Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1970, p. 13

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Editorial News from the Department of Highways that tenders have been called for reconstruction of Highway 7 between Acton and Georgetown recently was one of the most welcome pronouncements to come out of Toronto in some time Since there was editorial comment in these columns about the need for improvement on this stretch of highway earlier we wont dwell on it except to reiterate that the volume of traffic is increasing annually and improvement is welcome Drivers are going to have to put up with the inconvenience of construction for some time or else take an alternate route They should bear it cheerfully since the promise of a smooth wider highway as soon as possible will help to compensate for years when travel on that stretch was not only uncomfortable but dangerous If the proposed Golden Horseshoe Dragway is opened this year traffic volume on race days will increase to an extent no one thought possible in the days when the road was first modernized Dragway traffic will take away some of the benefits a modernized highway would confer on tho district but we would expect it will not interfere with everyday travel It is significant perhaps that improvements seem to fan out from Toronto rather than approaching from the west All roads in Ontario lead to Toronto much like the ancient maxim that all roads lead to Rome Acton drivers who use Highway regularly have commented on the increased use of the road by all manner of vehicles suggesting the traffic flow goes east rather than west the morning and reverses the flow in the fate afternoon Maximum minimum It is difficult to comment on the state of the highways without mentioning the deteriorating condition of street surfaces within the limits of town There is no doubt that the need for a major overhaul of roads in town is fast coming up as the mayor pointed out at a recent council meeting In some areas where council has already made plans to resurface there are more patching than original road surface One of the worst examples is on Bower Avenue between Willow and Elgin Streets where traffic using post office facilities is extremely heavy It is useless to postpone improvements to roads since the problems only compound themselves as roads deteriorate The taxpayer winds up paying more money over the long run with delay than he would if the needs had been attended to when they became necessary Not to mention the damage poor roads can do to cars and trucks which also comes out of taxpayers pockets However council has a problem to find the money for these projects without raising the mill rate to unreasonable levels The provincial government will pay subsidy on only expended on town roads After that figure it would be strictly up to local taxpayers to bear the burden of the road improvements without a cent of provincial aid Consequently it is quite likely that roads in Acton will not receive all the treatment they need this year en them It is difficult to restrain a feeling of disgust over recent developments in Ottawa where Members of Parliament are engaged in setting up their own pension fund While it is becoming more difficult for old age pensioners in the hundreds of thousands to get by on a maximum of slightly more than a month MPs are voting themselves a pension amounting to after six years service rising to a maximum of 13500 after 25 years And the most unbelievable point of all is that the will not have to wait until he is 65 to collect He starts receiving benefits from the pension as soon as he is defeated or when he decides not to stand for reelection Stanely the New Democratic Party critic has said that now the members have arranged to give themselves a guaranteed annual income they should do the same for the rest of the inhabitants of the country Government policy has been to encourage restraint to battle inflation and the country was starting to rally around The action within the House of Commons where they obviously dont practice what they preach has knocked that into a cocked hat MJs of all political stripes were behind the measure not just the government side which indicates there is no party lines when it comes to greed We would hope that when old Pressing demands from almost every other source that depends on municipal money will likely mean councillors will once again have to squeeze the maximum benefits from a small orange Although education taxes in town could drop as low as five mills the money it represents is urgently needed in other departments No one is more aware of this than the men who sit on council and try to come up with a reasonable taxation figure each year They are fully aware the town could use a real good injection of new assessment industrial and residential New assessment would solve many of the financial problems that now suffocate improvements Coupled with the subdivides agreement it could mean an era of orderly development which the municipality could control Instead the town fathers must sit around and wait with bated breath for decisions from Queens Park which seem to take longer and longer and delay development to the point where neither the developer or the development can whip up much interest when it finally does arrive The Senior Citizens development is a good example of this type of delay So there are not likely to be any pleasant surprises when the budget is struck this year but we expect council will make the maximum out of the minimum as they have been expected to do over the past several years age pension increases do finally come out for review that the M Ps will be as generous as they have been with themselves Almost old people in Canada are so poor they are entitled to receive the supplementary security Yet our representatives see fit to vote themselves a minimum pension almost three times what an old age pensioner will receive Shame on them THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office EASTER PARADE Feather finery at a district farm was kind enough to goose stop tor the Free Press photographer boldly Into the spring crook loosened from its Icy winter bonds by announcement spring has come However outside of some pussy willows which grow on branches few other signs of tho spring season appeared for tho Easter weekend Staff Photo Sugar and Spice by bill