National Volunteer WeekApril 10-16, 2011VOLUNTEERSGROWCOMMUNITYVolunteer Canada: The National About National Volunteer WeekTo Canadian volunteers everywhere, thankLeader in Volunteerismyou!Canadians have a rich history of volunteer-Volunteer Canada is the national voice for Volunteer Canada led the voluntary sec-ing and community involvement. With 12.5volunteerism in Canada. Since 1977, thetors response to the federal government chal-million of them dedicating their time acrossorganization has been committed to increas-lenge in 2001, which the United Nations Canada, volunteers are on the front lines of alling and supporting volunteerism and civicdeclared International Year of Volunteers our community services community healthparticipation through ongoing programs, spe-(IYV). As a result of Volunteer Canadas efforts care, sports and recreation, heritage and arts,cial projects, national initiatives, resourceto promote the power of volunteerism and environmental protection & advocacy, disasterdevelopment, and by engaging in researchways to support it, the profile of Canadian relief, international development, and volunteerand training across the country.volunteerism was raised both nationally and firefighting the list is endless. The work of Volunteer Canada actively leads nationalon the global stage.volunteers is essential to maintaining resilientdialogues on how volunteerism is related to citi- Volunteer Canada provides leadership communities at home and around the world.zen engagement and civil society. At the sameand support in the form of resources, forums, National Volunteer Week pays tribute to thetime, it provides leadership on issues and trendsresearch reports, national initiatives and millions of Canadian volunteers who graciouslyin the Canadian volunteer movement. Theseinnovative partnerships. Information on these donate their time and energy.goals are achieved through its collaborativeessential tools and projects is housed on www.This years 68th annual National Volunteerwork with volunteer centres, community, a place to find the latest infor-Week takes place the week of April 10 to 16. It isnational organizations, and businesses alike.mation on volunteering in Canada.Canadas largest celebration of volunteers, vol-Volunteer Canadas vision is one where The National Volunteer Week (NVW) unteerism, and civic participation.Canada fosters volunteerism and recognizescampaign is spearheaded annually by themselves to making their communities better National Volunteer Week was first pro-volunteer involvement as essential to buildingVolunteer Canada. During NVW 2010, 10 and Canada a great place to live.claimed in 1943 as an initiative to draw thehealthy, quality communities. VolunteerMembers of Parliament stood to formally Volunteer Canada wishes to thank Investorspublic's attention to the vital contribution of Canadas mission is to lead the advancementrecognize the campaign and express their Group for their generous sponsorship of women to the war effort on the home front. Inof volunteerism in strengthening society andsupport for volunteerism.National Volunteer Week. We look forward tothe late 1960s, the focus was revived and broad-improving quality of life in Canada.For more information, please visit www.thanking our many incredible Canadian volun-ened to include all community volunteers.A History of or contact: Graham Machacek, teers and supporting you in your efforts to doVolunteers: Passion. Action. Impact. is the themeThe following initiatives highlight just some of Volunteer Canada: 613-231-4371, ext. 226; the same.of this years campaign. It is based on the individualthe notable accomplishments and successesgmachacek@volunteer.cavolunteer.cavolunteer super-heroes across Canada who dedicateachieved over Volunteer Canadas 30-year history:volunteer.caThe Darling Home for Kids wants to thank all of our amazing volunteersfor their dedication, enthusiasm and The Lighthouse Program commitment to ensure that we can continue to be an oasis of comfort and joy for Grieving Childrenfor the children and families we serve.We are always looking for eager new volunteersVolunteers are the heart and soul of The Lighthouse Program. and would love to hear from you!They help us make a real difference in childrens and teens lives. Contact Robyn Edwards robyn@darlinghomeforkids.caThank you to all our amazing volunteers for all that you do. www.darlinghomeforkids.caPeople who say it can not beMultipleSclerosisdone should not interrupt Society ofCathose who are doing it.nadaUnknownThank you from the Board and Staff A SPECIAL THANK YOUof the Halton Regional all Oakville Distress Centre VolunteersMSfor their dedication and commitment in making a SOCIETY HALTON REGIONAL CHAPTER2016 Victoria Ave., Burlington, ON, L7R 1R4difference in our community!Fax: free: OAKVILLE BEAVER Thursday, April 7, 2011 22