THE NEW TANNERTHURSDAY, JUNE 17, 2010 15Quiet, pleaseThecise, with the qualitative, Towns new bylaw to control the level andrather than just disturb- quality of noise that could ing the peace, quiet and disturb the peace, enjoy-enjoyment of a person, ment, quiet, rest, comfortPerlin said noise com- orplaints among neighbours convenience of local residents now has a quali-and near construction sites tativeare a big issue in Halton aspect. Thats one of the changes recentlyHills. WE CARE: Links2Care held a barbeque on Saturday at Tuitmans Garden Centre raising funds for the Backpack approved by Town Coun-Several years ago in Program. All proceeds help provide backpacks to underprivileged kids in the community. Cooking up a storm, cil, which also authorized Acton, neighbours of from left are: Ratheep Kukeadran, Micki Hopkins, Shannon Pickering, Cathy Gerrow, Renee Gareau, Victoria spending a further $1,407 several outdoor bar pat-Rapp, Andrea Corkum (back row from left) James Wegenast and Ben Cochrane. Denise Paulsen phototo buy sound measurementios complained about late equipment to use whennight amplified music, investigatingand Perlin said the bylaw noise com-plaints.prohibits amplifi ed music Town CAO Dennis Per-between 11 p.m. on Friday Acton High retireeslin said theto 9 a.m. on Saturday, and quantitative approach sets outfrom 11 p.m. on Saturday certain With 92 years in educa-to professional organiza-several years spent organ-ations), a position she noise levels with respectto 9 a.m. on Friday and tion between them, three tions like HSPA and OPC izing competitive has held for almost 30 to various types of equip-on any statutory holiday retirees at Acton District at the Board and provin-dragonboat teams with years. During that time, ment like portable drills,within 100-metres (300- High School will leave a cial levels. OHearn is staff members, the suc-she has seen her two chil-leaf blowers and air com-feet) of a residential area, void at the helm. Principal looking forward to spend-cessful years of high dren, Jason and Amanda, pressorsDuring other times when and measurable Bert OHearn, guidance ing more time at the school Band concerts and graduate from Acton. She levels of noise throughthat sound is being pro- counsellor Dave Mc-cottage, but will remain trips, and his various roles has worked with (some shared walls in a town-duced, it should be at the Connell and Manager of engaged with the educa-as English teacher, guid-might say trained) house or semi-detachedlevel set out in the quan- School Administrative tional community through ance counsellor and eight principals and 10 house.titative measurements in Operations Marlene Bo-some related work.OSSTF Branch President, vice-principals.Thethe bylaw. old bylaw was gart are wrapping up the which allowed him to im-Bogart has been a really based on sort of the Perlin said another school year and their ca-merse himself in many school council member, subjective view of the by-change in the new bylaw reers.different facets of school overseen commence-law (enforcement) offiincludes a formal process cer life. He will definitely ments, organized the and then the court as tofor applying for exemp- miss the sense of belong-initial Acton craft sales, whether the noise reallytions to the noise bylaw ing provided for him at worked with inexperi-disturbed the peace, quietfor events that generate Acton by students, parents enced School Council and enjoyment, Perlinnoise that would normally and staff alike. McConnell Treasurers, cooked and saidresult in someone being on Friday, adding they plans to pursue his pas-served grad breakfasts, tried to putprosecuted. The old bylaw a quantitative sions of reading, writing, and has even run the AHS approach to end the debatedid not include a policy, and cycling as he meand-booth at the Acton Fair. overbut council could grant how much noise is ers into another phase of A long-serving volunteer too much noise.exemptions on an ad hoc his continuing education.for the Cancer Society, Perlin said they alsobasis. Dave McConnellBogart has been an active identified 16 types ofPerlin said the public had Dave McConnell began organizing committee qualitative sounds thatample opportunity to com- hismember for the Com-should not occur at cer-ment on the new bylaw, as teaching career in Bert OHearnPerthmunity Terry Fox Run tain times between 11the version approved by County at Stratford BertCentralfor more than 20 years. p.m. on one day and 7 a.m.council was the fi fth draft. OHearn began High School. This hiswas particularlyHer passion for this event theThe quantitative aspect of career at White Oaks reward- next day including in 1975, teaching History inghas led to the school run persistent or repetitivethe new bylaw is now in for him, being an and English. He served as Englishbecoming an important yelling, shouting, whist-effect, but the qualitative teacher, and given Headtheevent on the school cal-ling or singing regardlessaspects dont come into ef- of Social Science for regular access he and eighthis classes had to both the endar. Retirement plans of the sound level.fect until October 1, giving years before heading to TAFestival and Avon The-include travel and spend-So we still have thethe Town time to educate Blakelock as Vice- Principal in 1986. VPatreing more time with her qualitative, but weve triedthe public about changes performances in the appointmentstownfi ve defiin the noise bylaw. to Acton, during the seasons. ne, or be more pre-E.C. Drury and George-McConnell then worked Marlene Bogarttown followed, and he at MM Robinson High Bogart began work at was appointed Principal School, and then on to Ac-Acton High School as a in 1998, and accepted a toWn DisEtricRt HEig hN ScOhooTl AsecFretRaryA inI 1D97 9O. In Fle ss WERE NOT AFRAID OF placement at Syl Apps where he has spent the last than two years, she was School. 23 years.named Business Manager COMMITMENTCOMMITMENTOHearn maintains his McConnell has many (later Manager of School time there revitalized his fond memories including Administrative Oper-careerOIL | GAS | PROPANE as he saw another side to the purpose and ? BBQSprocess of education. As ? FURNACESPrincipal of Lester B. Every Whirlpool Gold air conditioner and heat ?pump 1418 SEER and every Whirlpool Gold FIREPLACESPearson in 2001, OHearn furnace we carry comes standard with a ? WATER HEATERSLifetime Unit Replacement Warranty.enjoyed three great years ? AIR CONDITIONINGwith wonderful staff and RINNAI TANKLESSHIGH EFFICIENCYAIRstudents, before returning WATER HEATER24 hour service FURNACECONDITIONINGas Principal at Acton. 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