Learn to be a parent throughout separationCommunity and Parent Partners for columnist with the Hamilton Spectator The organization includes coalition Kids is putting on a free presentation on on family maters.members such as Halton District School the topic of parenting through separation Between 7:15 and 7:30 p.m. attendees Board, Halton Catholic District School and divorce on Tuesday, Feb. 22.will be able to look through community Board, Halton Region, Halton Regional The evening seminar will take place at displays and Direnfeld will begin his pre-Police Services, Reach Out Centre for the New Street Education Centre in sentation at 7:30 p.m.Kids/Ontario Early Years, Halton Burlington.The event is free, but donations will be Multicultural Council, City of Burlington, The event will feature speaker Gary accepted for future events. People requir-and the Burlington Public Library.Direnfeld, an expert on child develop-ing American Sign Language-English The education centre is located at ment, parent-child relations, marital and interpreters can request the service, by 3250 New St. For more information, call family therapy, custody and access and a RSVPing by Feb. 15.the Region by calling 905-825-6000.25 Friday, February 18, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.insideHALTON.com