Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 10, 1970, p. 15

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Fiw Trull Juno SHh4aif C From ami bunny cm to spice in one lilo Unto accepted it nil in 111 stride Thats Charles Kelley affectionately known us l K who was born when Canada was a child three The new nation had problems even with Sir John the helm were slinky Upper Canada where O used to live wns a rural society where towns and villages housed nearly everyone that wasnt on the Cities were small Tew people liave the privilege of experiencing at first hand the birth gradual maturity of a new nation Fewer still have a strong memory of the old days Charles Kelky Browne qualifies an both counts however The gift of longevity hasnt been wasted on the veteran Orangeman who still finds the inclination to serve customer and swap stories at his sum- on Main SI N Hes lived through ho turbulent years and enjoyed the belter ones II spunk is imasurid in is unite likely to bo around lor cent r Hes got stories to tell jokes to relate to smoke and loves to pull legs as they go back and between the Robert I school oil I duration lune a path the this community trod lor over a century When someone has passed the 100 mark naturally everyone wants to know the formula Were looking lor the fountain of youth s recipe may be a little unorthodox but he has the year to prove it works We join with the hundreds of other well wishers In saying Happy Birthday We hope you have more of them NEW ROUTE was tor the first time by parade at Dncorotlon Day Hum mnrchurs wend way back out through ibe ireea iho Cobblohlll Road Members of LOL are riflhi behind Acton Citlians Bund Centenarian C K Browne was in attandanco but dldn t parade Stall Phoio Wutch for an announcement before this session of Parliament ends that the current promotion war between cigarette manufacturers will be stopped According to the manual Post manufacturers are waiting for federal Health Minister John to put a stop to the cash games and offers Privately hey arc saying tint the recent prize- money escalation force the health minister to act this fall or early It is also expected Mr will introduce curbs on broadcast advertising and ask for package warning labels More than per cent of the cigarettes sold in this country are- promoted by cash or gifts and the ratio is increasing rapidly It is believed Canadian cigarette You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thriH You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money You cannot build character and courage by taking man initiative and independence You cannot help men permanent by doing for them what could do for themselves Lincoln Two University of Western Ontario scientists have treated a coffee break snack out of raw sewage Other people might be more reluctant to the delicacy but Jim and student Volesky who developed the fungus food say the high protein flakes could well save thousands of persons from dying of starvation The food companies are- giving at least million a year in incentives Cash prizes in packages are creating other problems also that probably even the most zealous promoter didnt conceive when the program was introduced Four young scalhwags in Grades 7 and were caught recently smoking cigarettes behind portable classroom in a Wellington county school playground An indignant principal moved to discipline the quartet But then he found there was another problem as well They had bought a well known brand for their illicit puffing and won themselves a winning poker hand worth 1 00 The story doesnt say so but no doubt the principal was torn between knocking the quartets heads together and congratulating them for picking a winner tastes like dry blotting paper It is when a microbe found in raw sewage is treated with natural gas- the worlds largest natural resource Jogging is obviously fast becoming a new route to physical fitness There is a visibly growing parade of dedicated men in sweatshirts puffing along quiet streets fighting off stray dogs and bemused stares And its all probably very good for your heart lungs muscle tone and weight control Provided warns the Journal of Industrial Medicine it doesnt kill you or bring on a coronary attack or leave you around on bad knees and ankles But if jogging is your thing have the good sense- to see your doctor first Some need more exercise than others or can take more but as little as two hours a week thats 15 minutes to minutes a day can be enough Sugar and Spice by bill smiley rem the FEELING THE HEAT A cooling sight Mill Street half a century ago Thb postcard was lent by Mrs Gordon This year again there is a terrible panic about not being able to ee It is by the feels thai general unemployment is steadily increasing that a fairly heavy recession seems