Loyola's Presutti commits to MacLoyola Hawks sharpshooter makes this extra special, saida key role in the Hawks success Adam Presutti has committed to McMaster coach Amos Connolly,the past two years. Loyola won sil-play basketball at McMaster who is putting together his firstver at the provincial AAA champi-University next season.recruiting class since becomingonships last season and is one of The 6-foot-2 combo guards the Marauders head coach.the favourites to medal at this commitment to Mac was announced I am thrilled that he wants toyears AAAA tournament.this week, but the Marauders have-wear maroon and become part of My family and I agreed that had their eye on Presutti for more the foundation we are buildingMcMaster had the overall best than two years.towards being a national contend-opportunities for my future, said He was the first player in this er.Presutti, who is looking forward to graduating class that I reached out Widely regarded as a nationalstudying in the DeGroote School of to back in the summer, which top-50 recruit, Presutti has playedBusiness.I feel part of a family at Mac and am ecstatic about the direction BEST PRICES EVERHURRYthat this basketball program is GOV REBheading in. I look forward to step-ATE ENDS$500 OFF HI-EFFICIENCYMping into any role the coaching ARCH 31, 2011staff decides will help this team CENTRAL AIRexcel. WAS NOWAnyone can develop inflammatory bowel disease,$$regardless of age, race or gender.1.5 TON 2499 1999$$2 TON 2799 2299$$2.5 TON 3099 2599$$ited imLSupport our mission to find the cure.3 TON 3399 2899ntityuaQFor more information, visit our website at www.ccfc.caor call 1-800-387-1479 10 Years Parts & Labour Warranty New Gas- R410A Eligible for Government Rebate905-849-4998RIZIERO VERTOLLI / OAKVILLE BEAVERwww.aireone.com NEWEST MARAUDER: Loyola Hawks guard Adam Presutti (pictured with9 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTERA+ Rating1-888-827-2665*See dealer for detailsball) has committed to play basketball at McMaster University next season.Place your Placeyour FREEADSone ofEngagement Announcement community or thesethree easy waysAnniversary Celebration here.Call 905.632.4440Visit BurlingtonPost.comVisit OakvilleBeaver.comORnoticesor just fill out thiscouponlLDiefenttiaml Sees r/v MicielsestonesPlanToday.caMailto:FreeAds,1-5040Mainway, Burlington,ONL7L7G5, or2.Drop thiscouponoffat:TheBurlingtonPost,8:00 a.m. to 5:30p.m.Mon.toFri.PROFESSION AL3. Fax thiscouponto: (905) 632-8165NO PHONE ORDERS PLEASEDENTAL CLEANING *15 WORDS, 1 DAY(THURSDAY) ITEMS $100 & UNDERPrivatepartyonly.Ads publishedatfirstavailableopportunity,publicationdates notguaranteed. You can only run 1item per ad anda max.of3adsperclient,perweek.You mustbeover18toplaceanad.$99ADCOPYForJUDY DENTAL HYGIENE CARE5112 NEW ST BURLINGTONFAST(between Burloak and Ap)plebyJudy Ganis RDH, since 1997service,$(905)599-4867PRICEPHONENO.PLEASEPRINT. ADS WILLBESORTEDBY ITEM.info@jdhc.ca/www.jdhc.caFAXNAMEand you will receive a voucher foryour ADDRESSCITYclassified ads.POSTAL CODEHOME #If you cant afford to be tied up on thisnumbermustappear inad.the phone, save time. Use the of your babys preciousBurlington Post,Oakville Beaver and hand or footprintMilton Champion News00$fax line.(25.value) compliments of:February 2011Indicate ad size, classification andTax time will be here before you know it!the days and newspapers youwould like it to run in. We will takeBurlington Post & Oakville Beaverit from there! Tax Time Services Feature will appear:If you have any questions about Eleven consecutive Wednesdays beginningfaxing your ads, call us at 632-4440 February 9, 2011today!Flamborough REVIEWFAX: Tax Time Services Feature will appear:Eleven consecutive Thursdays beginningwww.WeePiggies.com632-8165February 10, 2011For options and rates regarding theseTel:905-825-8731 Email: oakvilleweepiggies.com@ClassifiedsFeature Pages please call Katrina Anderson at905.632.4440, ext.244 Fax:905.632.8165Call905-632-4440to place your announcementWORKE-mail:kanderson@burlingtonpost.comwww.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Thursday, February 10, 2011 28