Judi Remigio Green PartyConnie Laurin Bowie Liberalsand tomorrow by balancing the federalthe topics of discussion, they will definitely Continued from page 3Continued from page 3budget responsibly while lifting some of thebring a new perspective and new more ents who have fallen ill and are concernedto work together to best serve their constit-burdens from the budgets of Halton fami-sophisticated tone to the discussion. about their ability to pay for proper healthuents.Wlies. ith Green MPs in Ottawa, people can care. Our politicians need to know that their By addressing the financial challengesfeel confident that we will do our best to Others are preparing to send their chil-job is to represent the people who elected faced by families in a strategic way, we cankeep the debate away from political pos-dren through university or college and arethem and not just blindly tow the party line better prepare our community and ourturing and game playing and keep it worried about being able to pay the increas-as happens far too often in our broken first-country for the future. focused on the issues that matter to ingly unaffordable tuition rates. Otherspast-the-post electoral system. A strengthened health care system willCanadians.still, lack access to affordable quality child-People want an elected representative leave us prepared for the aging of the babyI would suggest to your readers that they care and are thus limited in their ability tothat they can trust, with confidence, that boomer generation.check out Elizabeth Mays high-speed rail pursue or advance their career.their best interests are being represented.Investment in early learning will startproposal, which got zero coverage. For five years we have had a governmentThe Green Party believes in supporting our children off on the right track andThe solution to many of our woes is right that has put the interests of Canadas larg-good ideas. assistance in paying tuition fees will ensurein front of us. West corporations ahead of the interests of itse are able to vote freely in the House of we have the brightest and most innovativeDo we have the courage to break out of citizens. Commons, which will help ensure that good generation of Canadians to drive our econ-some of our old habits and move into the A Liberal government would createideas get the attention they require. omy.21st Century?financial stability for the families of todayAlthough Green MPs won't always change Lisa Raitt ConservativesPat Heroux NDP more than $150 million to provide forContinued from page 3affordable housing for families and seniors,lies, disabled, and especially our seniors. Continued from page 3and under the Conservative economic plan,education, business innovation, roadRemember one day, with luck, you will be a the country will have a budget surplus inupgrades and community and sports cen-senior, too.your money on fighter jets made in the US (nofour years. People are saying that the Harpertres. By voting Pat Heroux, you are going to Canadian jobs), tax cuts to large corporations,government is doing a good job managingmake a chanNow, the economy is growing fast, andge. By not voting, you are saying or Jack Layton, whose platform will make lifethe country and the economy, and theyreCanada has created even more jobs thaneverything is okay.better for you the children, students, fami-right about that, too.were lost during the downturn. People trustWhen I was running to become Haltonsa strong, stable and responsible StephenMP in the last election, I promised Id putHarper government to keep Halton andHalton first, and Ive worked hard every daySpeak up! Canada moving in the right direction. Thereto fulfill that promise. are lots of other issues that matter, but theYou can comment on any story in When our fast-growing communitystarting point is making sure people canneeded stimulus investment to fight thelook after themselves and their families.today's Oakville Beaver at oakvillebeaver.comglobal recession, we got it. 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