National Volunteer WeekApril 10-16, 2011VOLUNTEERSGROWCOMMUNITYThe Oakville Strokers: helping Volunteer organizations inour communitystroke survivors for 15 yearsACCLAIM HEALTHBURLINGTON MUSEUMSThe Oakville Strokers is a communi-charity in 1998. The Oakville Strokers 905-827-8800 or 1-800-387-7127Joseph Brant Museumty initiative operated by private citizensprogram is made possible by the contri-www.acclaimhealth.ca905-634-3556 or 1-888-748-5386that provides a program of recreation,bution of countless hours and the dedi-www.museumsofburlington.comsocialization and light aquatic exercisecation of volunteers. ALLENDALE VOLUNTEERSfor stroke survivors in the communityA huge thank you to all our volunteers. Allendale VillageBURLINGTON PERFORMING ARTSof Oakville.Information on volunteering with 905-825-6000 ext. 8024CENTREThe program is designed to help sur-the Oakville Strokers is available by 905-681-6000vivors overcome the aftermath of acontacting Jay Corder at 905-825-1415, ALTRUISTSwww.burlingtonpac.castroke by revitalizing their sense of Diana Berriman at 905-842-8791, or Kim Conradindependence, mobility and overallPam Arnold at 905-827-3637. The home 905-338-9059BURLINGTON REUSE ENVIRONMENTALwell-being.of The Oakville Strokers is the Glen GROUP Reuse CentreStarted in 1995 by a small group of Abbey Community Centre.ALZHEIMER SOCIETY OF HAMILTON AND 905-319-0477Oakville residents in collaboration withMore than 50,000 strokes occur in HALTONwww.reusecentre.on.cathe Town of Oakville and theCanada each year, and over 300,000 289-837-2310Physiotherapy Department of theCanadians are living with the effects of www.alzhh.caBURLINGTON CLERKS DEPARTMENTOakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital,stroke every day. After a stroke, every-Burlington Crime Prevention Committeethe group grew quickly from just 9thing chanes and it can be a long road ARTHRITIS SOCIETY (THE)905-335-7600 ext. 7855stroke survivors and 14 volunteers into recovery. Oakville Strokers makes Ontario Division, Hamilton/Wentworth-1995, to about 30 participants and 45the difference.HaltonBURLINGTON PARKS AND RECREATION volunteers today.To learn more about The Oakville 905-632-9390DEPARTMENT Currently, there is a waiting list forStrokers, go to, type www.arthritis.caBurlington Seniors Centre 905-335-7888;n1-877-213-3609ew participants as space is limited. TheOakville Strokers in search and click on BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERSOakville Strokers became a registeredOakville Strokers Making Waves.OF HALTONBURLINGTON PARKS AND RECREATION 905-339-2355DEPARTMENTwww.bbbshalton.caSpecial Needs Program 905-332-1996 ext. 227BRANTWOOD LIFECARE CENTREBURLINGTON PARKS AND RECREATION 905-637-3481DEPARTMENTVelocity A Place For YouthBURLINGTON COUNSELLING AND FAMILY 905-631-5654CENTRE905-637-5256CAMA WOODLANDS LONG TERM CAREwww.burlingtoncounselling.comFACILITY905-681-6441www.ianandersonhouse.comBURLINGTON MUSEUMSwww.camawoodlands.caIreland House at Oakridge Farm makes In appreciation oYour caringf 905-332-9888www.museumsofburlington.comContinued on Page 27our voall the differencelunteersThankChair of the BoardMichael W. PautlerWe value our Volunteers!Director of EducationThanks for being part of something BIG!YouMore than 700 children in our community benefi tted from your all of our dedicated volunteers whoDon Vroomanshare their time and talents to enrich all To get involved contact us at: Chair of the Board David Eualeof our school communities!464 Morden Road, Oakville 905.339.2355Director of OAKVILLE BEAVER Thursday, April 7, 2011 26