Organizer promises a royal partyContinued on which they will feast their eyesdesign.from page 1on the wedding of the century Artwork on the walls of herTheyll receive a tiara, beaded Kate and Williams union.home has been replaced withnecklace and bling rings a la After nuptials have beenpaintings and photos of scenesNew Orleans style, jokes Whites exchanged and horse-drawn car-depicting weddings and horse-friend and fellow party planner riages have pulled away fromdrawn carriages.Florence Ward.Westminster Abbey, Whites guestsWhite wedding bell decorationsFrom there, guests will make will then retreat back to the fronthang in strategic locationstheir way to Whites kitchen where foyer where they will toast thethroughout her home. A Kingtheyll be treated to an early buffet bride with champagne and thenEdward mug sits quietly on anbreakfast of English tea, currant retire to the dining room for a lun-entrance table.cream scones (made by Ward), cheon featuring sandwiches of lob-Mini Union Jacks are tuckedDevonshire cream, jams, ginger ster, salmon, chicken, cream cheeseeverywhere.scones with lemon curd, muffins, cherry, veggie platters, bananaBride and groom wine bottleblueberry cake and breakfast cas-wedding cake, Kates favourite fruitcovers keep the champagne bottlesseroles.cake and Williams favourite choc-that will be used in the after-wed-As they gather the British break-olate biscuit cake, chocolates oneding toast cozy until the bigfast fare, they will also cast their of the women involved just broughtmoment.eyes on a copy of the official wed-back from Englands Marks &While theres a certain amountding invitation to the party being Spencer, lemon tarts andof posh to the affair, its fun in thatheld at Whites The White House meringues.the jewelry for the guests is akinand a mock wedding cake (that is Everyone will leave with ato that from Bourbon Street. Thereally cake pans covered in tissue white rose, said of the bride and groom is apaper, pearls and the Fascinator-Confessing that if she hadntmagazine picture thats beenlike headpiece White wore on her taught elementary school andframed.own wedding day). music as a career, she would haveThe wedding cake is upside-Its all cream, Kates colour, liked to have become a wedding ordown cake pans decorated to looksaid White, who did however dis-event planner, White has left nolike a a red, white and blue floral stone unturned for the RoyalOh, its fun. I enjoy all of this,arrangement in the corner to sig-Wedding.said White who immediately cred-nify the Royal Familys colours.White has ordered fresh flowers,its her many friends who will beOf course, White moved the TV RIZIERO VERTOLLI / OAKVILLE BEAVERwhite roses for the most part, forattending each has loaned hershe usually watches in her bed-ROYAL TREATS:Gloria White with her royal wedding cake and the offi-the party and truly has left noown unique talent to the to the kitchen, so guests See Oakville page 5cial royal invite she sent to her guests.detail unattended with her eye fordont miss any of the lead-up media coverage of the big event as they gather their buffet.With food and tea in hand White also has door prizes that include a small replica red doubledecker bus PRICE GUARANTEE EXPIRES APRIL 30TH and British red mail box guests will DEMO UNITS NOW AVAILABLE! then move into the cathedral a.k.a. 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Lease end value $6465 + HST, Total Lease obligation $7,146 + down payment $1,995 + HST. Additional kilometer charge $0.08 per KM. 2011 Mazda3 GXWed., Thu., and Fri. 9 a.m.-7 p.m.D4XS51 AA00: 2.9% 48 Month Term, Low Kilometer Lease 20,000km. Lease end value $7,800 + HST, Total Lease obligation $8,112 + down payment $1,795 + HST. Additional kilometer charge $0.08 per KM. 2011 Mazda3 Sport GX D5XS51AA00: 2.9% 48 Month Term, Low Kilometer Lease 20,000km. Lease end value $8,711 + HST, Total Lease obligation $10,032 + down payment $1,895 + HST. Additional kilometer charge $0.08 per KM.2012 Mazda5 GS E6SD62 AA00: 1.9%(open for calls only after 5 p.m.) Closed Sat. and Sun. 48 Month Term, Low Kilometer Lease 20,000km. Lease end value $10,374 + HST, Total Lease obligation $12,432+ down payment $1,995 + HST. Additional kilometer charge $0.08 per KM. Cars may not be as shown. This coupon has no cash NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS call (905) 845-9742 or subscribevalue. Discount of vehicle prices before tax. 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