CareersCareersGeneral HelpGeneral HelpGeneral HelpGeneral HelpGeneral HelpGeneral HelpSales OpportunitiesAUTOMOTIVE SALESPERSON We have an openin gfor a Is now hiring Team Members for all positions includingOMVIC Licenced Assistant Bakery Manager, Bread Salesperson COMMUNITY EMPLOYMENT SERVICESBakers, Meat Cutters and Cooks. in the Milton area. We offer competitive wages, a profi t sharing Email resume to:plan and benefi ts for full time team members.jtdmotors@bellnet.caFor 30 years Sheridan has been successfully uniting employers and employees Email resumes to, ACHIEVERS! FASTEST experience that makes Community Employment Services at Sheridan the obvious choice.Fax: 905-849-8480 growing logistics company or drop one off at our customer service deskseeks talented outside corporate Sales Rep. Great PART-TIME LIGHT Duty leads, full training, manage-Office/Housekeeper required for ment potential. Email: Administrationlong term care centre in Oakville. Fridays and every other weekend. $12.80/ ROCCA SISTERS SALES REPRESENTA-hour after probation. Union-Burlington's successful TIVE Inside/ Outside Floor-ized position. Additional Real Estate Team is ing Sales Representative hours may be available. expanding and hiring a required for upscale floor-Contact Alberto by email: High Skilled Full-Time EMPLOYERS alberto.carrion@Administrative Assist-ing store in Mississauga, specializing in hardwood, reveraliving.comant. Computer experi-laminate, cork flooring. ence a must. Only One year flooring experi-resumes with Adminis-Looking to Hire?SPRING RECRUITMENT- JOB SEACHERS ence preferred. Full-time trative Real Estate Let's Landscape Together Days & Sat. Send resume experience will be requires Construction Lead to: rep@aspenwood-eligible. Email resume Looking for a Hands, Labourers and fl in confidence to: WeCarpenters Helper and can help!hr@roccahomes.caMaintenance Lead Hand Job/Career/ Training?and Labourers. Experi-ence and motivated Teaching people need only apply. OpportunitiesOwn transportation a must. We can help!Wages based on experi-ence. Please fax resume: ECE &905-690-8597, email: letsyard@cogeco.netASSISTANTSChildcare Centre's SWIMMING POOL Service in Halton & Hamilton Company Requires energet-This FREE comprehensive service is easy to use and seeking enthusiastic ic Service Personnel/ Tech-nicians for the upcoming childcare workers.sta ed by skilled employment professionals who are ready to lend assistance.season. Must like the out-Email resume to:doors&have excellent cus-Bot Construction Limited, tomer service skills. noorin14@gmail.coma General Contractor in Road Experience an asset $$$. OfPart-Time and supply fice requires fulltime and Bridge Construction has an Sheridan Skills Training Centre, 407 Iroquois Shore Rd., Rm. A11, L6H 1M3employee water testing/ positions available.immediate opening for a:office/retail. April start. Fax/ Email resume: CHILDCARE CENTRE, W905-319-7300, contactus@arehouse Co-ordinator Burlington, requires quali-905-845-9430 ext. 8160 | 905-815-4111 (fax) miragepoolservices.cafied R.E.C.E. 8:30-5:30 of Small Tools/ Parts Buyer in Oakvillefor preschool. Call Responsibilities include the purchase of ex-905-332-3971 or fax: WEED MAN Oakville is hir-pendable construction materials, supplies, Lawn Care Technicians. Monday Friday, 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, 8:30 a.m.7 p.m.pair parts for company small equipment, and Seasonal full-time hours small tools. Handling the tracking, rental & re-early April until late Octo-Health Care/ber. Clean driving abstract -ces@sheridaninstitute.caturn of small equipment & tools. Excellent comMedicalrequired. Full training pro-munication and organization skills are a must, vided. Please send resume MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST along with being computer literate and a team by email: oakville@ required immediately for a or yer. Company group benefi ts package is of-HOMEMAKERS/ HOME-NEW BOOSTER Juice busy Family Health Team- 3 fax 905-827-1499.fered. Please send your resume to:CLEANERS Occasional 3 Opening. Derry Heights Pla-$$*days/wk + relief. Week-MAKE BETWEEN 800 AND 1,200 EACH MONTH.hour assignments, would za, Milton (Derry + Bronte). days only. Experience pre-Email: position@botconstruction.casuit early retirees. Seniors Hiring