on the hooks and that many companies arc losing money or broke My heart dues not bleed lor the stockbrokers and Hie financial wheelerdealers But the speak for themselves The construction industry is in the doldrums The Prairie wheat farmers in bad shape These iwo big sources of labor and income can knock our economy cockeyed temporarily But to get back lo the students and their lack of jobs Much of this wailing is pure hokum I feel genuinely sorry for student who has tried earnestly to get job ami failed However for most of others I squeeze a single tear There is a job for per cent of them if they want But they want THE job They want one like the old man has Hive days a week coffee breaks nothing demeaning and good pay They dont want a job they want a sinecure Something where they can put in so many hours and collect so mueh loot whether they re any use of not something where they can treat the job as an unfortunate interruption of their fun lime and thai is not beneath them Police in Montreal arc catching speeders without being bothered by the difficulty of attributing time measurement to the wrong car according to Canadian Controls Instrumentation magazine in an article titled Phototimer radar clocks correct car at true speed According to the article a new phototimer radar unit ends inaccuracy of measurement due to fluctuations and interference The unit is said to be proof against radar detectors mounted in civilian cars and is said to end the question of error in court rooms by providing evidence against speeders as follows an automatically delivered photograph at the rear of the speeders vehicle showing his licence plate a speedometer registering his speed a clock showing the exact time the date and the surrounding area One of the great values of seat belts is that they prevent ejection from the vehicle after a crash The Ontario Safety League reports an unusual incident not involving a collision that led to the death of an unbelted driver One driver apparently fell asleep leaned against the car door and fell into the path of another car travelling the same direction The empty car then crashed into a field several hundred yards away Tins is not a blanket I know a lot of kills who slug it out in duly lough jobs all tin hoi summer mouths while hut more discriminating lounge beach lune around the streets he In mil whine about system which t provided a job fur Hits by the way is lie same system they constantly attack heme competitive I haven much patience with tins laige group How nimy of Hie slouching around in je ins or dazzling mankind with their bikinis have In get a joh is domestic help All over tin country women who can pay lor it are scrambling loi baby sitters Hour scrubbers human dishwashers and mums These kids could make SI SO in hour with colfee breaks a Tree lunch and weekends off But this is below their dignity They t go to Grade I or to university do housework How many boys apply lor menial tasks even though they pay well Short order cook scrubbing Hours in office buildings gardens lawns clipping hedges Not the hours aic Ion long ot the work is ion hard or tin sun is too ho 1 know Recently I some kids Hi rake my lawn because I l ban nine in do myself I offered the job lour my classes per cent tlienl boys SI an hour They laughed Heartily but without malice Know what I wound up with Iwo le Gride 11 girls about live leet nothing Tlay wmtcd the money buy clothes and worked like win beavers Did a better job than any I ever lured lilistcicd all hands the thickets to the leaves billed AH of the big plastic Am enterprising youth could make killing cutting lawns on a basis expenditure would be about He could make a without pushing himself Bui that isn I very When I think of my first job cleaning latrines scrubbing flours and polishing brass 12 bouts a day days a week S10a month sou can understand lack of sympalhs THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 111 Don yirtivo off mi a I line l In worm I him limit viw lake limit old made inn giving In in lake the muni avals t in in degree in I 111 country I dry parallel hack in llic l fin in I Ihc In amllir Will 1 Z lb lllri- hey tlr today cam I A fluid look Ihc in Itinv till Inl to Hie old jijir It lime Ink nil IXl yean a hack Hie I when could tic pretty lillhulrnl hut A for pleading llul Hie anil makci Hack a liy carrier hi whatever In dat lorn I have recently live jjji slruiiiriliiif a pillar while are j llicii whence happen that yuii have read bill nnr jw while your mure dun have to loo Inline In I nut I family has iheni jcnd boys oil In In llic bunks mil cad of taking a Hade lummy a la Ihc in llm were very ejuarrelsurne One medieval scribe said they quarrel among themselves over 111 what nut slashing off one another s lingers with swords or with only knives in