Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 6, 1970, p. 7

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By Wendy Thomson I spent a great deal of time down in the hide tonal getting to know twin foals have became absolutely fascinated by diem and their amies Whenever company came that the first place they go armed with and camera had people stop in to see them so far At five weeks they were still very much die babies but would dash out he gate to gawk at the big wide world every eliancc they got Then they became quite forlorn and pitiful when they find their way back in again best forme was nap time Black Velvet would stand and drowse keeping a sleepy eye on her babies They would come trotting and tottering over to where I was sitting to be polled awhile then beside me This was a perfect opportunity to give hem a good going over Their manes were about two inches long and as soft fine as child s hair The colts is now beginning to lie down but the filly s is a bit wavy and slicks up m hltlc half curls all down her Their tails arc ridiculous like large fealhcr lacked on behind Their flipping docsn t disturb the flies too much so the twins usually stand under Velvet till where they get the full fly of its sweep Sometimes if you said to the colt Lot me sec your he his neck out roll his dps back display four enormous that filled the whole front of his mouth Those rcsllcss teeth were forever fastening onto any pin of anybody that was available The colt baby began to come out and he tin around a woolly body and a smooth shiny rump but the filly was still M baby I rolled her over in the hay and brushed her down marvelling the softness of her underside It was almost like rabbit fur Mostly those days we just lay and talked We Hiked about hawks and my mousing eat who always joined us my who joined her and of the pasture The was j great fascination them Velvet kept looking longingly at all that green grass while ihelwms wire seven kinds of curious about the other horse and the iwo points eating it Today I decided that all go out in tire fidkj tSgcthcr So here arc me up the top of the hill to keep an eye on things and all six chasing along the flat It s a beautiful picture against the rich gncn of the new grass I think there few things exciting to watch than horses running the pomes Daisy dark brown a black mane and tail had Grey Chestnut with a blonde mane and tail Morgy the yearling dark brown coming out in her spots with dark nunc and white tail Hot on the of tint group is the colt a bright chestnut so up in the joy of running that he pulled ahead of his mother who after so many months ot the racing is leaping and kicking every few steps Her winter coat is just about gone and hir black coat gleams and shines with every pull of her muscles And then comes filly Poor litllc Sparrow She gels the worst of it lvcry time Velvet decided run Sparrow is standing under her out of the sun looking out from under her mothers tail By the time she collects herself after the whirlwind of legs had tone by she been left behind and tears desperately after whinnying Wait for me in her baby Two seconds ago I was all alone on lop of llus hill minding in own business There was a bncl thundering of hooves and was surrounded 1 had just stretched out in the sun for a minute and the crowd had to come and investigate Daily dribbled halfeaten grass on my hair then began lipping at my ear had picked up the camera case by its strap and swung it with the hopeful look thai there might possibly be an apple or two in it and made off with the lead rope Now they vc laken off down into the bushes bordering the and know what s commit Hour Approvals 2nd 3rd ARRANGED IN THE CONVENIENCE OF YOUR HOME i 10 LOW cost You can oil lor Prompt Corp Ltd Richmond Si CALL COLLECT 3604686 EVQS 234913 next think there was a herd of elephants in dure watering by all the crashing but it only Velvet stirring up the mud in the creek bed then rolling it There about foot and half of water in it now though so shell be more wet than muddy thank he vens Yes here she comes now just soaking wet with Ihc twins looking a little ilarmed at this new facet duly living And she goes to a good roll in the i Just 1 can tell what I II be doing tonight The 1 id the most comment on is Doodle Cnke and reprinting it in you missed it fust time It s it to it AM bo lour 1 cup sugar 1 baking 1 li I aline a 1 sail Muki indentation in the Hour in it put 1 7 A a tribute Public health nurse groups speaker CUSTOMERS ATTENDING official opening of the now Supermarket last Wednesday received orchids from store owner John Edmunds wife Betty Boa Ann I and baby Joanna took minute to pose for Free Press camera Staff Photo Mrs Gates elected Greenock president iTulcVXi 5jOlc Mission Circle birthday supper Members tin Marion Mission Circle met it the home Harriet for their annul supper Alter the delicious bullet ill the lovely sun room held their opened with a thoiijjil and prayer Dunne die business session transport was lor members to attend the meeting ot the Baptist Mission Circle 