RTecnthanl iHcaolu/sing Handy PersonWSkainllteed TradesHANDYMAN MATTERS Bonded Insured, Base-Milton Areaments, Bathrooms, Reno-LICENSEDvations, Kitchen, Carpentry, Remodels, MECHANICTile, Painting, all handyman work. 905-332-6446, Truck & Coach905-825-5110community noticesExperienceHome Renovations Excellent Wages& Benefi tslObituarieslObituarieslLViofelutinmteeesr /s MWailnetsetodneslLAinfentoimunecse /m MeinletstonesPlease Call: 905-876-0669VolunteerCNC OPERATORS- CNC Decks FencesOperators - 2Source Manu-Board Members Wantedfacturing Inc. requires RenovationsLathe Set-up Operators, Licensed & InsuredJoyce Scott Non-Profit Homes Inc. (JSNPHI), Operators and Milling all References Availablein Milton, is seeking volunteer members for the with 5 years experience. WSenior's Discounte are growing! come join 2011-12 Board of Directors. JSNPHI is a the team! Email resume: Call Mike at 15-year old organization providing personal jaynecogswell@rogers.comand homemaking services to adults with 905-616-5669On or about September 12 2010 some major www.timbersmith physical disabilities in the Halton Region.DONE-RIGHT ROOFING roadwork was being done on Lakeshore be-construction.comis looking for experienced We are looking for community leaders who are tween Great Lakes Blvd. and Bronte Rd. The service person with own eager to contribute their business experiences road conditions, signage, and where they ex-vehicle for full-time position and skills to continue building and improving Mike's Drywall pected you to drive during the construction was starting immediately. our organization. These are challenging times Please call 905-875-2888deplorable, I suffered damage to my vehicle & Renovationsfor building a non-profi t organization, adhering and I am looking for support and or opinion of Licensed & Insuredto new government health system SAFETY VALVE Techni-what you encountered during this unpleasant Certifi ed Tradesmancian- A skilled position that requirements, while ensuring that adults with handling of the construction. There were major Complete Interiors, requires a mechanical apti-PODOLSKY, Terrencephysical disabilities can choose to continue potholes, dips and road deterioration that was Frame, Board, Tape, tude, ability to trouble-Born on August 17, 1927 at Thunder Bay, Ontario, died May 2, 2011 at Oakville. living in their chosen home and community shoot, assemble and not expected nor was it acceptable. I have Plaster, Insulation, He is survived by his wife of 57 years, Agnes (Simcock), his children Eva disassemble safety relief environments. launched legal action against the parties. With Paint, Trim, Doorsvalves. Must be willing to (Stephen Taylor), William (Arlene Donovan), Michael (Momo Kano), Tara (Marko a substantial photo and video log of the condi-30 Years ExperiencePlease call Lyndon Smith 905-878-3517travel and/or work over-Pencak), Mark (Mary Jo Ducharme); his sister Luba Podolsky; grandchildren tions, and your assistance, I will be able to time with little to no notice. Free Estimateor email to lyndon.e.smith@gmail.comMark, Michael, Fiona, Stephen and Kathleen Taylor; Leo and Sho Podolsky; Send resume to: hr@con-prove neglect on behalf of the parties. Due to 905-515-5505fLarissa and Katrina Pencak; Jackson and Claire Podolsky; and great-trovalve.comthe cave in of the road, the forcing of the mo-grandchildren Madeleine and Neil Taylor. He was predeceased by his brother *****BATHROOMS*** torist onto the unpaved shoulder and lack of Renovations, remodeling, George Podolsky and sister Vera Pederzoli.Cla"Bump Ahead" signs, substantial damage oc-ss of 2011Call Today!!! 289-339-5817AvailableTerry graduated from Queens University in 1949, with a degree in geologicalcurred to my vehicle. I observed many vehicles engineering, followed by an M.Sc. in geology from Queens and post-graduatebottoming out and swerving into oncoming traf- A PROFESSIONAL, Inde-SPECIALIZING IN drywall GRATULATIONS!studies at MITfi c to avoid the massive potholes. The regard . He had a long and distinguished career with INCO, where, as CONpendent, 20yrs experience, & taping. Bathrooms/ hardworking, reasonable for the motorist was put way behind profi t as it their chief geologist, he mapped the mineral deposits of the Sudbury basin and basement renovations, rates, very honest house-floor installation/ refinish-northern Canada. Subsequentlywas quite apparent that the privately operated , as the senior executive in charge