Immersion is optional programmy petContinued from page 1be made at last night's(Wednesday's) board meet-Personally, I have no problem with French Immersion. my veting, beyond The OakvilleMy problem is that it's always receiving the sameBeavers press time.weight as a mandated program in this board.Coverage of the meetingand decision is targeted forOptional programming is nice to haveDr. Gesa Kohn-GouldThe Beaver's Friday edi-when there is space, resources and money,Veterinarian & Owner tion.yet this board continues to displace the needsmyanimalhospital.caA staff recommendationof the mandated program.'to trustees calls for a Grade9 French Immersion pro-Lesley Dalgarno, Oakvillegram to begin at the schoolTapewormsin 2015, when the firstgraduates come from theapeworms are a common worm foundnearby Palermo PublicTin pets. While there are several types ofSchool. tapeworms and the method of transmissionHowever, the recom-can vary, the common tapeworm starts life aschoose the best one.option attendance for FI students,an egg passed in the dogor cat s feces.mendation also calls tobecause St. Joan of ArcBest was concerned with creating unstable boundaries.start the FI program prior to School nearby students could7KH HJJLV HDWHQ E\ D D RU ORXVH DQGsome of the modifications made Best said she also fears that2015 if enrollment is suffi-choose to walk to the newdevelops into an intermediate stage, calledato the BRC-chosen scenario.English students at Palermo Schoolcient for two Grade 9 FI public high school, rathercysticercoid. This is the infective stage. The The modification which may be sent to Abbey Park Highclasses.than being bussed to aGRJ RU FDW WKHQ HDWV WKH D DQG EHFRPHVconcerns me is to start School, instead of the walk-to loca-Delegate Laurel Best, who Catholic high school fartherinfected. The cysticercoid develops into the French Immersion in 2012 tion of the new school.was a member of the boards adult tapeworm andthe cycle starts again.away.or as soon as there are two FI However, Katie Bryne supportedboundary review committee We need to make sureTapeworms affect your pet s health and classes within the boundary, the recommendation and asked(BRC) called on the board to there is room in the neware harmful to humans too. When a human she said.trustees to allow optional FI atten-make the school an English-high school for the manda-accidentally ingests the eggs (handling aShe said there will not be dance in 2012 so that FI students intrack only school because tory English program, saidpet without handwashing, digging in infectedenough students until 2015 the community can attend a neigh-enrollment will be higher at Best.soils, eatinguncooked meat) the eggsto fill two FI classes.bourhood school.the school, projections show. The BRC was presented acirculate in thehuman s body. The ingestedHowever, giving that Lesley Dalgarno read a statementOne reason for this is number of scenarios to try tocysts candoharm to many organs, and inoption would encourage from Wendy Gunn who sat on thesome cases this can befatal.BRC.CThe statement said the commu-ommon ways for your pet toget tapewormsDUH E\ KDYLQJDV DQG LQJHVWLQJ WKH Dnity is being built with a high capac-host duringself-grooming) and hunting small ity and the new school will not beSUH\ :KLOHD SUHYHQWLRQ VHUYHV PDQ\ able to accommodate its students.purposes cats anddogs thathunt andingestShe told trustees accommodatingprey are athighrisk.the mandatory English program andthe optional French program hasStandard stool testing will not show tapeworm divided the community.segments.Sometimes you may notice riceI do not understand why thislike segments onbedding, pet s stool or nearboard continues to treat an optionalthe rectum. Ifyou thinkyour pet mayhavetapeworms, or if your pet hunts regularly,program as if it were a mandatedhave your veterinarian check for segmentsone. Personally, I have no problemanddispense an appropriate treatment.See No page 15myanimalhospital.caAskey Animal Hospital24 Hour Emergency Care3525 Fairview Street, Burlington CORRECTION NOTICE905-634-9088In the June 17th Home Outfitters flyer, the T-Fal Actifry is available in select Orchard Animal Hospitallocations only. There are no rainchecks 2020 Appleby Line, Burlingtonor substitutions available on this item.905-634-4526We apologize for any inconvenience Speers Road Animal Hospitalthis may have caused.1026 Speers Road, Oakville OAKVILLE BEAVER Thursday, June 16, 2011 12