Oakville Gymnastics Club pays down its debtBy David Leabegan to swell.OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFFWe were very fortunate, within yearone we probably reached our year threeThe Oakville Gymnastics Club gave Town council or four goal for our business plan. Thatsa cheque for $500,000 Monday, partially repaying a what has led us here today, said Wayneloan, which has allowed the club to flourish.Hussey, chief operating officer, OakvilleIn 2006, the Town of Oakville and the Oakville Gymnastics Club.Gymnastics Club entered into a financial agreement Weve taken our numbers from aboutto construct a 25,000-square-foot gymnastics facility 800 kids up to 1,700 kids who come in aat the Glen Abbey Community Centre.week in each session. So weve gone fromBefore long, the clubs membership and profits about $500,000 to $600,000 a year toabout $1.5 million.Get Your Wheels in MotionAs of December 2010, the club owedthe Town $1,522,879 repayable over a tuobA ksterm extended to Aug. 1, 2027 at anAseitraP yadannual interest rate of 5.5 per cent. htriBThe cheque presentation, made dur-ning Mondays council meeting, puts Fue thinoJNIKKI WESLEY / OAKVILLE BEAVERrepayment of the loan well ahead of tinglic SkaPubREPAYING ON A LOAN: Oakville Gymnastics Club Treasurer Cathy Brasil and COOschedule.BowlingWayne Hussey present Mayor Rob Burton with a cheque for $500,000 at council Monday.All this came as music to the ears of sGiftOakville Mayor Rob Burton.its even due. This is a win-win partner-munity.BilliardsPartnerships with local sportsship for our community.The Government of Canada and theVideo Gamesgroups like the Oakville GymnasticsWith this repayment the term of the Government of Ontario each investedSnack BarClub allow us to enhance programs andloan has been reduced to Dec. 1, 2019 approximately $1.3 million towards theservices available to Oakville residentswith the annual interest rate lowered to project through the Canada-Ontarioeclaa Prllein a fiscally responsible manner, saidoR sr4.5 per cent.Infrastructure Program.teoocSBurton.The renovations to the Glen Abbey The Town of Oakville and its partners,rive DdsorinNot only has the Oakville Gymnasticsl WyaoCommunity Centre, which included the the Oakville Public Library and the R501n Road)2Club been making regular monthly pay-(just west of Southdowconstruction of the gymnastics facility, Oakville Gymnastics Club invested thewww.scooters.on.caments since 2007, now theyre choosingwere made possible through partnerships balance of the projects total cost of moreto repay almost a third of the loan before001) 823-4at all levels of government and the com-than $11.7 million.(905CARPET ORIENTAL RUGS VINYL HARDWOOD CERAMICS CARPET CPET ORIENTAL RUGS VINYL HARDWOOD CERAMICS ALL IN-STOCK AREA RUGS...UP TOPRICE 1/2OR LESS!DESIGNER AREA RUGS Calvin KleinWholesale/Retail of Persian RugsONLY 20 TICKETS LEFT!THIS WEEKSSUPER DEAL!LUXURIOUS BERBERS - 3 STYLES - 36 COLOURS1/2 MEMORY FOAM - NO CHARGE$79SQ. FT.INSTALLATION - NO CHARGE2PRICE "MIRAGE" STARTING $95INCLUDES EXPERT AT7SQ. FT.HARDWOOD INSTALLATION!UPDISCOUNTED AREA RUGS CARPET TOROLL ENDS LAMINATES, VINYL.75% Following Supported by Oakville BeaverLocations SUPERSTORETRAFALGAR VILLAGE228 KING ST. E.Only:OAKVILLEHAMILTON 905-546-1921905-849-4472CARPET ORIENTAL RUGS VINYL HARDWOOD CERAMICS CARPET CPET ORIENTAL RUGS VINYL HARDWOOD CERAMICS www.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Thursday, February 10, 2011 8TCER A ORMIENTALICS CAR RUGSPET O RIENTAL RUGS VINYL CARPET ORIENTAL RUGS VINYL HARDWOOD CERAMICS R001851118CARPUGS VINYL HARDWOOD ET ORIENTAL R CERAMICS CARPETCARPET ORIENTAL RUGS VINYL HARDWOOD CERAMICS