12 winch will with a dinner 10 A tetter was read by Jessie Irom the White Cross secret ir shipments be held mill notice because suae in the shipping of such to Mrs use a report on the Association meeting held last Saturdiy in I lliptist Church She summarized the highlights the held on the work Baptist Youth Women Institute met at home Mis James lor anmnl meeting held April I I Mrs Roll l ill wis membership lees Achievement d ly lor the on I itness district high Mrs lesli on the spring meet district directors held it the home ol the district president Mrs I ay in March Ml were reminded ol the District to be held in the Disciples Chinch Ihllsburg on I pi ins were to be made it the next May A li ink you cud wis read from the Rock Along Institute Ih inking the for the projeel with i difference After Conveners reports the report showed mother very succcsslnl Mrs Will ice summary report of her two president reljlii illerilitc director Wall ice Mrs Johnston Mrs Mrs Sinclair il flower conveners ship p 1 Leslie Mrs education Mrs J MeCulloeh and Mrs ill ice agriculture industries Mrs Mrs C Allan Home I continues and Mrs Johnston Mrs Sinclair Re llltl Mr temperance drills Mrs Patterson Mi Agriculture Mrs A Winter Twccdsmuir Miss This tribute to Mother for Mothers wjs written by Vivian Wiggins Troy Mrs John Troy of Hamilton a former resident of this district She is the youngest daughter of the Lite Samuel Wiggins and Lome School Mrs Orwell Johnston is sister Some Mrs Troys many poems have been published in book form A VIRTUOUS WOMAN A Tribute to Mother Who find Virtuous Worn in Tor her price fir above rubies 10 My Mother lived i virtuous life Amid the ires toils Which met her on the common way She bravely to With faith in sweet serene She drew her Irom Him She look delight in simple things tree el id lulls Hie lyside springs A sunset scene r st ir he sounds dure fir In flower and shrub growing sod She saw the indiwork of God ller children were her chief delight Tor them she prayed by d and night How those humble prayers When bitter winds oT Life Our fe were hushed our griefs assu iged And God was near when Mother In I I in see her now ller upon i fevered brow lhat tender loving touch I in our childhood me so much She ministered unto her own Her ol labour her home In Mother s life we ill in ice virtues and the fruits of ice patience kindness love Meekness gentleness which prove it she knew fellowship with dud rum Whom these truits of nierey flowed With modesty and humble She laboured in her own sm ill But she shall ire in the rew With those who served in few honours lo her here were given Her tre were laid up in by in Wiggins I roy Out The meeting of of Knox wis held Monday lien Anderson room president Mrs Hem Van I opened the meetn g with living I repe flic mute- KIDS of the were I sen aid the roll by I two guests Mrs Swil group her the devotion il worship sponsively from I w im unity hive witl While it sunt nice on Mrs Ashley introduced Mrs Helen the public nurse for issigiwcy She i very interesting ind inform on their work in the homes of I was served by the group in eh irje lime wis spent Ladies Aid meeting The I idles of km Insbylcriiii met in i Sundry 1 H The Ihe Willi i pi i entitled I repress itter which il hymn Mere love flu wis Mini ipriycr he I In rcirdless ind the I ill rep rt I Ml mil Mrs Minn Icel pr el with the si Me I Mmy people will ihnosl inyihinf hi ml LTD Distributor of Home and Farm Products Serving Acton and Since ir HEATING OILS LUBRICATION OILS GREASES GASOLINES DIESEL FUEL Phone 8532174 DEPENDABLE 011 BURNER SALES A SERVICE Young St Acton of Mr Sinclair Mrs I thanked the Ilttcrson and Mrs Aitken Historic research current events Miss I Mrs Mckcown Auditors Mrs Johnston Mrs Gates newlyelected hoped the lent would also receive the help for her term ol office Rilph Sinclair presented spoke Mis- and work being considered The evening closed contest which merriment s I ha IV repot Coles evening for farmers this ear OUR of Irost list night BOTH and adults hasc been swimming in lailv Lake already Ihen to lake tin ol Past president Mr president Gates first vice president J MeCulloeh second president Mrs Si secretary treasurer Mr issistjul see treasurer Mis G Mrs appreciation and asked for the help of the members to make her Icon a success Mrs G Wallace showed slides on modem kitchens thai arc being built in homes of today and which could be built in our own homes if wc planned to remodel These were enjoyed by all showed these slides while Mrs Wallace commented delicious lunch was served by Mrs assisted by lunch conveners Mrs Patterson Mrs Sinclair Day If ui a c today s SUNDAY is Mothei you re wondering suitable present ads OF piciures that appear in the frce Press ma be ordered and they re ready in a week or so GRASS IS greener because of all the fertilizers sold by the midget and juvenile hockey learns earlier the spring i BOWL for Pleasure for Health THE ENTIRE FAMILY CAN BOWL TOGETHER GO BOWLING ACTON BOWLING LANES MAIN S MEMBER 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