Open sparkling new plant Sat Up new mil In 111 linns 1 i i THE GREEN CLAD digester cling to the brow of the hill at the highest point of the plant almost like medneval tower Sludgi Is circulated through a heat to miinfun temperature at degrees to decompose the sludge It is 35 feet in diameter deep Staff Photo Tin opening of the towns spanking new water pollution control plant will take place tins afternoon Acton council lias invited everyone to pirtiupatt in tht opening ceremonies and view the plant ranking as oik of the most modern on the continent Both the engineers and contractors are mighty proud of the pi ml which cost an estimated 400 to complete Construction begin in September on the project workmen ire just putting finishing touches on the job this Spell takers lines winch begin will be dearie Minister John the Wit and Hilton I Rod In will welcome pit sis opening preside for ribbon misted guests Rev will die lit raw pi nit ltd Ivki committee is pi out mi mm in Site for Hit pollution control plant was donated by the mechanical ton rat I or Lid engineers for the piojett wen Anderson Associates Ltd Toronto The origin si pollution control pi ml winch is still irrymg lull hud w is for 19 SO when Acton wis town people md opera tint lM The plant ipauty douh mtroducl tin system i of mil will Inndle gillons I day which works a per ipil whin it capacity iffitiintv complex including Hit f secondary md p txpeitid lull pi in Hit jtm final Hind hoi of Hi dovibl inn iijtim lilt houstlmldtis is spin for mil pie is nit THE I the Stiff Photo Ninety Fiflh Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY MAY SI ONI ON AY OUT tH ILIM IlUKlN INILUIM WORKS sew let tin 1 is m sums ltd In st and tin trtitmciit mdsiibseqiiuit dispute lllnklriik I OR I hi lust ihrough nil mum shredding known Barinmuu his unit shnds tin 1 in Ilk in How I sii limit idtls Ik add and lo i lu ill mainun line to equipment plUfcLJCAS instill loll mm tin tin wastes an i tin In hilt Ik I HI iitlulK toll of tin ink limit suits mi low ptciMin air underwater llus toll in the sitting out tin ill and sand but lis tin lijjilu oil inn nil Hows to lit links tor this stji approximately per Oxygen Demand pertaining to ilium SO pir of ihe Suspended Solids d mi he wisk flow trials asjnusi i pumped tin ol tin t ink pumps and mti ihauiiels when tin liquid is detained into tin mam flow tin is nmostd tor landlill purposes in tin s minis tin plain FLOW SPLIT INC hollow me lie ol the waste How is then hvdiaulnallv Ik new plan tapauly ah tin plant an lilt pumps art this point pump that portion wasie flow PRIMARY SLTTUV dillcuui in tin the new plain an in lumlion and a two hours ihe latger in the to the the tank to form a dense This is Inn continuously collected by underwater and flight mechanisms and moved lo the end of lank when the concentrated sludge is transferred manual into the adjacent raw sludge hopper From this hopper ihe raw lunge My pc pumps transfer the sludge along With surface scum ihe the Primary further treatment first passing through the heal The effluent treated liquid waste How from primary tjji tht In Jinn sequence In wherein the primary into In tanks when a controlled inviioiunciii is maintained To Minimum in larci quantities of gen and relum tlu I iiijI ScKlmt Tanks arc required At this tin How is in tin aeration tanks for period about hours and is generated iiiLdijniiil Fundamentally these in not underwater impeller which s and agitaks lln tank to prevent allows to be entrapped I Si ITicelfluenl from the Aeration Tanks often rilirnd to as liquor now enters final settling tank In an of about hours to allow he actuated sludge out llus lank is also equipped wnh a and mtthanisni to remove the settled sludct pumping and to the aeration tanks Villi tin IJitii portion tins sludge is returned to the atuiion tanks maintain balance a small portion is wasted to the primary settling tanks for ultimate to digester At this of the process the fluent from the final settling tanks is approximated per ten of BOD and Suspended Solids Due the low annual now in the and incompatible high flows from the expanded Pollution Plant an additional treatment Tertiar Treatmcni stage is employed Tin lank from the existing plant as well as the new plant extension flows through separate Flumes which the individual hydraulic flows These effluent flows ihe combine and enter he Tertiary Settling Lagoon for a retention period of I days This lagoon is about nine deep and covers an area of approximately Tht lagoon 1 Hut then passts Ihi pumpiue state sprayed over a Sand and tiller l spra The of his bed less am and consists a lour fool sh up sand pi and crushed stone mini Willi He drains The tlllucni thus media and is in tht loi transfer he lank The enters lie and tonics in with pit thlonuc solution lor a period al least mitLs flow This disinfection mi path lei be in effluent in il the Black Creek Ihe overall treatment plant primary secondary and terliaiy phases is expeeted cent DICLSTION The raw withdrawn tht primary auks pumped a heat txchanger when it is prior to introduction to the primary This digtstir equipped a fixed steel dome is IS feet diameter In and of construction The in this diccstei is through the heal exchanger so as to maintain tin a about degrees lo provide for tin anaerobic bacteria to dceompost or the During deeomposmon are produced pnr methane and are vised as fuel for he heat boil two motor driven mixers located on digesler dome J to minimize scum build up at level of the sludge The sludge is retained in the primary digester for a period of approximately 15 to days and is then transferred the smaller secondary where digestion process is completed In this digester the digested sludge slowly settles out leaving a liquid supernatant which is returned to ihe aeration FINAL SETTLING tank before sewage goes into the lagoon i shown It allows activated sludge to settle Staff Photo