Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 18, 1970, p. 23

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CLOSING OUT SALE HAS BEEN EXTENDED FOR A SHORT TIME TO COMPLETE DISPOSAL OF MERCHANDISE WITH UP TO OFF JACKSONS LADIES WEAR UPSTAIRS GEORGETOWN JUST IN TIME FOR EASTER Your Baby Bonus is worth an additional 5 off all items except advertised specials when you cash it at Jacksons YOU CAN OUTflT YOUR LITTLE GIRL YES MOTHER TOR PRICE OR LESS PYJAMAS SOCKS FI1SSIZE5 10 WOW WOK AT THIS IS FOR THE FIRST QUALM FAMOUS HOSE MIRACLE PEN COLORS GIFT BOXED IDEAL FOR STUDENTS HOME OR BUSINESS NOW BRIEFS AMf SUN VALLEY J CI I I COLGATES SUPER SIZE TOOTH PASTE WITH CAVITY SUGG PRICE KNOWS GOOD SIZE BRIGHT CLOTHS WOW LACE TRIM NYLON COTTON LACE OWN SEWING YOU CANT AFFORD NOT TO AT THIS PRICE YOUR CHOICE PER YARD HOW ABOUT THAT ALL THE GOODS WE HAVE ARE IN LIMITED SUPPLY SO COME EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTION 1- Year 38 ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY MARCH 1970 SECTION THREE Facts figures on dental program compiled by Its an ill wind thai blows nobody good And some rather unfavorable publicity in a Hamilton newspaper concerning Hal ton Countys dental health status or tack of such stirred up such J public outcry and such a controversy that Samuel Green Director of Dental Health Services with the Hallon County Health Unit this week reports the controversy has spurred a new awakening concerning dental health and things are improving almost daily The following is Dr Greens special report on what positive results have transpired In the past few weeks since the controversy first hit the front pages of the newspapers He was earlier quoted as saying the dental health of children the northern part of was in grim shape a statement lie vehemently denied M Green DDSDDPH Director Dental Health Services Halton County Health Unit I would like to thank the editors of this newspaper for the opportunity of expressing some of my thoughts concerning the recent uproar caused by a misinterpreted article printed recently regarding dental health in County Due to the constructive efforts and mature approach by the citizens politicians and the capable direction of the County Health Unit definite positive results have evolved in the past few weeks BENEFICIAL RESULTS INTEREST In general there has been a greater interest aroused as to the dental health status of the community especially that of the children Many principals such as Mr at Robert Little School Mr Smith at Bennett School have enthusiastically backed our efforts to promote dental health and have even gone to the expense of purchasing audiovisual aids to help motivate children in he classrooms The loss of teeth and impaired mouth function are largely the result of neglect The solution to the problem of neglect is education in the use of preventive and control measures The educational facilities in our schools therefore can and do play an important role in raising the level of dental health of the children in the County To realize this goal of better dental health for children I Green met with a number of principals and their staff at the local schools to discuss any dental problems suggestions and solutions DENTAL HEALTH CURRICULUM GUIDE On February 19 I was invited by Mr Lavender to attend a meeting at the North Halton board centre t was an extremely constructive and productive meeting where both parlies reemphasized their willingness intention and desire to cooperate completely in deriving advanced concepts of teaching dental health in the schools To this end the North Board staff is working with me to establish a dental health curriculum guide for use by teachers from Kindergarten to grade five A pilot study of this booklet is being carried out by Mr McKenzie in he Robert Little School in Acton TV ADVERTISEMENT Mass communication is an important vehicle in promoting good dental health habits In Georgetown the local cable T company has offered to telecast spot announcements of Murphy the Molar This is a new educational concept identifying dental health to the youngsters The cooperation of this local company is extremely useful and appreciated by the County Health Unit VOLUNTEERS A number of dentists have recently contacted me expressing their concern and desire to improve the dental health of the community One dentist in particular in Georgetown has very generously offered some of his time gratis to aid m the screening and education program in that area FREE DENTAL KITS One of the major manufacturers of dental toothpaste has been given permission to distribute free kits toothpaste a toothbrush dental literature project booklets and disclosing wafers to children in grades three These dental kits have been approved by the Halton County Board of Education and by the Ontario Dental Association MORE DENTISTS IN AREA Mayor Duby from Acton sent a letter to me requesting aid in obtaining another dentist for the Town of Acton 1 have contacted the Faculty of Dentistry and the dental supply houses in Ontario and am Dr Green SAMUEL GREEN optimistic that positive results will occur within the year The present ratio of dentist to population in Acton area is approximately one to 5 000 An ideal ratio suggested by the Canadian Dental Association is one to population WATER FLUORIDATION An interest in water has been expressed by many politicians and citizens such as Mr Tyler from Acton I have had a chemical analysis made of the Acton water and on February it showed a fluoride content of 1 parts per million In older for water fluoridation to be effective it should be raised to a level of 1 parts per million If water fluoridation were brought into being it would reduce decay by thus preventing much pain discomfort and expense The cost would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 to cents per person per year This is approximately what two chocolate bars cost or half a package of cigarettes On behalf of the Hallon County Health Unit would be very wilting to sit on any committee established in those towns where the citizens wished to do a feasibility study on water fluoridation FACTS REGARDING DENTAL PROGRAM A clarification