GOOD ENERGY:The Oakville GoodEnergies atom red Eagles won the championship at arecent select hock-ey tournament inStoney Creek.www..comBUY A NEW CARRIER NOWORHIGHEFFICIENCYFURNACE&A/CNEVER$*58.00ERMONTHOACLASTReceive $up to 1250 Atom Eagles rally to win Stoney Creek titlein Carrier cash back.CHANCEGetting shut out in their first game of the Stoney od goals for the Eagles in the final, while Tristanto receive $1690 inCreek Select Tournament didn't deter the Oakville Valadao was solid in net.government rebates. Good Energies atom red Eagles.Also contributing to the championship were AidenSTHurry ends March 31.Furnace only $29.00*The Eagles responded with five straight wins, Ecclestone, Brett Jeffrey, Dominic Barichello, EduardOVER 60,000*Call now for details. Offer cannot be combined.A/c only$29.00*SATISFIED CUSTOMERSOAC. Accessories excluded. Call us to see if you qualify. including a come-from-behind 5-2 win over the Jordon Brenninkmeijer, Ethan Ioanidis, Iain Headrick, JacobSee dealer for details.Lions the team that blanked Oakville 3-0 in the first Martino, Jacob Rideout, Matthew Evans and Ryan905-849-4998game in the gold-medal contest.Jenner. Paul Jeffrey, Tim Evans and Jim Rideout Kieran Morrison, Matt Diong, Jonathan Meraw, the team, Manny Valadao is the trainer and Ted9 LOCATIONS TOSERVE YOU BETTER1-888-827-2665A+ Rating*See dealer for detailsConner Kanalec and Joshua Martino scored third-peri-Ecclestone is the noticeslLAinfentoimunecse /m MeinletstoneslLAinfentoimunecse /m MeinletstoneslLSiafeletsimes / Milestonesfour easy ways to place yourOAKVILLETo our valued customers whoRELOCATION MOVING SALEsupported us over the last 20 yearsof business at Fantasy Fruit Market, Friday, March 11 untilit is with regret that we have decidedFREE ADSto leave our position running theTuesday, March 22, 8am-8pmmeat department. We thank all of1. Mailto:Free Ads,1-5040 Mainway, Burlington ,ON L7L 7G5,or1285 Rebecca Streetour loyal customers for your support2.Dropthiscouponoffat:TheBurlingtonPost,8:30a.m. to 5:30 p.m.Mon.toFri.On or abouSt eptember 12, 2010 somHousehold, landscape, gazbeo, plants, imtber, tools, jeo rm aand friendship. roadwork was being done onL akeshore be-clothing, collectibles,water fi ltration647-723-26413. Faxthiscouponto: (905) 632-8165tweenG reat Lakes Blvd. and Bronte Rd. The Frank and Gail Baleta4. Email: classified@haltonsearch.comNO PHONE ORDERS PLEASEroad conditions, signage, and where htey ex-lLUipfectoimiensg / EMveilnetsstonespected you to drive during the construction was ITEMS $100 & UNDER*15WORDS, 1 DAY(THURSDAY)deplorable, I fsfeured damgae to my vehicleBook Your Privatepartyonly.Adspublishedat rs tavailableopportunity, publicationdatesnotguaranteed. You can only run 1 item per adandaand I am looking for support and or opinion ofmax.of3adsperclient,perweek.You mustbeover18toplaceanad.Fundraising Eventwhat you encounted rdeuring this unpleasantMAINWAY SPORTShandling of the construction. There were majorin the ADCOPYpotholes, dips and road deterioraiton htat wasTEAM & BIRTHDAYClassifi ed Sectionnot expected nor wasit acceptable. I havelaunched gleal action gaainst the parties. With PARTIES905.632.4440a substantial photo and vidge o f lothe con-diServing Halton for over 17 yearstions, and your assistance, I will be able to prove ngelect on behfa olf the parties. Due tothe cave in of the road, the forcing of -the motorist onto the unpaved shoulder andf lack o$"Bump Ahead" signs, substantial damage oc-PRcurred to my vheicle. I observed many vheiclesICEPHONENO.PLEASEPRINT. ADS WILLBESORTEDBY ITEM.bottoming out and swerving into oncom-ing traffi c to avoid the massive potholes. gTahred re Ball Hockey RinksNAMEfor the motorist was puyt bweahind profi t as it Batting Cageswas quite apparent that the privately operatedADDRESSCITY Indoor Beach Volleyballvehicle was 2nd nature to thefit sp rof thePOSTALCODEHOME #Construction Compy.a Hnalton Police inv-esti Dinner Packagesthisnumbermustappearinad.gated the incident afnodu nd nofa ult of myseflCall 905-335-8520for the incident. Pelase call or wriet OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, March 11, 2011 44