ilicir lutids and nothing in protect hen tonsured pates rush into liom which armed knights would hold back Sound familiar In hose days when money was even lender in come by than it is now dissolute and unruly scholar was a minority The inajuniy of those who attended worked hard and absorbed much knowledge Statutes forbade mos games dancing was pruliibilcd and the rose dawn as much light for as they could gel for candles were expensive here were no fires when came the sludcnl took his bed early to slay warm Ihr J t day 1 Ibr Inr Oxford I Jim run iJJilvenily tonic Die wine served al a In the Ihtcw wine al lie Indents went I nun- i aimed with anil kind used in those llmei were by IkIIs of Si Mary he I llic remainder of the and sluilejils slagfd one the aw Due poor am ihc preponderance oi ale few were injured belt the lie day townspeople killed several scholars at were at I rustled in lo join he sport and they ransacked university killed and mutilated sludenls look King and chinch separate Ihc and restore peace and older And for nearly years the own did penance on I 10 Si day There were similar incidents all I where tie students and burgher didn see eye to eye so they restored In viewing each other over weapons changed much have Times tally ha they As a mjtler of fact the evidence seems to indicate that he of today an over some of lieu predecessor So if you got about sending Junior or to he universities lake heart at the knowledge rouble gel mlo will not be something invented themselves II has all been dune before 20 years ago from the issue lie Press Thursday June Winners and contestants he Musical 1 estiva were given a chance to present I heir talents to an Acton audience when he Lakeside Chapter of lODfc sponsored a program of festival numbers and presentations m own hall Mrs On welcomed the rather large audience and Bob Iarker svas master of ceremonies for the Over students took pat in the program and raised money for the Manitoba Hood Relief Fund The pne choir of Acton public school rained by Miss Stewart won the Acton I shield which been won by an Acton entry 1938 Singing solus were Margaret Armstrong Ann Maplcsdcn Margaret Morrison Paul Grant Marjone McDonald Helen Landsborough and Bill I Day awards were presented Miss Benin 1 1 and Mrs F Blow 50 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press Thursday June 1920 The Committee of Five has examined nuns designs for the monument to out soldiers and lias let the contract to Mcintosh Granite Co Toronto Acton omens Institute gatden party will be the premier attraction of lh week Our schools honour roll for Ihc May examinations included he names of Clara Lam Gibbons James Edna Johnston Maxwell Bell Isabel Elliott Ray Esther Starkman Frances Hunt Martha Orr Sabta Nelson Jessie Mann Margaret Mary Gibbons Helen Anderson Harold Mane Mowat Cooper Edna Henderson Nellie Hall James Ross Mane Laud Dancey Laud McDonald Ryder Vera Hurst Lloyd Forbes Minnie Blair George Jiggini Seotl Fred Warren Lena Coslello at the high school Jean Orr Millie Ivy Precious Madeleine Ma sales Dura LamWt Helen McDonald Alfred Bishop Helen Coxe bathe Landsboiough John Teddie Clifford I rank Kelly Hazel James Russell Howard Hurst Ada Mills I Green Max Marjory Mann Doris Onslow Lily Tyler Hurst Kathleen Kelly Phyllis Tyler Margaret McDonald Meryl May Allan Marshall Doris McDonald Gibbons Mildred Abbie Price Mills Billy Williams in he public school Vic Coleman was secretary of the C A in London will uin the staff of Col or craft in Tor on I The managing director another Free Press graduate A It is a very prosperous busmen institution it lime a tracer wai placed the transformer lor power It 1 over three months street lamps quit 75 years ago Tresis Mr John one ibe earliest settlers Thursday setrs licensed came out to settled in ihe Scotch a 4- Ik out with the at the and a medil let rn at that tame He in he Ann who died lli He his remained emnurned He wis an earnest member of the Methodist church and the early days was an He leaves children He passed away peacefully at a old age after a spent life In the town hall Monday and Tuesday Shakes pear can Company produced a number of dramas and historic plays The first nights performance consisted of The Merchant of Venice the humorous farce A Dead Shot and the historic drama Delicate Ground On the second night the beautiful comedy The Honeymoon was followed by the historical tragedy King Richard HI Betsy Baker a comical completed the entertainment The plays were moral and had an elevating one The troup moved on to the Opera House A man has offered a pnze of to the first girl who will ride through the main street of the town in bloomers Statute Labor has commenced this season Road working is the order of ihc day

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