Managers & Part-ferred. Email resumes to Technical/SkilledMail: Position, Bot Construction Limitedfor Seniors 905-572-6162time Help. Starting end of hr@carolinefht.caTradesApril 2011. Fax resume to: 1224 Speers Road, Oakville, ON L6L 2X4905-854-6496 or email:Work for the best boss MOLLY MAID requires Fax: (905) 827-0458DETAILER REQUIRED for frances.heinz@gmail.comenergetic, dependable peo-Restaurants/luxury brand dealer. Min ple. Full-time Mon-Friday, We thank all candidates for their interest,in the world. Yourself.Hospitality2yrs experience,able to No evening/weekends! Paid however only those selected for interview will polish and have a clean training, benefits, car pro-be contacted.drivers abstract. E-mail As an independent distributor, you will deliver vided. Driver's license re-resume to service@quired. 905-681-7484 The Hamilton Spectator and the Toronto Star in door-to-door. Must have a reliable vehicle. FOOD PREP/ Counter. An-SKILLED CABINETMAKERS tipastos Italian Kitchen FT required by Millwork shop ADDITIONAL MONTHLY GAS BONUS!& PT Food Prep/ Cook & in Oakville for production of Counter Help; Experience Custom Store Fixtures. IS CALLING YOU!preferred; Hard working, For complete details, please call 905-526-3377 Previous experience re-friendly, outgoing and will-quired. Please fax resume or simply fill out the online application form at ing to multi-task; Great to: 905-845-8350.hours, competitive pay + and a Hamilton Spectator free meals! Apply in person representative will contact you.or to: rob@antipastositali-Office/ankitchen.comAdministration*Profit potential varies on size and number of routes, 7 days a week.ADMINISTRATIVE OF-COOKS, $13/HOUR. FICE Help required for Servers, Hostesses, F/T, Glen Abbey real estate of-P/T, weekends. Cora's fi ce, 3 days/ week with po-Breakfast & Lunch, Apple-*MONEY* tential to increase. Must by Line, Burlington. Email:have real estate office ex-coraburlington@bellnet.caperience and aptitude with *EXERCISE* OMDREB (Matrix), TREB, Top Producer/ Agent On-STONEY'S NOW hiring *INDEPENDENCE* SHOWROOM MANAGER line computer applications. WExperienced Full and e are currently hiring carriersDentalfor studio bs luxury furni-Send resume & references: Part-Time Servers. to deliver onture showroom in Oakville. contactus@markkirton.comGood wages. Fax re-Paper routes are no longer just 3-5 years retail manage-Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridayssume: 905-849-5984, DENTAL RECEPTIONIST ment experience required. kids stuff! Excellent daytime email:CUSTOMER SERVICE rep required for a FT position Also seeking sales asso-Earn money and win cool prizes,stoneys@bellnet.cafor healthcare related con-for 1 year mat leave. May ciates for downtown Toron-opportunity in Oakville for service-all while delivering325 Kerr St., Oakville.sulting company in Oak-lead into a permanent posi-to and Oakville. Apply to North America's #1 community newspaper!ville. Entry level position. tion. Needs to be friendly, minded, conscientious adults. hrmgr@studiobhome.comF/T or P/T. Insurance outgoing and able to work The following streets are available now:company background and on their own. ABEL. Even-Part-time- Wednesdays, Pilgrims Way, Greenridge Cir, Whistling fl uency in French an asset. ings and some Saturday's Thursdays & Fridays. You pick Springs, Springdale, Redstone, Tilford,Fax resume by March 25th required. Email resume to:to Diane with salary expec-To book your rochelle@cogeco.netWorthington, Millward, Sovereign, Belyea, your hours and must have your tation to 905-847-8283 or Rockingham, Fairbanks, Lancaster,email diane@racentre.caown vehicle. classifiTaylorwood, Bridgewater, Chester, Balsam, ed ad DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Blyth, Elmhurst, Ryland, Byron.required. Experienced, REDLINE OFFICE Solu-If interested, contact callgood communication, Abel-tions requires part time Of-Call us to see if your street Dent Software. Location Bob @ fice Admin Help. Answers Oakville/ Mississauga phones, order taking, fi ling, is available - it just might be!905.632.4440border. Fax resume: (905) 637-8795. etc. $12.00 to start. Email Circulation 905-845-9742905-461-0249.resume Kevin@redoffi OAKVILLE BEAVER Thursday, March 10, 2011 301416SayYouSawtheadintheOakville Beaver.ClassifiedsGetResults!