smiley Somebody ought to do something about Easter Its much too flexible Its supposed to be a time of rebirth and rejoicing But you cant really be by a feeling of rebirth and new life when there is still a foot of snow on the ground and the wind cuts to the marrow Sometimes Easter is in March and the weather Is beautiful Sometimes its in April and the weather is horrible I dont know how the date is determined any more than I know how to fix loose door knobs how to get outboard motors going when they stop what to do when a woman weeps or how to midwife to a cat Im not knocking Easter I like it I love the sackcloth and ashes feeling and the gloomy dirges of Good Friday when even the pubs are closed And there is a joy and triumph in the Easter Sunday hymns that cant be surpassed 1 think even by the Christmas carols Easter is also one of the days that keeps many of our churches from becoming extinct Some primitive instinct brings out the wayward the fallen the sinners and the Easter Sunday collection is the best of the year You meet old church friends you havent seen for a year And wont for another This year we were sent a Manifestation No it wasn t from the Department of National Revenue although it is pretty good at providing such things We had a birth in the family and were privileged to witness the blessed event an experience which must convince the most hardened cynic that God does see the tittle sparrow fall Our kitten had a baby This may seem a contradiction in terms but she is a bare adolescent yet she managed to produce with great yowling labor pains one liny kitten 1 didnt think cats had labor pains but she did Now I havent any use for cats but was fascinated by the whole procedure We knew she was pregnant of course But lady cats just like lady women are rather unpredictable about the exact day or even week of the great moment She had begun to act a trifle odd its true prowling the house looking for the most inconvenient possible place to lay her eggs We caught her twice in the fireplace casing the joint But I thought it was at least a week away She was so spry When we put her out she would leap nimbly onto a window sill and sit there glaring malevolently at friendly tomcats come to visit or alternately at us through the window I got home for lunch from a Saturday and was chatting with my wife the living room boring her with the shots 1 had almost nude Pip was sitting on the best chair in the room She was acting in a rather peculiar fashion stretching her legs in all directions I remarked on it My wife agreed and went over to look at her Too late The water sac or whatever had burst all over the brocaded upholstery With one fell swoop I snatched her up and deposited her on a blanket and bingo she popped a kittensomething resembling a tiny dead dinosaur Childbride though she was Pips instinct worked and she licked and licked until the infants heart began to beat Isnt it remarkable how a cat will clean up the entire mess leaving her offspring sleek and shining And isnt it amazing how a mere chick of a by the act of giving birth turns into a complacent mildeyed smug mother nursing by the hour with her motor going on all cylinders i We were as delighted as she was and had a glimmer of that feeling grandparents must have when the first grandchild arrives What really shook me though was my wifes reaction Normally if anyone drops so much as a crumb a bit of ash or a drop of coffee on her precious furniture all hell breaks Ioqsc And theres her good chair with a great stain on it and she tosses it off as nothing She became all soft and motherly and was heating milk and lucking in the kitten and lifting it on her hand lo look with the inevitable accident Total personal income distributed in Canada last year amounted to 1624 million a massive jimp of million over the previous year and a new record Who got if Where did it go The answers are provided in the breakdown of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics and they allow each individual to make his own determination as to the fairness or otherwise of the distribution Employees took the largest slice of the personal income pie million some per cent in wages and salaries This figure excludes social insurance and pension fund contributions Transfer payments mostly family allowances pensions and veterans benefits paid by Ottawa but also including charitable gifts from corporations accounted for the second largest 7242 million or an even 14per cent Farmers and others in business for themselves took another million 5 per cent while stockholders and those who draw income from rents and interest got slightly less million or per cent Military pay and allowances accounted for the remaining million 1 3 per cent An Acton soap opera CONCLUSION Maggie Stlltlegs fell to the ground In a faint when we left her last week at the graveside of the Rev Just Plain BUI Crane Fearless Phil had taken her where they walked to a nearby cemetery and found a small red granite stone proclaiming just plain Bill was underneath the sod But Reverend There were still many gaps in the story since fust plain BUI had left Maggie In the lurch In Acton disappearing down the Second Line one foggy February Fearless Phil had never faced a crisis like liiis before Maggie wis as white as a sheet her breathing shallow pulse irregular He propped her up against the stone and slapped her face in almost frenzied haste Finally Maggie slartcd lo revive Color came back to her cheeks and her breathing resumed its normal rhythm Fearless Phil looked at the supine figure and thought secretly how well preserved Maggie was Tor her age wondering In the same breath she would do now that a search over old had ended When Maggie opened her eyes and indicated she wanted to gel up fearless Phil took her hand and assisted her lo her feet She seemed resigned to the shocking news received when she read the tombstone He took her arm and guided her towards the cemetery durante and soon they were on the road walking back to the hamlet of Bclfounlain Later over strong lea the village lunchroom Maggie confided to Phil she was all mixed up inside I feel awful but Phil what happened to just plain Bill Wlial is this Reverend stuff How did he die The stone said it was the result of an accident happened fearless Phil patted her on the arm and said gently One thing at a time Maggie I know the