of INCO s cleaner available. Call Anna ing. Gary 416-566-0492 or exploration and development department from 1975 until 1990, he led theirvehicle was 2nd nature to the profits of the 905-842-2698.905-878-0410.exploration activity around the world, including Guatemala, Brazil, Indonesia andConstruction Company. Halton Police investi- Australia. Upon retirement, he began his own consulting companygated the incident and found no fault of myself , conducting ADDED TOUCH Domestic Waste RemovalServices. Weeklystudies for the United Nations (UNDP) in Myanmar and Mongolia. Hisfor the incident. Please call or write , bi-weekly Oakville house cleaning. Ex-relationship as mentor to young geologists bore fruit when he was consulted905-517-5330 cellent references. Please 1/2 PRICE Junk Removal. extensively on a venture by FNX Mining to develop new mines in the Sudbury call Angela 905-334-9866.Cheap. Fast Service. All area. He served for many years as a director of FNX and was awarded the loading/ cleanup. Free Esti-distinction of having the Podolsky Mine named in his honour.mates. John, CLEANING LADY 905-310-5865 (local)Available for Burlington/ Your careerHe was a man of many gifts and interests. He rowed stroke for a St. Catherine s Oakville. References upon were all very proud of Eric,crew which qualified for the 1948 Olympics. He had an ardent appreciation of request. Please Call Campsplisments and your accomIs waiting for you.music and was a keen amateur photographer. In his mid-40 s, he took up 647-380-0116wish you luck in law school.long distance cycling, which gave his children the opportunity to join him in DREAMING ABOUT a ro-expeditions both near and far.EUROPEAN PROFES-Love, mom, dad, and Katiemantic escape? Enter for SIONAL cleaning lady He fought a long and valiant battle with Parkinson s disease, which while robbing your chance to win a spe-available Monday - Friday. Tell them how proud you are with a cial Getaway for Two from him of much, could not quench his invincible spirit to grow and learn. The family New vacuum. Reasonable Resorts of Ontario. Visit rates. Call 905-601-5656.thank Frank Pineau whose unflagging care and attention eased the burden of graduation announcement on June 10th www.resortsofontario.comillness, along with the team of caregivers and staff at Churchill Place who treated EXPERIENCED CLEAN-FOR ONLY $39!him with such kindness in his nal months.ING Lady. Organized, de-Funeral Mass at St. Andrew s Church, 47 Reynolds Street, Oakville on Saturday tail oriented. Good rates, Contact the Oakville Beaver today! references, free estimates. May 7th at 11 am, followed by a reception in the parish centre.List for 30 days for only $125905-632-4440 or classifi ed@haltonsearch.comCall Sofia: 905-278-0915 or 416-857-8544.GIRL AND a bucket. All house cleaning available. $50 for 3 hours. Oakville/Burlington 905-464-1693garage salesGeneral Contracting, ExcavatingOAKVILLEGENERAL CONTRACTINGSell Your Stuff/ Find Great - Advertise yourFences, decks, home reno-Deals at Community Garage Garage Salevations. 905-844-6118, 905-510-4045.Sell your stuff or nd fantastic deals atSat May 7th, OakvillegreensLandscaping, Lawn GARAGE SALE1 9am to 2pm.1REGISTRATION0Care2, Supplies6th Annual Community 1497 in the Classifi eds for as low as LAWN CUTTING & trim-Garage and Plant SaleLet everyone know what activitiesming, mature, reliable ser-Devon Rd.vice. Call Milt: Sat May 28 - 8am-Noon(Cornwall/905-827-1327Maplegrove) you have to offer.Town Hall Parking LotTeak furniture, YARD CLEAN-UP$38.75, lawns, 1225 Trafalgar Rdshrub hedge pruning, motorized Scooter, Running 4 Wednesdays Starting gardens, patios, retainer kitchenware, artwork, To rent a spot email: mkirwin@247post.comwalls. Don at your service May 4thtools, tables, books.905-632-4440or call Margaret Kirwin 905-338-2709 after 7pm905-844-6118, 905-510-4045.Each spot is onlyMoving & Storage$SizeWHEN DECIDING on a 3.054" x 2.143"moving company, you may 99decide to see if the compa-$10 for spot colourny is bonded, insured and certified. The Better Busi-$25 for process colourness Bureau and/or the Ca-nadian Association of Movers may also provide Call:905.632.4440 Fax:905.632.8165more information on a company.classified@haltonsearch.comSpecial ServicesBurlington PostAROMATHERAPY- ACU Green Health. Covered by insurance. 774 Brant St., Burlington. Call 905-632-923339 Thursday, May 5, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.oakvillebeaver.com