THE NEW TANNER10THURSDAY, JULY 8, 2010 Province should pay for growth costsHalton Hills Coun-er the costs of defending must grow from 400,000 cil wants the province to the Growth Conformity to 780,000 people, and pay for any preparation or Exercise including the there was a deadline for a planning appeals arising cost of hiring lawyers, Conformity Plan that can out of challenges of mu-planning consultants and now be challenged.nicipal decisions required other consultants and wit-Listing all of the roads, TEA AT THE MANOR: Mary Aitken enjoyed a stroll in the lush gardens at the because of the Places to nesses, along with Town/arenas and other services Tea in the Manor celebrations in Limehouse last Saturday afternoon. Funds Grow legislation. The Region staff time required that Halton Hills needs, raised at the tea, fashion show and silent auction were donated to Halton Hills Town also wants Queens to mount a defence.Bonnette said the Town United Way. Denise Paulsen photoPark to provide intervener Noting that he said the is not a rich community funding for any municipal-Places to Grow legisla-and that it is wasteful ities who get involved in tion scared him when that it is expected to pay Mayors any appeal proceeding re-it was released approxi-hundreds of thousands of lating to the Growth Plan mately five years ago, dollars and when they must Conformity Exercises.Bonnette told councillors defend their decisions at Defending any Regional last Monday that he now the OMB and lawyers get Corneror Town Official Plan de-says, if you say, you have rich at the expense of Hal-cision made to conform to pay.ton Hills taxpayers.By Rick Bonnetteto the Places to Grow Because, quite frankly, Bonnette said the po-legislation at the Ontario youve heard it here, its tential costs of defending Many of you know that I myself requesting that ation putting on a fantastic Municipal Board (OMB) no secret, weve had de-growth decisions forced by have not been a fan of the the Province of Ontario fireworks display. While could be long and costly, velopers sitting right in the province could ham-Places to Grow legis-cover all appeal costs to most of us enjoyed the ac-and Halton Hills Mayor this council chambersstring the town and other lation and I have written the OMB for this Growth tivities I give full accolades Rick Bonnette thinks the and they pretty well told Ontario municipalities.about this many times in Plan Conformity Exercise. to all of the volunteers who province should pick up us they were going to ap-The Notice of Motion this column. This is the After all, these projected assisted in making Canada the tab.peal our decisions at the will be sent to the Pre-legislation where the Prov-astronomical legal and Day special for all of us.At a recent meeting, he OMB and this really ticks miere, the Minister of ince has mandated Halton consulting costs will be Speaking of volunteers, received Council support me off, Bonnette said, Municipal Affairs, all On-Region to almost double our born by our present taxpay-I would like to congratu-for a Notice of Motion adding it is a provincial tario Party leaders and all population from 400,000 to ers based on the Provinces late Eva Murdock on being asking the province to cov-initiative that said Halton Ontario municipalities.780,000 by 2031. Halton initiatives.selected as Glen Williams Hills has accepted a mod-* * * *Citizen of the Year.est increase of 20,000 with July 19th at 2:30 pm will * * * *Milton taking the bulk of be the official opening of Six more soccer fields Hup, Holland, Hupthe growth. Now there are the Superior Glove Splash are well under way at Tra-other developers pushing Pad in Acton at Prospect falgar Sports Park thanks to Weve got our orange in Sundays FIFA final in ton, the unofficial HQ to add an extra 40,000 to Park. The splash pad fea-Georgetown Soccer Club on. Thats the sentiment South Africa. for the Netherlands team Halton Hills. The financial tures a truly unique fish and Canadas Economic of many Dutch people in The excitement is that downed Uruguay impact to municipalities theme. This will be a real Action Plan and Ontario the Acton area, excited phenomenal and we are 3-2 to advance to the from this legislation has benefit to Prospect Park as Infrastructure Funding. as they face the prospect so pumped, said Caro-final against the winner already been significant a community destination. Construction is well under of the Dutch soccer team line Tolkamp, owner of of Wednesdays match and the OMB costs will Please join me and your way with completion set winning the world title the Holland Shop in Ac-between Germany and be staggering as develop-Councillors.for the fall 2010. Watch for Spain.ers will be challenging further details in the Spring the * * * *Tolkamp said the best municipalities and of 2011.the Re-Thank you to all the vol- selling Dutch souvenirs gion on our decision. The* * * * unteers who worked so Congratulations to Salon include 12 styles of orange lawyer and the consultants hard on putting on a great will get rich on this one.Canada Day. The Glen, as Pure Environment on their shirts, key chains, neck-Lastgrand opening on Guelph laces, bracelets, horns and council meeting, always takes centre stage your CouncStreet in flags, which have sold il approved on Canada Day with many a motion put * * * *out several times.forward by activities throughout the day. Prospect Park in Ac-Keeping it real! I can be ton was also a bee hive of reached by telephone at activity with the Every-905-873-2601, ext. 2342, one Dance Club, musical or by email at mayor@hal-entertainment and it was or you can read followed by the traditional my blog at www.rickbon-Acton Firefighters Full & Partial DenturesNOW PICKINGPrecision BPS & Implant Retained Dentures Same Day RASPBERRYSService for Repairs & RelinesAlso available: Peas-Romaine-Beets-Rhubarb-Cabbages-DillSign up early, dont miss this great event. Fabulous Prizes including a $20,000 Cash Hole-in-One prize! The denture thatPICK YOUR OWN at The Farm - De PaoliAwards, Contests, Silent Auction, 50/50 Draw and more! fits their lifestyle. Present, Past & Ready Picked available (Please Call ahead)Saturday, August 28, 2010 Future1:30 PM Shotgun Start Southwest of Georgetown-1km west of Trafalgar Rd. on 15 Eagle Ridge Golf Club - RR#4 11742 Tenth Line, Georgetown, ON L7G 2L7 Sideroad, Stewarttown. First farm on north side of roadGolf & Dinner: $185 Golf Only: $145 Dinner Only Tickets available. More information at the Farm 873-2050 877-7976 (home) For registration or sponsorship information, please contact Justine Mon-Fri 8-5 Sat 8-2, Sun & Holidays 8-12at or by phone at 905-609-1047.