UpdateLIVING EDITOR: ANGELA BLACKBURN Phone: 905-337-5560 Fax: 905-337-5571 e-mail: ablackburn@oakvillebeaver.com BULLETINat the door.Forward announcements of non-profit local Register by Feb. 26 for the 2011 Oakville RegionSUNDAY FEBRUARY 20events for Community Update to The Oakville Spelling BeeBronte Legion Super Sundays, $3 specials all day, free, contact 905-803-3542 or visit www.spelling-Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON L6K 3S4; beeofcanada.ca.pool, all welcome, Club Room, 79 Jones St., contact 905-827-e-mail ablackburn@oakvillebeaver.com or call 905-FRIDAY FEBRUARY 184722 or www.brontelegion.com.Oakville Historical Societypresents Lost & Found byMONDAY FEBRUARY 21 RayPeacockFamily Day Retreat, St. James Catholic Church, 231 on HMS Ontario 1780, 7:30 p.m., St. Johns UnitedChurch Lusk HallMorden Rd., 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., speakers are brothers from, Dunn and Randall streets.JOB FAIRThe Next Stage of Feeding Your Baby After PureeHeralds of the Gospel, Eucharist, rosary, mass, lunch served,,10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m., $25, Whole Foods Market Oakville, 301childcare provided, $20/adults, $12/children, register at 416-970-Cornwall2194; 905-813-9215; 647-283-0310; 647-449-1184; or retreat@ Rd., contact 905-849-8400, ext. 107.Halton Peel Hispanic Associationheralds.me. presents Dr. ArturoVictoriano, 7:30-9:30 p.m. HughSouth Peel Naturalists' Club Meeting, 7:30 p.m. wel- Foster Hall, 141 King St.,Milton, visit wwwcomes photographers John Warnica and Bob Mayes on bird-.hispaniccanadian.org.Bronte Legion Fish Frywatching safari of Canada and Florida. Free, all welcome, St, $9, 5:30-7:30 p.m., immediatelyfollowedBrides Church, 1516 Clarkson Road, Mississauga. Contact 905- by karaoke, no cover charge, all welcome, Club Room,79 Jones St., contact 905-827-4722 or www820-2571 or www.spnc.ca..brontelegion.com.February 19th & 26thWhat can you learn from an MBA professor whoTUESDAY FEBRUARY 2210 a.m. to 2 p.m.climbed Everest? Amnesty International fundraiser at Paradiso Oakville Chamber of Commerce event,PIPERS HEATH IS HIRING OUTGOING registration at 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m., HolidayRestaurant, Navy Street/Lakeshore Road, 7-9 p.m. Tickets $25 Inn Oakville-Centre,PEOPLE FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS:590 Argus Rd., $35/members, $45/non-members, register at(includes a glass of wine or two soft drinks and appetizers), call Golf Operations Turf Maintenancewww905-844-4194..oakvillechamber.com or nesrene@oakvillechamber.com or905-845-6613CARP, Halton meets at the Burlington Seniors Centre, 2285, ext. 28. Restaurant and Banquet ServersSATURDAY FEBRUARY 19New St., doors open at 6:30 p.m., meeting 7-9 p.m., CPP chang-5501 Trafalgar Rd., Hornby (Milton) L0P 1E0Valentine Fundraising Concertes and retirement, followed by discussion with a Service Canada, 7 p.m., Hopedale(Trafalgar Road just south of Britannia)Presbyterian Church, 156 Third Line, Vocalmotion, Steve Boros,representative on CPP, OAS and GIS programs. Open to Halton$15, children 12 and under $8, call 905-827-3851 or buyresidents who are age 50 or over. ticketsPlaceyourFREEADS one ofthese three easy waysVisit BurlingtonPost.comVisit OakvilleBeaver.comORor just fill out thiscouponFebruary 20111. Mailto: Free Ads,1-5040Mainway, Burlington,ON L7L 7G5,orand you will receive a voucher for2.Dropthiscouponoffat:TheBurlingtonPost,8:00a.m.to 5:30p.m.Mon.to Fri.Tax time will be here before you know it!3.Faxthiscouponto: (905) 632-8165NO PHONE ORDERS PLEASEBurlington Post & Oakville Beaver*15 WORDS, 1DAY(THURSDAY) ITEMS $100 & UNDERrivatepartyonly.Ads publishedatfirstavailableopportunity, publicationdates notguaranteed.You can onlyrun 1item per ad andaof your babys precious Tax Time Services Feature will appear:max.of3adsperclient,perweek.You mustbeover18 toplaceanad.hand or footprintEleven consecutive Wednesdays beginningADCOPY00$(25.value) compliments of:February 9, 2011Flamborough REVIEW Tax Time Services Feature will appear:$Eleven consecutive Thursdays beginningPRICEPHONENO.February 10, 2011PLEASEPRINT. ADS WILLBESORTEDBY ITEM.NAMEFor options and rates regarding thesewww.WeePiggies.comADDRESSCITYFeature Pages please call Katrina Anderson atTel: 905-825-8731 Email:oakvilleweepiggies.comPOSTALCODEHOME #@905.632.4440, ext.244 Fax:905.632.8165thisnumber must appearinad.Call905-632-4440to place your announcementE-mail:kanderson@burlingtonpost.com.comwww.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, February 18, 2011 36