whole story back and listen Maggie relaxed the frown on her face gradually easing into a pleasant smile of acquiescence Phil leaned back on his chair ana slowly started to explain When just plain Bill stumbled Into a victim of amnesia from a knock on the head kind villagers look him in and it wasnt long until he was physically strong and able to get about But he was very restless and the lack of memory made him very Irritable The village people tried to trace other members of the family but as you know Maggio I Bills only living relative fearless Phil explained and they couldnt track me down Jusl plain Bills increased and hed over to some nights and get a skin full of beer Then hed come back to the village and raise with his friend One night when he was in one of these hell raising tantrums theie was accident As result of It a young lady died while villagers stood around helpless Waiting for the doctor to arrive plain Bill was never the same again He blamed himself for the auto crash happened when a driver swerved to avoid him as lie stumbled across the road He never touched another drop He started attending church regularly found a job in a nearby quarry Money was never too plentiful in the village and environs What money he made he gave away to hose who needed helping hand Nobody was surprised when just plain Bill decided to be a minister some of his cronies who used to accompany him to the bootleggers Maggie they lell me Just plain BilFwai the best minister they every had In these parts fearless Phi said He returned here after ordination and everyone liked him He had plenty of offers to advance in the church but he preferred the simple life in the village and country His memory stared to come back gradually of the years funng the war He had hazy recollections of a wife Continued on Page 20 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press of Thursday March The brethren of Walker Lodge made ladies night an effort that all will remember Turkey dinner was served at the Yellow Briar Brampton George Musselle led a singsong Master Ivan Harris was in charge and the only were given by W J B There were movies cards and dancing for the 100 attending Junior Warden A J Buchanan and his committee were praised often and deservedly The marriage of Bcity Margaret daughter of Mr and Mrs Button to John Calvin took place at the home the bride March IS Eleada Bntton was bridesmaid and Donald the groomsman In last Saturdays basketball house league scrimmages Bob Red squad handed Ihe Black team under Philip McCnstall a 11 shellacking The senior badminton club got into their stride to defeat a team from Brampton games to 5 Particularly good performers for the locals included Helen Wolfe Dorothy Hassard Ken Hassard and Gord Bealty A new carpet is being laid in the auditorium of Knox church this week At a congregational meeting Wednesday Rev E A Currey B A B D was the unanimous choice to fill ihe pastoral vacancy made vacant by the death of Rev Louis Pickering Mr Currey is presently at Victoria Square The March meeting of Rock wood was held at the home of Mrs R O with a small attendance If you think youre hurt by the sewer construction dirt go and take a look at the in which the men arc laying the pipe 50 years ago Taken from the issue of the Press of Thursday Apn The monthly meeting of Acton Womens Institute was a delightful gathering which included a banquet to Mrs W Stewart and Mrs William McNabb both of whom have for years been active workers in the Institute and are now removing from Acton About partook of the good things Mrs George HaVHMrs Joseph Holmes Mrs M McLean and Mrs Moore proposed toasts Miss Minnie Z Bennett Mrs William Sayer and the guests of honor replied Miss M Clarridge contributed a solo and Miss M a piano selection At the meeting of the public library board Moore was reelected as secretarytreasurer for the year in succession Mr Moore had said he wished to be relieved of the duty Several members spoke of his services and a cheque far was tendered to Mr Moore as a token of appreciation for his years of service Mr Moore thanked the members and said he had not performed the duties for any monetary consideration He felt the salaries of the librarians should be increased so the salary of Miss Let tic Scott was increased to per month and Miss Isabel Elliott to a month Reference was made to the noisy and disorderly conduct of some of the younger patrons of the library and the board appointed Mr John Cameron the chairman to visit library and inform the offenders that disorderly conduct must cease Offenders may lose the privileges of the library Mr W Stewart has sold his semidetached house on Bower Ave to Mr John Bruce and removes with his family to Milton where he it close shelter in his new position as superintendent of the Childrens Aid Society Masters Calvin and Wilson of Toronto are spending Easter holidays in Acton 75 years ago Taken from issue of the Free Press of Thursday March Mr Albeit left last week to make a tour of the populous centres of the stale of Maine giving phonograph concerts The Laing Brothers are very successful with the phonograph and have now three machines work Their careful attention to details enables them to entertain the public wherever they go with much satisfaction The members of the local Board of Health met Friday in the Council Chambers with members present reeve Pearson Clerk Moore and Messrs R Kennel Robert Wallace and H Moore Arrangements were made for the annual inspection of the municipality to commence on the 1 day of May The desire of board is to continue the excellent sanitary condition which has characterized Acton in the past Judging from the enthusiasm which characterized the meeting held in the Chambers on Saturday for the organization of a baseball club for the coming season this game will lead among local athletics in Officers are Hon President N Weber president I Vicepresident Harry Jeans secretary George treasurer Murray McDonald manager George captain executive committee W A Storey I Jr Swackhamer Wellington Smith and James P Mulltn The ice men are about through with their harvest for the season An unusual quantity was taken off the pond this year The ice on Hendersons pond was about inches thick clear as crystal The cold snap has not affected the price of eggs 13c and butter

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