THE NEW TANNERTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2010 11Acton Fall FairthCelebrate the 97 Fair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACTON FALL FAIR 2010~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 0 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????STUDENT SUBMISSIONS: On Tuesday, Actons RIDES READY: The Ferris wheel, one of the popular Hannah, 7, and her brother Benjamin, 9, both who rides at the Acton Fall Fair, is ready for riders when are homeschooled, entered some of their school work the midway opens tomorrow (Friday) at 4 p.m. in the Homecraft division Childrens School Work Frances Niblock photo????????????competition at the Acton Fall Fair fairgrounds.???????? Frances Niblock photo328 Guelph St.Acton Market Place PlazaL7G 4B5SEE YOU AT THE FAIR!Ready to serveBest wishes for ththe futureCelebrates Ontario AgricultureHave a great time at the 97 Acton Fall Fairand encourages all to visitJims REPAiR sHOPthe 97th Annual Acton Fall Fair.105 ALmA sT. ROCKWOOD 519-856-2564 Best Wishes!372 Queen St. E., Acton 519.853.1960Dr. Stephen A. Hess & staffTO THE MEMBERS OF ActonTHE ACTON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, VeterinAry clinicTHEIR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS FOR Have a GreatA SUCCESSFUL 2010 FALL FAIR.Fair Weekend!Daniel VaranelliRemember - A fair environment is Certified General Accountant not good for your pet.273 Queen St. Acton 519-853-4311Please leave your pet at home!10 River Street 853-1450Welcome everyone toththe 97 Acton Fall Fair.Have a Halton Hills Mayor Rick Bonnette great time and Council at the Fairwish all who attend the Fair a wonderful time at the th97 Annual 252 Queen Street, Acton ON L7J 1P6Acton Fall Fair.519-853-5046