THE NEW TANNER4THURSDAY, JULY 15, 2010 EditorialBERRYwith Frances NiblockGOODDressed in her straw-Winning at all costs?berry top and hat, Actons Hannah As members of a visiting boys soccer team committed at Bennett, 19 months, least 15 off sides in the first half of a recent soccer game in Acton, their coach was beside himself. His frustration grew enjoyed a big fresh and grew as the players continued to make the same error and strawberry from An-were repeatedly forced to give up possession of the ball.drews Scenic Acres at As he implored the players to watch their positions, his yell-last Thursdays Acton ing from the sideline became louder and louder with each off Farmers Market. side call by the referee the yelling didnt seem to do much good as the players continued to take off side calls. Marie Shadbolt photoDuring a half time break, he singled out particular play-ers and warned them rudely that if they didnt start paying attention, hed bench them. There seemed to be little soccer instruction or encouragement during the break just a lot of The wonders of the brahot-headed yelling at the players who sheepishly stared at their feet as their coachs mini-rant continued.Of recent, my listening pleas-have a potty mouth.ure in my truck has dramatically Most days though, I find my-While there was no bad language, the tone and attitude left changed. I have about six stations self listening to Rosie ODonnell. little room for fun and seemed to back up a recent study that programmed into the satellite radio I dont think Ive ever been a big By found direct or indirect abuse occurs in approximately 40 per that I love. Two stations are ones Rosie fan yet at the same time Angela Tylercent of youth hockey, baseball and football.where I get to relive my high school Im finding her quite entertaining years with music from the 80s. and informative. Researchers found that amateur sport coaches routinely It is sort of a Catch 22 as they say. At home, it is another story. During the day some of the com-commit psychological abuses against young athletes. The On one hand, I love the music. On Its my turn to pick the music and mercials that air and keep in mind JustPlay sport research firm, which logs incidents in youth the other hand, along the tickertape I choose online satellite radio. satellite radio is promoted as com-sports leagues, said no one is monitoring the situation and at the bottom which says the song, Whether we are playing, reading mercial free, are quite alarming it also says what year the song is a story or doing household things, making you wonder who on earth children need protection. It said direct abuses include coaches from. I try not to look at that part be-the radio always seems to be play-would think of this product was A: who berate or threaten players, incite violent play or demoral-cause it is kind of a slap in the face. I ing. Im not sure if Little J is just necessary and B: someone would ize young players.really dont need to be reminded the learning to compromise or whether buy it.Certainly, the way the coach of the visiting team was speak-song Im singing along to is almost she doesnt care if the wheels on There is one commercial that ing to his players was demoralizing, and it didnt seem to do 30 years old. the bus go round and round at that starts off by talking about how Some of the other stations I like point.women will spread deodorant any good as the off side calls continued. While the team ended are a selection of comedy channels During home time, Im really underneath their breasts to help up winning the game, there didnt seem to be much joy in the and some talk radio stations. How-enjoying listening to talk radio. conquerwellunder boob sweat. victory and thats too bad.ever, as Little J grows, I am learning Barbara Walters has a show which Then they go on about how women the drive is no longer about me. One is as enjoyable as watching her will also do this to their cleavage. day Mrs. Dude Sr. came with a col-television programs. In the mor-Ive heard of women putting glit-lection of story books and a C.D. ning, there is this, for want of a ter on their cleavage, but never that went with them. A few days better word, psychic that is quite deodorant. However, by using this Looking Baclater I made the mistake of putting entertaining. They even have a pet revolutionary and apparently ne-kthe C.D. in when Little J was having psychic on Tuesday evenings. This cessary product, women will never a Im hungry meltdown about ten one has me a little skeptical. I mean have to smear deodorant under our minutes from home. Fortunately she how difficult is it to tell someone boobs again. Againafter hearing 10 Years AgoFive Years Agoloved the C.D. and instantly quiet-that their dog really does like their this I was having one of those shake A dream became a reality Urooj Siddiquis hard work ed down. Unfortunately, she now dog bowl? your head in wonderment moments when the Off The Wall drop in paid off with cold hard cash. thinks almost every road trip we In the late afternoons, its a toss and not in wonderment as if youve youth centre officially opened The 18-year-old Acton resi-should have that C.D. play. There up of whom to listen to. First we just seen Niagara Falls for the first on Mill Street, offering local dent earned a $1,000 university are only eight songs on this C.D. have Dr. Laura. Wow, she can be time. youth a place to hang out and scholarship from her employer and I am glad she loves it, however, downright scary. Second, we have On the weekend I was telling a have is the equivalent of a bad Sharon these two women. One happens to McDonalds for her hard friend about this ad and she made Lois and Bram karaoke. After a few be Martha Stewarts daughter who me laugh. Oh hell, I have so much Staffing the Acton ambu-work at the restaurant and at hundred kilometers it is starting to is the furthest thing from what padding in my bra it would soak lance depot around the clock high school where she earned get to Mommy, yet we still keep lis-you would think Martha Stewarts anything up under there. Ah, prob-shaved 1:04 minutes off the a 97.7 per cent average.tening to it and singing along.daughter would be. Whoa does she lem solved.emergency response times, and A 2.6-pound, 23.5-inch more service enhancements are Pike hooked by Actons Drake expected when Halton takes Andrews was the largest fish over land ambulance respon-caught in Fairy Lake during sibility from the province.a fishing derby in Prospect The multi-million recon-Park. struction of the Highway Actons John Shewfelt had 7-Trafalgar Road will result the right stuff as he was selected in four months of heavy truck by his colleagues to attend the traffic through Acton as traffic Honeywell Educators in Space is re-routed through Acton to get academy at the U.S. Space and to Highway 25.Rocket Centre in Alabama.Distributed to every home in Acton and area,EditorPublisheras well as adjoining communities.Ted TylerFrances NiblockEvery effort will be made to see advertising copy, neatly presented, is Editorial Contributorscorrectly printed. The publisher assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors or omissions in advertising, but will gladly reprint Mike OLeary Angela Tyler Denise Paulsenwithout charge that part of an advertisement in which an error may occur provided a claim is made within five days of publication.373 Queen Street East, Unit 1Advertising and Circulation Acton, Ontario L7J 2N2 All articles, advertisements and graphic artwork appearing in The Marie ShadboltNew Tanner is copyrighted. Any usage, reproduction or publication email: thenewtanner@on.aibn.comof these items, in whole or in part, without the express written consent Composing Ken Bakerof the publisher of The New Tanner is a copyright infringement and (519) 853-0051 Fax: (519) 853-0052subject to legal action.