and tear your lawn ?????????????????????????????????????takes each time you visit the garden. In addition, a EXCHANGE CYLINDERSconcrete walkway wont be damaged by wheelbarrows PETERfull of soil or new plants.Propane Supplied ByA division of Tyler Transport Ltd.If walkways leading into the home are already lined TENSUDAwith foliage, make sure you keep them well-trimmed. Barrister Solicitor NotaryCALL TO Keeping shrubs and bushes well-trimmed doesnt A Division of Vomar Industries Inc.RESERVErequire a lot of effort but does give the impression of 25 Main St. North, Actona home thats been well cared for. On the other hand, 100% 379 Queen St. EastCall 519-853-3000(519) 853-1550 unkempt shrubs and bushes are an eye sore, and can Canadian Acton, ON L7J 2N2or toll freeimply a homeowner has been lax in other maintenance Owned(519) 853-1550FAMILY LAW1-800-73TYLER areas as well.LARRYSA. J. MACCONCRETE eEnterprisesCONSTRUCTIONRockwoodTAXRoofing & Sidewalks PatiosGroup Inc.Seamless Curbs DrivewaysMax. Refund Guarantee24 HourDesign Consultants44 Young StGarage Floors ExcavationEaves TroughEmergencyAccountingsince 1985ServiceActon, ONDirt Removal GravelResidential & L7J 2G6BookkeepingPatter or Reg. Concrete519 856 0958Commercial8 Mill St. EastConcrete Sealing519-853-2748Tel: 519-853-2255Acton ONFREE ESTIMATESOilGasPropaneAir ConditionersNew HomesAdditions905-691-7487519-853-910041 Mill St. E. ActonPlumbingPool HeatersCall Andrew 519-846-0799RenovationsRestorations20 Years ExperienceAldo Braida Space PlanningSmall engine parts, sales & serviceRon HenryB.A. L.L.B.PaintingBARRISTER & SOLICITORBarrister & SolicitorWallpaperingPONYDraperyServing the Community69 Mill St. E Acton250cc 16for over 30 YearsFurniture$.0028 Paisley St. Guelph Accessories119967 Mill Street East, Actonwww.popower.caStylingPhone: 519-824-2242& 27 Cork St. Guelph519-843-7024Fax :519-824-3049853-1160Get that WOW factor youve been looking for.Pick up & Delivery Available