A Farewell to Featherwagons is a story to tellBy Angela Blackburnbook for Koepke who grew up inOAKVILLE BEAVER STAFFOakville.The audience for the launch of theBiff the barn owl flew to the beachbook was Jeanne Wilsons Seniorto play in the sand and tell stories toKindergarten class at Sedgewickthe wind and the waves.Crescent Child Care Centre.The summer dream of every childThat audience consisted of Gracewas realized only after Biff abandonedMagee, 6, Chloe Foxcroft, 6, Ruperthis featherwagon.Foxcroft, 6, Conor Thacker, 6, BenjiHe did so upon realizing the trafficStahl, 5, Danny Lucic, 5, Leila Hanly,jams, air pollution and severe weather5 and Sarah Hare, 6.it helped cause was not helping himI hope youre going to tell yourget to the beach, but hindering himfriends about this book, said Jas, who,from doing so.along with Koepke, was on-hand forSuch is the plot in A Farewell tothe reading.Featherwagons, the first childrensWe always walk to school, saidstorybook published by the HaltonRupert Foxcroft, 6, who attends theRegion Health Department.school with his twin sister Chloe.Its for children aged four to eightRupert and Chloe walk to schooland its first public reading wasevery day, rain or snow. Some morn-Wednesday at Sedgewick Crescentings in the really cold weather, theyChild Care Centre coinciding witharrived frozen. They do a good jobEnvironment Week (June 5-11).with conservation, observed theERIC RIEHL / OAKVILLE BEAVERYou mean we make the weatherSenior Kindergarten class teacherFAREWELL SAYS HELLO:At Wednesday's official launch of Halton Region Health Department's book,A Farewell hot and soupy? asked Alba-Alba.Jeanne Wilson.to Featherwagons, at Sedgewick Crescent Child Care Centre, author Beckie Jas, and illustrator Brandon Koepke, share the And the Great Lake has shrunkStudents liked that one of thetale with students Chloe and Rupert Foxcroft, 6. because of us? asked Biff.illustrations depicted Bronte Creek,Yep," said Tyto. "And we mightyelling its name when they saw it."That is a great idea," said Alba-introducing environment and healthDr. Bob Nosal on the books cover.get more bad storms, too.Wednesdays hot and soupyAlba.themes to early readers. They alsoThe book was written by BeckieWhat should we do? shrieked And after that, we can finally gomake for enweather on the heels of a huge thun-gaging teaching tools, andJas, an environmental health special-Biff.der and lightning storm that evento the lake and have some fun! piped are a powerful force in childrens lan-ist for Halton Region. It was illustratedWe can start by telling our friendssparked a tornado warning inBiff.guage and literacy development,by Brandon Koepke. This marks thewhat we know, said Tyto.See When page 33Stories are a wonderful way of states Halton Medical Officer of Healthsixth published childrens pictureWhat would your perfect home in Oakville look like?If you are interested in purchasing a new home or participating in a Research Survey designed to find new ideas for living in Oakville, we would like to hear from you.Please phone (416) 937-4589 to submit your contact information and a researcher will be in touch with a short 5 minute survey.Information provided is for the proprietary use of Mattamy Homes Research and will not be disclosed to any third party. You will not be contacted by sales agentswww.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, June 10, 2011 32