Oakville Beaver, 16 Feb 2011, p. 10

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Javelin sends thank-you to provincial governmentBy David Lea Medical professionals, dentalus they are developing new prod-OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFFprofessionals are able to go in thereucts now that they thought they and test out their procedures beforecould never design before because operating on a person. Once theyveof the training they took from us, The Oakville-based companyhad that ability to do that, to prac-said Carlan.Javelin Technologies extended atice before doing that procedure,Carlan said PharmaTrust is thank you to the provincial gov-theres a higher success rate and ausing what it learned from Javelin ernment Thursday for providinglower amount of time of recupera-to develop designs for its products, the programs, which allowed it totion for the patient.which will change the way pre-weather the recession.Established in 1997, Javelinscription drugs are dispensed.Oakville MPP Kevin Flynn andcurrently employs 50 people,Flynn pointed to Javelin during the Ontario Minister of Economicincluding 10 new hires in the lasthis remarks as an example of where Development and Trade Sandra18 months.Ontarios economy is going.Pupatello attended the specialCarlan said the company plansWe went through a downturn, event, which took place at Javelinsto hire another five employees afterbut its the way we reacted to it that headquarters on Dorval Drive.it opens a new Technology CentreI think we need to be especially Javelin, Canadas leading pro-within the Great Lakes Boulevardproud of in this province, said vider of 3D design and engineeringBusiness Park in April.Flynn.software solutions, provides soft-RIZIERO VERTOLLI / OAKVILLE BEAVER We have weathered this pastThe new Javelin facility, which ware technology, training and ser-recession really well. We had a lotwill be ready in April, he said, will vices to help Ontarios manufactur-TOUR:Ontario Minister of Economic Development and Trade Sandra Pupatello of support from the Ministry of be around 12,000 square feet in ing companies become more inno-laughs as she places a plastic prototype of a jaw bone against the face of Oakville Economic Development and Tradesize and feature a 3D theatre where vative, competitive and profitable.MPP Kevin Flynn during a tour of Javelin Technologies in Oakville. Also pictured and from that support we havemanufacturing companies can see One application sees Javelinare (l-r) the co-owners of Javelin Technologies Ted Lee and John Carlan. been able to bring in some newhow their products are designed work with the medical industry, sobut were expanding now.more effectively in the global econ-technology that our customers areand how they are going to oper-it can use 3D modeling to designCarlan said the Province helpedomy.going to be able to take advantageate.and develop new medical equip-Javelin by allowing its customersThe Province also provided of, said Carlan.Carlan said Sheridan College ment and procedures.to take advantage of the Canadianfunding to manufacturing compa-This includes rapid prototyp-will be lending its animation exper-What were seeing is the medi-Manufacturers and Exportersnies, so they could take special ing equipment, electrical designtise to make this theatre a reality.cal industry adopting this technol-(CME) SMART program. training courses through Javelin to software. Weve been in theThis year, 2011, will be the ogy, 3D modeling software, proto-This allows small and medium-raise their skill levels.mechanical design business, help-most exciting year in the history of typing equipment, more andsized manufacturers in Ontario toThe customer that visited us ing manufacturing companiesJavelin Technologies, said Carlan.more, said John Carlan, Javelinimprove productivity to competetoday is PharmaTrust and they told improve their design processes,We all really believe that.managing director.www.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, February 16, 2011 10

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