DEIPP clinicfor parentson SaturdayParents concerned about the hear-ing, speech, behaviour or development of a child under age five can look to a free Developmental Early Identification Prevention Program (DEIPP) consul-tation clinic Saturday, Feb. 26.The clinic will be held at the Oakville Parent-Child Centre, which is located at 481 North Service Rd. W., Unit 25.The clinic will be held from 9-11 a.m.Consultations are provided on a first come, first served basis, so people should bring their child and arrive early to register.For more information, call the cen-tre at 905-849-6366.Gods poet is silence! His song is unspoken,And yet so profound, so loud, and so far,It fills you, it thrills you with measures unbroken,And as soft, and as fair, and as far as a star.Joaquin Miller~Please join us in experiencingan evening of Song and SilencethSunday, February 27at 7:00 p.m.HopedalePresbyterianChurch156 Third Line, Oakville, ONwww.hopedalechurch.caInviting All to be Alive in ChristBurlingtonsLargestInternationalESPPSYCHICair.comesppsychicfwww.FAIRthththFebruary25,26&27Friday:2pm-10pmSaturday:11am-10pmSunday:11am-7pmPolishHall2316FairviewSt.,BurlingtonPsychics,TarotCards,Auras,Palmistry,Crystals,Coffee-TeaLeavesReading,Lectures&More.Admission:$5$3withthisad13 Friday, February 25, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER