Rejoice and Although Christmas is perhaps the best known Easter is the most important feast of the Christian Church It contains the heart of the Christian message without whan the church would be just another philosophy of life If we really want to get to the core of Christian teaching we need only turn to St Paul who t deal in intangibles He said that unless Christ from the dead then all his preaching was in vain Paul did not beat around the bush He was convinced of the resurrection of Chnst even though a late convert Those who thought Paul was some sort of spook t hesitate to let him know with a hail of stones On one occasion in Hystra the crowds left him for dead after J stoning He was thrown into prison shipwrecked beaten reviled spit on Despite all the indignities and it Those who are hopping with joy over the deferment of regional government have won a victory but the odds are still very much against them winning the war Regional government of some kind is going to come but obviously the question now is its form Should unite with Peel as the Minister of Municipal Affairs desires Or should and Peel go separate ways as it seems more and more elected officials in each county wish The only democratic way to settle the issue is to have a vote as Councillor Jack Greer of Acton has been advocating for the past several weeks It is the only way to find the expressed wishes of the people in this dilemma and get the matter settled once and for all Arguments pro and con could go on ad infinitum A referendum persuasive methods then in vogue he retained a sure tit fuith find encouraged others in their convictions There wtrt wise men then as there arc now who said the whole thing whs a hoax a plot dreamed up to keep the masses They said anyone would have to be an idiot to believe such drivel Obviously they thought they had a pipeline straight to the truth us many today do Paul wound up on the business end of an like many of the other early Christians Thi- his enemies figured would shut him up But Paul is stilt speaking to us today Those who engineered his execution have long since been forgotten Easter commemorates the greatest event of the Christian faith the cause for the greatest Rejoice then and be for is risen would be final All the politicians in the county could climb off their fences and really get behind a solidarity movement solving the problems An argument has been used that there t time to hold a vote prior to Mr McKeough s announcement That is all water under the bridge now We can understand the confusion Mr announcement created in the county and the desire to go ahead with some form of regional government However we hope county municipalities do not make a decision in haste and then repent leisure An all Halton region may be the answer to everyone s dreams but first let us have some concrete information about the advantages as opposed to union with Peel Then let the people decide by ballot The St Marys Journal Argus comments editorially that the local medical service is often the subject of very fine comment Sometimes the JournalArgus comments we feel that we are selfish people to be so well looked after from a health point of view when other places in the are so much in need Many of the paper comments could be applicable to this district Few of us arc prone to the medical profession the appreciation they deserve unless a illness hits us personally or close to home There arc those who speak disparagingly of the large incomes earned by medical men Sometimes there arc members of the profession who give it a black eye But the majority of doctors conscientiously five their best to a very difficult and demanding job Most of those who criticize the medical profession would be loath to trade positions and perform many of the difficult and technical skills doctor uses in his everyday duties A typical General Practitioner doctor interviewed by a Toronto newspaper was found to be working to 75 hours a week and was lucky to take four weeks holiday annually Apparently there are plenty of doctors in Ontario but not enough general practitioners Metro Toronto has more than onethird of II doctors in the province Of this number about threequarters are available to provide patient care which means one doctor to every people Only a small percentage of these are in general practice The ratio of doctors to population is much lower in Acton and district which means of course that the D must perform more often The lack of a hospital here means time consuming trips to hospital in and Georgetown Most of us are apt to forget these things when we level unreasonable criticism at members of the medical profession We must remember the doctor is not an automaton but a highly skilled human being who needs time out to recharge batteries frayed by attendance over that could mean life or death the paM THE LAMB is 1 n accepted tho symbol Spring and resurrection of life The I til Chr adopted tho lamb as a symbol of Christ and in the early church He was called Paschal Lamb He was sacrificed on cross and subsequently rose from the dead si all over the world commemorate Good Friday and the feast of Easter this week the most joyous part the Chr stlan year s ar and Spice by bill smiley MERCHANTS BANK was at comer Mill and John where Joa Hunt barber and Etta Syrma flower shop are now Note tha wood sidewalk and dirt road Vend corner an two buildings now mlaing tha homo of Mr and Mrs A T Brown to highway No and Methodist church which was demolished Haven 1 a bit of doggerel for quite a wl le so I you II forgive me if I succumb to fiat rare and insane urge to write poetry Ode to Spring Spring You are simply not doing your thing Most seasons enter with a certain Equanimity You hai been coming in with utter Your behavior absurd And a bird Would be dumb enough to lake wing Tins spring Let see a little zing Spring I don mind the slush And the snow and below But it s not exactly the thing Spring And don know about you but that all can stomach thai particular poem 1 1 promises to be an interesting spring In Ontario the teachers in Metro Toronto asked for a sturdy increase The Board refused The teachers federation pink listed the Board This means that any member of the federation will be frowned on from a great height if he or she lakes a job with that Board The Trustees Council of the province has retaliated by baring its claws and exposing us yellow fangs li has pink listed all ihe school boards in the province The result should be a barrack room lawyers delight and an educational At least though doubt it this might put an end to the annual sale a demeaning aspect of a fairly fine profession where teachers arc lured with booze bigger salaries and other benefits into teaching at Great Slave Lake secondary school And at which school boards become panders Along this line don get loo excited by the government expressed to hold the line and take a firm stand A good way to avoid an accident is not to be there when it happens The Ontario Safety League says that although your brake is your best in most ugly traffic situations occasionally the gas pedal is the only possible saver For instance if a pile up develops ahead on an expressway your best hope of keeping clear may be to swing on to the- shoulder This would give the following traffic a better chance too Lots of people drive into trouble Sometimes quick thinkers are able to drive out of trouble THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE and Ed ifrfTttlMt against inflation The government is merely trying trim a little fat off the cat trying to conceal the fact that she is pregnant and nobody wants the kittens The rich will continue to be rich and the poor will continue to be poor And middle class will howl bloody murder as they always have care less I pay my income tax and support an entire family on welfare Maybe they need it I lived on bread and water for three weeks and I know what it like there are two things I object to in the White Paper on tax reform I don like to be taxed on taxes That is if paying in real estate lax and I have to pay income tax on that 1 object Strenuously And 1 object just as violently to the fantastc capital gains of land speculators This field is full of downright crooks working with other people money and producing nothing except fat profits for themselves Sock it to them Mr Benson This has nothing to do with tax reform but Kim Smiley is alive and well and living in Umbo That the favorite residence of a lot of young people these days It a sort of crossroads between Utopia and the salt Limbo is not a bad place to live actually No taxes no demand job I wouldn mind the odd holiday there But 1 like it as a permanent residence I d miss the old toil and struggle and sweat of real life It cool in Limbo but who wants to be cool all the ill take the arena of life where you have to face the bull and you can take that any way you wish and either not flinch from the horns or run like heck for the barricades At least here a choice We left Maggie and her brother In law fearless Phil Crane on the bus when It at I Ihe Credit lor the flat time In over 10 yean Maggie started to wonder whether the wanted to find lutl plain Hill her erring husband who left her In the one foggy lebruary I earless over and brushed her cheeks with hit lips The bus proceeded on to llelfi untatn as the two travellers gated in awe at towering limestone cliffs which make the forks of Credit a renowned beauty spot The bus climbed up Ihe sleep grade taking the left hand hairpin turn near the old nation with decided lean The angle was Phil almost landed in Maggies lap they proceeded up the road Close proximity gave a chance to look into each other eyes without other passengers observing Fearless Phil saw big question mark in Maggie hazel eyes She In turn could sec a deep sympathy In Phils brown orbs It drew her close There was a warm rapport between them It drew Maggie out of her shell She murmured il was a beautiful day The she boldly collected her thoughts and asked directly Phil s happened to just plan Bill Fearless swallowed lie I ready to but he realized he evade Maggies direct question Yes Maggie I think I know what has happened to my brother Today trip will settle it The bus jolted up the last rise and lurched to a stop at the general store mun Maggie Phil said Here where we get off Maggie and fearless Phil gathered heir belongings and descended the steps of the bus They were left standing on the store landing as the driver pulled away in a cloud of exhaust The pair of Iravcllers looked in all directions before Phil grabbed Maggie hand again and ihey started up road past the vdlage church Fearless Phil talked as he walked Some of the villagers observed the pair curiously One man noted to a customer as he gas into a car that the fellow looked familiar but admitted he t place him Phil told Maggie he left her abruptly in front of the Toronto hall last night because had had some telephoning and checking to do Just plain Bill was born in Belfountain he said All through his early years he romanticized about the village He never tired of hearing stories the early days when it was reputed Laves at ihe Forks were the scene of illicit stills that gold had been discovered and hidden by Indians plain practically lived in the cave when he was a boy Sometimes I had to go out looking for him long past die hour when he should have been homo fearless Phil explained When you told me he never reached Acton after the war I tensed somthing happened I know what but I went to a friend house and phoned Belfountain asking if they him Maggie Just plain Bll came back to after the war and been here for years Maggie stopped in her tracks You mean he 1 here now the asked He here said fear leu just around Maggie heart jumped but the trembled slightly at the mysteriuut look on Phil lace But what wrong Phil the queried Maggie when returned to he wasn the tame man Somewhere Toront and Acton he was way la by and they knocked in on the head never fully recovered One day he stumbled into the village and some kir d people took him in as 3 boy lie never recovered his memory until about a year ago Tli en it was lot late Maggie I thn k just pla n Bill is over there Fearless genlured across ihe road Ornate gate in black wrougl iron peacefully tanned the tree shaded lot was a cemetery Phil grabbed Maggie under her arms and propelled her across he road and rough the gates A look through he neatly kept grounds which ned weatherbeaten memor to long pioneers soon revealed a newlyopened sect on Fearless Phil piloted a shocked Maggie over to he newer neatly kept tombstones He stopped suddenly in front of a small red granite stone which modestly read DIED as tic result of an accident REV JUST PLAIN BILL CRANE R I Maggie read the words and then fell to the ground in a faint Concluded next week 20 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press Thursday March There have been many fine comments regarding the plowing of snow on streets recently The new ruck handles the work without effort town foreman A found after the storm last Friday There was no enthusiastic endorsement for a reunion or large event to mark he incorporation of Acton as a town in The monthly meeting of Rockwood Horticultural Society was held the public school when Mr Richard Han is showed pictures of catalogue roses and fruit A very pleasant evening was spent in Eden Mills hall when members of the Glen Mills and band put on a variety concert assisted by talent from and Guelph Davits give an Interesting discourse on his travels in Bermuda The teacher of S S No Nassagaweya school his been sick and the school closed for a few days 50 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press Thursday March The men of the Beam waited on their foreman Mr James read him a tribute and presented htm with a pipe They recognized his absolute fairness and expressed the hope he would long be spared to continue their foreman The St Patrick night concert under the auspices of St Joseph church Tilled the hall The program was varied and the feature of course was the address on Ireland by Rev Father Minehan of Toronto There a large and enthusiastic fathering at the annual meeting of the Acton Athletic Association In the Beardmore Club House Officer elected are G W Beudmore Hon president president A O T Beardmore lit William Arnold McDonald executive committee J Wood J Gould L B D Robertson Mrs J Gould Miss A Clarke Mrs L B bowling committee J Gould G Jr J Mcintosh Mrs Gould Mrs Henderson L Shorey Father Good row T Miss A Clarke Miss L Gray committee D Robertson J Mackie J Mellon W Anderson R Bennett N McNabb social committee Mrs L Shorey Miss Speight Mis A O Beardmore Mrs Arnold Miss Brown Mis G T Beardmore The motor cars are running now The Wonderland theatre shows pictures just a week after this week a magnificent new picture Cleopatra Theda The historical setting magnificent buildings and costumes give the picture a vividness and value it instructive 75 years ago Taken from issue of the Free Press Thursday March 21 1895 The annual report of Minister of Education for 1894 gives interesting statistics respecting the public schools Hilton County has a school population of 5 between the ages 112 pupils were enrolled with an average attendance of 2 There are teachc The highest salary paid to a male teacher was with the average and to female has no separate schools The desire of Cubans to free their island from Spain reached a degree of intensity that means revolution The event of the week in Milton will be the meeting of Liberals to select a candidate for the coming Dominion elections At a meeting of Liberal held in the town lull here Col Allen Councillor Havill and Mean John Lawson and Archibald were elected to attend the convention Rev Father GuuTard of the American Oblati Protestantism cannot succeed that In yean it have practically disappeared and there- will only be two choices for people or the Catholic church