of certain facts should be made regarding the dental program in Halton County Basically the program consists of examination of the childrens teeth for dental defects from kindergarten through to grade four Also motivational education is given in dental health In four locations Halton County topical fluoride climes are maintained for children from the ages of 12 years of age There is no charge for this service This year the latest concepts of preventive dentistry have been initiated This consuls of brush ins where the children apply fluoride to their own teeth by brushing them in the classroom under supervision and direction It should be made absolutely clear that there is no treatment service offered he Health Unit The basic reason for this is that the provincial government docs not subsidize treatment in public health but only prevention We are quite aware that because of our inability to provide a treatment service this presents a financial hardship on families in he county There have been excellent results from the dental program since its inception in the SO Each year the Health Unit finds that the dental health status of the County is increasing by per cent This in effect is saying that by means of prevention the citizens and taxpayers arc saving up to per year in reduced dental bills The dental budget expenditure for the Health Unit is about one tenth this figure thus showing the excellent value received by the County for the tax dollar in health matters There are three dental teams in County One is assigned for the northern area and they examine approximately children per school year aside from the fluoride treatments etc In the southern more heavily populated part of the County there are two teams and each team examines approximately children Consequently the service rendered for North County is every bit as adequate as that provided for the south STATISTICAL DATA Some people have questioned the authenticity of our dental statistics The dental division is in operation a statistical evaluation program which was designed created checked for possible inaccuracies by professors in epidemiology with their masters and doctorate degrees at the acuity of Dentistry University of Toronto The format on how the statistics are arrived at has been bid down by the Provincial Health Department This took several years of research and are now accurate o standard error deviation of 2 winch is negligible Randomly selected children arc dentally examined in detail and the results tabulated on a mark sense card These cards are fed to a computer at the university and from this procedure the health unit is a ble to evaluate the results of the program Dental statistics have to be inalyzod very carefully and it is in this regard that much confusion resulted from the report In the controversial article in January A Physician or dentist specializing at the university in public health such as your Medical Officer of Health or Dental Director must take approximately five post graduate courses in medical dental and vital statistics and in miomctncs and epidemiology It is a person well trained in statistics who can logically and calmly interpret the results If any Halton citizen is interested in obtaining more in depth analysis of these figures it is available in the yearly report of the dental division at the Health Offices INTERPRETATION Essentially the more interesting results of the dental program are these If one compares the incidence of dental cavities of the children in County in to that in 1969 one could sec a reduction from per cent to per cent That is to say that decay is becoming less and less prevalent but the fact still remains that per cent of the children examined in County last year had dental cavities of one degree or another Now one might ask how docs this compare to other communities The 54 per cent of the that had cavities in County compares as an average to the rest of the province In EtobicokcTor example 42 per cent and in the borough of York per cent of the children had cavities in 1969 The lesser percentage is thought to be due to overall water fluoridation in these areas The more interesting statistic is that a breakdown of County itself shows that in the northern areas more children had cavities than in the southern areas This I believe is directly related to the presence of water fluoridation in and Burlington water supplies In conclusion the dental health status of County is every bit as good as other areas in the province However we know that 98 per cent of the population will be afflicted by some form of dental disease during their lifetime and we know that almost one half of the children are walking around with cavities in their mouths That is to say they have a dental disease in their mouths Another revealing fact is that close to 40 per cent of the children examined last year in Halton County had never been to a dentist This is neglect It is the moral legal ethical and professional duty of this public health unit to prevent this disease if at all possible Experts tell us that we can prevent it by up to per cent and it both my intention and that of my staff to reach this goal through prevention education and organized community action To attain this goal each individual in County must assume a continuing responsibility to seek proper care for themselves and their children from their private dentist and to practise dental heilth habits There is a which is very applicable Be true to your teeth or they will be false to you Samuel M Green D D5 D D Dental Director County Easter seal target 1600000 The Ontario Society for Crippled Children seeking 1600000 from the 1970 Ontario Easter Seal campaign which extends from February to March Easter Sunday As usual the Rotary Club of Acton is participating and seals have already been mailed out here The campaign is sponsored by the Society in conjunction with Easter Seal service clubs throughout Ontario One half the funds raised by each club is retained by it for services and supplies for local needy handicapped youngsters The balance of the funds are used by the Ontario Society for Crippled Children

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