Spring Home & GardenWhy your lawn needs lunch and how it will pay you back(NC)Plants, like people, need a bal-ment. Nitrogen is a key element in pro-many benefits that grass hungry for nutri-anced diet for good health. But did you tein, and like the human body, plantsents cannot: thicker grass acts as a waterknow that when you carefully feed your require it to grow. Phosphorus is thefiltration system by trapping particles andlawn with fertilizer you're not just mak-plant world's equivalent of carbohydratessediment when it rains; water runoff ising it greener, you're ensuring healthy it provides energy for plants to prosper.reduced; and dense grass is better able tograss and helping to safeguard the envi-Potassium is a mineral that helps plantstrap dirt and dust particles from the air,ronment? The three main components fight stress and disease. It aids withreducing pollutants. Grass that is gettingof fertilizer nitrogen, phosphorus and strong stalks, in the same way that cal-all its nutrients also gives back in otherpotassium are the primary nutrients cium gives people strong bones. Whenways, providing a safe soft surface for peo-that enhance plant development. Simply used correctly all fertilizers, whetherple and pets to rest or play. For more infor-put, fertilizer is food for plants, says organic or mineral, are beneficial tomation on how to feed your lawn and sea-To keep your grass greener, healthier and safe-Clyde Graham of the Urban Fertilizer lawns and gardens while protecting thesonal plants this spring, visit www.guard the environment, fertilize your lawn this Council, which has launched a new pub-environment. To ensure proper usage,GreenerWorld.ca.spring.lic information campaign called just read the bag and follow some basicNutrients for a Greener World. As your steps: apply the Right Source of fertilizerPOOL HEATER REPAIRlawn and garden grows, nutrients are at the Right Rate, Rate Time and Rightnaturally depleted from the soil. The role Place.WE SERVICE & CARRY PARTS FOR:MANUFACTURERof fertilizer or plant food is to replenish Grass and other plants that are fed theTD LAARS, JANDY, HAYWARD,TRAINED SERVICE these nutrients so that grass, trees and right amount of fertilizer grow a sturdyANS,TECHNICIRAYPAK, PENT AIR, MINI MAX, STA-RITEgarden plants can flourish.healthy root system which makes the lawnSolvingExperience is the difference!The components of fertilizer eachbetter able to fend off drought, insect andProblemsplay an important role in plant develop-pet damage. A wellfed lawn also providesSince 1982905-845-0701 Email:scott@gasfi x.caWeve goteverythingfor your gardenthis spring ateveryday low prices.Hanging FScotts EZ lower BasketShultzAsst. 16" 10" Pot.Grass Seed WSeed Jugindow Asst. Variety.4 Kg Bag.Box1.71 Kg.#1672803.#1606900.#1604506. #1609226.97977$11each2119eacheacheac1h0Scotts Turf Asst. Potted RosesBuilder Potted2 Gal. FertilizerRed Star SpVinesTea Rose Asst. #1621932. ike6 Kg Bag.4" Pot.1GHardy Rose #1622071.al.#1687622.#1615749Climber Rose #1627931..#1648011.9747979714each4each9each9eachCedarsHostasRosesAnnual97479797Flats#1642303.#1647811.#1615868.#1603654.196910eacheacheacheachPatioMetalShultz SupremeLow Back00Chef96Watering Cans77Green Fertilizer97Armchair#1694199.#1668357.#1606919.#0903716.8312119eacheacheacheachDUNDAS ST.235 Hays Boulevard at Dundas and Trafalgar Road, OakvilleStore hours: 7 days a week. 7am - 11pmNHAYS BLVD.GARDEN CENTRE OPEN VICTORIA DAY from 9am-6pmSTORE CLOSED VICTORIA DAY29 Friday, May 20, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.insideHALTON.comTRAFALGARRD.