Oakville Beaver, 26 May 2011, p. 8

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Oakvillegreen garage saleMay Court givesThe fifth annual Great Community Garage Town of Oakville will host the Oakville Conserves and Plant Sale is Saturday, May 28.Energy Fair in the Town Halls Atrium.The sale will be held in the Oakville Town Hall Learn about energy conservation and alterna-parking lot at 1225 Trafalgar Rd.tive "green" energy products and services from a The sale is on from 8 a.m. to noon, rain or number of exhibitors.shine.There will also be free workshops and great Non-profit groups and organizations, selling giveaways.garage sale items donated by their members, are For more information on the garage and plant also among the participants.sale, e-mail Margaret Kirwin at mkirwin@247post.The sponsoring group, Oakvillegreen com or call 905-338-2709 after 7 p.m.Conservation Association (www.oakvillegreen.For more information on Oakville Conserves org), organizes the event.Energy Fair, contact Suzanne Madder at 905-845-On the same day, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., the 6601, ext. 3910. TURN YOUR VISION MICHELLE SIU / OAKVILLE BEAVERINTO REALITYTO THE COMMUNITY: The May Court Club of Oakville donated to 18 Halton charities in aceremony at Otello's Banquet Hall Tuesday. In back, from left, May Court Club of Oakville sponsorMercedes Autohaus Oakville's Mark LeRoeye, Tim Bauer, Don Pangmam, Ben Ward, Michelle Knoll,CALL TODAYWendy McBride, Joanne Hawkins, Tom Horlor, Jo Fallon, Jules Graham-Hood and Carol Willems. In For Your FREE front, from left, Charlotte Riddell and Suzanne Allen of May Court Club of Oakville along with Design Charlotte Redekop-Young, Janice Moro, Carm Bozzo, Julia Prange, Tina Blatchford, Lawna Paulos,LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR ConsultationKassandra Sawatzy and Anissa Hilborn. In presenting the donations, May Court Vice-President M e m b e r o f L a n d s c a p e O n t a r io Est. 1993Suzanne Allen noted each agency supports children, women and families in the community somethrough providing necessities of life and others to enrich lives through programs and services, yetothers assisting those suffering abuse or homelessness. The agencies represented include: Acclaim31 DUNDAS ST. E. (HWY 5), WATERDOWN, ON L9H 7H8Health, ArtHouse, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Halton, Carey House, Childrens Aid Foundation of Halton, Clothing Works, ErinoakKids, Food for Life Canada, Halton Womens Place HIPPY OakvilleShowroom 905.689.1880(Home Instruction for Parents & Preschoolers), Home Suite Hope, Kerr Street Ministries, LighthouseProgram for Grieving Children, Oak Park Neighbourhood Centre, Oakville Distress Centre, Salvationwww.oasisgardendesign.comArmy, S.E.N.A.C.A. and St. John Ambulance.Spring inTO SUMMER WITH ... Ein SteinsBestSaleSale Starts May 27-June 510 DAYS ONLYBuy one batch at regular 100% price and get the secondCome See why SATISFACTION we've been voted best GUARANTEEDbeer and wine making facility 1/2 Pricesince 1996.Prepared by You on SiteFruit wines and 481 North Service Road W. (905) 825-BEER (2337)wine coolers to Offer valid May 27 until June 5. Limit 4 batches per customer. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Some restrictions applychoose from!EIN STEINNorth Service Rd.A trusted name in Oakville since 1992481Ein Stein is CLOSEDQ.E.W.481 North Service Road W. (just west of Dorval)MondaysHOURS: MON. CLOSED, TUES.-FRI. 12-8, SAT. 9-5, SUN. 11-3www.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Thursday, May 26, 2011 83rd Line4th LineDorval

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