For Tots to TeensSPRING SALEDAVID RITCHIE / SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER FIRE INVESTIGATION:Investigators examine the fire scene at the vacant Ramada Inn at at 360 Oakville Place Dr.Fire in abandoned hotelThe Oakville Fire Department says arsonnot available.was likely behind a fire, which broke out atThe Oakville Fire Departments Firethe abandoned Ramada Inn, located at 360Prevention Officer Michael Harrison said theOakville Place Dr., Sunday.department has been pushing the owner of Solid Pine Bunk Bed Fire officials were alerted to the fire atthe abandoned property to either demolishTwin Over Doublearound 7 a.m. when a passing motorist spot-the structure or redevelop it, stating areaAll*Choice of Stains.ted smoke pouring out of the basementyouths are known to trespass of the vacant building.If a structure is abandoned, the owner$FROMOn Sale Now!Fire849fighters arrived on the scene momentshas to board it up and it appears they havelater and found a fire burning in the base-been doing that, but its a continuous pro-ment.cess, said Harrison.CANADIAN MADEThey quickly extinguished the fire beforePeople tear the boards down and thenit could spread further into the building.they go back in again.2342 Lakeshore Road West, Bronte Village, OakvilleNo one was hurt during this incident.The Halton Regional Police Service is905.469.9876 Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10am-6pmA damage estimate for the structure wasinvestigating.A hearing devicelike no otherThe alternative to traditional hearing aids.CF CZ 3F4PVOE? JT EJOU 3FBMMZ EJOU 5IF BOE POMZ IFBSJOH EFWJDF FOHJOFFSFE XJUI *OWJTJCMF0QFO 5FDIOPMPHZ? NFBOT JU T WJSUVBMMZ JOWJTJCMF JO UIFFBS "OE ZPV XJMM IFBS BO BNB[JOH EJODF XJUI UIFNJDSPTDPQJD DVUUJOH FEHF TPVOE QSPDFTTPS JOTJEF *U NBLFT USBEJUJPOBM IFBSJOH BJET B UIJOH PG UIF QBTU $IBOHF DBO*Not actual size "DUVBM TJ[F CF HPPE COME TO OUR 2 DAY SPECIAL EVENTththMonday, April 11 & Tuesday, April 12, 2011t 'SFF DPOTVMUBUJPO BOE IFBSJOH UFTUAudiology Associates of Oakville$200 t 'SFF IFBSJOH JOTUSVNFOU EFNPOTUSBUJPO 4IFEEPO "WFOVFo a pair of SE be by ReSound t 'SFF ZFBS XBSSBOUZ4VJUF 0BLWJMMFhearing aids to the rst 30 callersCall us today to schedule your appointmentSpace is limited!RSVP: (905) 901-12269 Wednesday, April 6, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER